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Richard K. Moore

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March 21, 2014

NOTE:  The author of this article is on the right track with his 'electric universe" concept.   He needs to read Phoenix Journal #32 for the wholte Truth ---PHB


A possible explanation for cycles of human Consciousness

Our magnetic environment

The Earth has a magnetic field, and so do the Moon, the Sun, the other planets, and the galaxy itself. The Sun’s magnetic field extends far out beyond the planets, creating a plasma shield around the solar system that protects it from external intrusions, like the membrane of a cell protecting the cell. So here on the Earth we are very much under the influence of the Sun’s magnetic field as well as the Earth’s.

Similarly, the magnetic field of the galaxy extends beyond the visible galaxy, creating a plasma shield around the galaxy. So we are very much under the influence of the galaxy’s magnetic field as well. The Moon’s magnetic field is not very strong, but because the Moon is so close, we are also influenced to some extent by its magnetic field.

Thus, the magnetic fields of the Earth, Moon, Sun, and galaxy all influence the magnetic energy fields we are experiencing at any given time. As to why that’s important we will get to later. For now I just want to make it clear that all four influences are significant, as regards the magnetic field being experienced on Earth.

The daily and monthly magnetic cycles – the Moon’s influence

Consider this image of the Earth’s magnetic field. In particular, notice that Earth's rotational axis is different than its magnetic axis...

Figure 1 – Tilt between our rotational and magnetic axes

As the Earth rotates around its rotational axis, the axis of its magnetic field wobbles around in a circle. It wobbles with respect to the magnetic axis of the Moon, of the Sun, and of the galaxy. When two magnetic fields interact, the relative alignment of the axes is critical as regards how they interact. If you hold two bar magnets near one another, the forces acting on them depend very much on how you align them.

As the Earth’s axis wobbles over a 24-hour cycle, the resonance between it’s own magnetic field and each of the three other fields is continually shifting. If we mapped the changing field lines, we’d see little waves of various frequencies and amplitudes promulgating among the field lines, as the interference patterns among the four fields shifts slightly.  It would be something like the surf coming in on a beach, with quiet intervals, intense intervals, repetitive patterns, etc. And ‘beach conditions’ would the about the same each day, for any given time of day. The Earth wobbles through (almost) the same relative alignment patterns each second of a day, as it went through the previous day at the same second.

The Moon’s field is the exception. The Moon shifts its own axis slightly, relative to our axis, over a 24-hour period as it moves in its orbit around the Earth. The outcome is that each day we experience a shifting magnetic environment, and the pattern of that shifting varies only incrementally each day, giving us a daily repetitive cycle, and wrapped around that a monthly repetitive cycle. Repetitive as regards the magnetic energy patterns we are exposed to.

The annual magnetic cycle – the Sun’s influence

Consider next this image, showing how the tilt of the Earth’s rotational axis varies with respect to the Sun over the course of a year.

Figure 2 – Tilt of Earth’s rotational axis relative to the Sun

At the Summer Solstice, our northern rotational axis – and magnetic axis – is pointing toward the Sun, and at the Winter Solstice both axes are pointing away from the Sun. Over the course of a year our magnetic environment goes through an annual cycle, based on the relative alignment of our magnetic axis with that of the Sun. This annual variation in alignment is much greater than the daily variation caused by wobbling.

It is important not to think of the Sun as ‘far away’, when it comes to magnetism. The Sun’s magnetic field is right here right now, and it is very powerful. A relative shift in our axis could have a major local magnetic effect, given the amount of energy in the solar field. It’s like our axis alignment is a tuner on a radio, and a small shift in the tuner can suddenly bring in a station loud and clear.

The precessional magnetic cycle – the galaxy’s influence

Figure 3 – Tilt of Earth’s rotational axis relative to the galaxy

The orbital axis of the Earth wobbles over a 26,000-year cycle, by precession, just like a wobbling top spinning on a table. These wobbles bring about the biggest variations in our magnetic alignment with the galactic magnetic field, and the effect the galaxy’s field will therefore lead to energy patterns that repeat on a 26,000-year cycle.

And as with the Sun it is important not to think of the galaxy as ‘far away’. The galactic field is immensely powerful, and it extends out to the furthest reaches of the galaxy. We are right in the midst of that powerful field, and our ‘axis tuner’ can modulate how that energy affects us. Our relative alignment with the galactic axis could turn out to be the most significant term, in the equation that describes the energy dynamics of our magnetic environment.

We are tuned in live to the cosmos

In the standard model of cosmology, the only important connections we have with the rest of the cosmos are (1) radiation and particles that reach us, and (2) gravity that governs our orbit and the tides. In that model our solar system is an isolated island, with its own nuclear power station, and is for the most part unaffected by anything going on outside the island. In that model, the only ‘cosmic interactions’ that have any real meaning for us are the radiation we get from the Sun, and the effect of the Moon in causing tides.

With magnetism we have an example of a mechanism that connects us to the cosmos in ways that the standard model could never imagine. Not only do we have a cyclic magnetic relationship with the Moon, Sun, and galaxy, these are in addition real-time relationships. The standard model thinks of the galactic center as being far away, with us seeing its light from long, long ago. When we think instead of the galaxy’s magnetic field, rather than its center, then we are in touch with the galaxy right now, as it is now, interacting with its energy in real time.

The Electric Model of the universe

99.999% of the matter in the universe, including all the matter in stars, is in plasma form – ionized particles that respond to electric and magnetic fields. Plasma has been studied in laboratory experiments for over a century, and a vast amount of experimental data and analysis is now available. It is relatively easy to create plasmas in the laboratory, and to study how they respond to electric and magnetic fields.

A network of scientists from around the world has been cooperating on what they call the Thunderbolts Project. They have been using our knowledge of plasma behavior, looking at cosmology from a plasma perspective, and developing a very robust electric model of the universe. The project has a website and a YouTube channel, which explain the model and the latest developments in the field in clear, understandable terms. The Essential Guide to the Electric Universe provides a comprehensive overview of the model.

Electrical and magnetic forces are many billions of times stronger than gravity, as anyone can demonstrate with a toy magnet, which can overcome the gravity of the entire Earth, by lifting a piece of metal. In a universe that is mostly plasma, it is not surprising that magnetic and electrical forces would predominate.

The gravitational model of the universe – the standard model – originated over two centuries ago, when nothing was known about plasmas, gravity was the only force thought to act at very long distances, and our astronomical knowledge didn’t extend much beyond the solar system. The model works well for the orbits of the planets, moons, and comets, and for a very long time there was no reason to question the model.

As the sophistication of our telescopes and other tools increased, we began to gain a quantitative understanding of astronomical phenomena; we learned how to estimate the distances, masses, composition, energies, and motions of distant objects in the universe. Over the years new assumptions were required, so that the gravitational model could account for what was being learned and observed.

It has gotten to the point now where the most creative activity in mainstream cosmology is inventing new assumptions, no matter how wild and implausible, to account for what’s being observed in the universe. The belief that gravity is the primary force at work is rooted so deeply in the minds of cosmologists that almost any assumption will be entertained, rather than considering the possibility that other forces might be primary.

Black holes, dark matter and energy, and the big bang itself are all invented assumptions, based on the need to find some explanation for what is being observed, an explanation that is compatible with gravity-as-cause. Every new space probe returns data that surprises and amazes mainstream cosmologists, sending them back to the drawing board, to elaborate still more bizarre assumptions.

It has not been possible, however, for the assumptions to remain consistent with our understanding of physics. Some new kind of physics would need to be discovered, for the various assumptions, such as dark matter, to be realistic. In short, standard-model cosmology has become a fragile house of cards that is beginning to collapse under its own weight. Here is a video by David Talbott of the Thunderbolts Project, Exposing the Myths of "Settled Science", which discusses the failure of the gravitational model, and provides an excellent yet concise introduction to the electric model.

Like the Bishop who refused to look through Galileo’s telescope, mainstream cosmologists refuse to look through the lens of the electric model. There is no reason why the rest of us need to follow their example of self-imposed blindness. The electric model has the weight of overwhelming evidence on its side, and that is the model the rest of this article will be based on.

Our magnetic environment as an energy modulator

The Aurora Borealis are plasma discharges in the ionosphere, caused by powerful electric currents coming into the Earth from the Sun. The currents come in at the poles because they follow the Earth’s magnetic field lines, and those lines go into the Earth at the poles. We are receiving electrical energy from the Sun; magnetic fields are not the source of that energy, and yet magnetic fields determine the pathways over which that energy flows.

Figure 4 – Electric current from Sun

Thus the importance of our magnetic environment is not so much the direct effect of magnetism itself, rather it is the role of magnetism as a modulator, or traffic manager, of the electrical energy coming into the Earth. And that electrical energy comes in not just from the Sun, but also from the galaxy itself. The Sun is powered by electric currents coming in from the galaxy, and those currents then continue on from the Sun to the Earth, and to the rest of the planets. This means that the Earth has not only a direct magnetic connection to the galaxy, but also a direct electrical connection – a connection that is modulated by our magnetic environment.

Could there be more subtle forms of magnetic modulation?

With the incoming electric current, we are seeing a gross manifestation of magnetism as energy modulator. Those incoming polar field lines are always there. They are not significantly affected by the magnetic cycles we discussed earlier. The field lines shift in subtle ways, according to those cycles, but those subtle shifts do not affect the amount of current coming in, nor where it is coming in.

Let us now enter the realm of speculation, and consider how there might be a more subtle form of magnetic modulation, one in which the magnetic cycles could play a role.

The central galaxy is emitting electromagnetic energy on many frequencies all the time. Let us suppose that the Earth’s precessional wobbling could lead to a local magnetic configuration that acts as a receiver for one of those frequencies. If so, then the strength of the signal received on that frequency would vary, as the magnetic configuration varies in resonance with that frequency.

By this mechanism we can easily imagine a more subtle role for magnetism-as-modulator than we see with gross electrical currents. It is in the realm of possibility that we receive electromagnetic energy from the central galaxy, on certain frequencies, with intensities that vary according to the precessional magnetic cycle.

Similarly, the Sun also emits electromagnetic energy on many different frequencies, in addition to visible light itself. It is in the realm of possibility that we receive electromagnetic energy from the Sun, on certain frequencies, with intensities that vary according to the annual magnetic cycle.

This is entirely speculative, and I’ve seen no evidence that we do in fact receive electromagnetic energy on any kind of cyclical basis, apart from variations in solar radiation, which is not related to the magnetic cycles. The point I’m trying to make here is that if evidence were found, of incoming electromagnetic radiation, whose intensity cycles matched our magnetic cycles, then magnetic modulation, in the form of resonances, could provide an explanatory mechanism for that electromagnetic variation.

Telepathy: the transmission of psychic energy

Just as mainstream cosmologists ignore the overwhelming evidence for an electric universe, so do mainstream scientists ignore the overwhelming evidence for the existence of telepathy. Hundreds of careful scientific studies, in universities and in government research centers, have confirmed that telepathy really does exist.

We don’t know how it works, but we know it happens, we know it is not a form of electromagnetic radiation, and we know that it depends on psychic resonance between the sender and receiver of telepathic signals. For example, identical twins are more likely to be able to connect telepathically, than are two randomly selected people.

With telepathy we see energy that can affect us at a psychic level being transmitted over a distance, and resonance is the means of receiving that energy. In the case of psychic energy there are no Maxwell’s Equations to tell us how resonance works, and we don’t have any way to trace and detect psychic energy flows, apart from what we learn from subjects who participate in experiments.

Despite our lack of understanding what it is or how it works, the transmission of psychic energy is a scientifically demonstrated reality. And it seems to resemble electromagnetic radiation in that it can be unnoticeable as background energy, but can become a clear signal when appropriate resonance is achieved in a receiver.

Astrology: is it real?

Astrology, in its various forms, has been a tradition since time immemorial in cultures all over the world. It is a tradition that has been based on the empirical observation of personality differences that correlate with time of birth. The most significant personality differences, in the Western astrological tradition, are associated with annual cycles: these are referred to as the Sun signs. It is only these Sun signs that will be considered in this article.

The Sun signs are associated with constellations, such as Taurus, Virgo, etc. This does not mean that the constellations themselves affect us, rather the shifting position of those constellations serves as a kind of clock, reflecting the position of the Earth in its annual orbit around the Sun. If there is any reality to the Sun signs, the personality differences have to do with cyclical influences of the Sun itself.

Many people are convinced that astrology is real, and many others are convinced that it is pseudo-science. For myself, I am not convinced either way. However my own personality does seem to line up very closely to what is said about Virgos, which is my Sun sign. So I do keep an open mind in the matter.

One of the biggest objections to Astrology, by skeptics, is the absence of an explanatory mechanism. How could it be possible for the Sun to affect personality? And if the Sun could affect personality, why would the effect vary with time of year? In what follows I am going to assume, for the sake of argument, that the empirical evidence for the Sun signs is real, and based on that assumption, I’ll be seeking to discover an explanatory mechanism.

A possible explanatory mechanism for Astrology’s Sun signs

From the reality of telepathy, we know that psychic energy can be transmitted over a distance. We also know, from biology, that developing embryos are highly vulnerable to influences of various kinds. That’s why expectant mothers are advised to avoid alcohol and other potentially harmful substances. If a strong psychic energy field exists, while an embryo is developing, that could influence the development of the embryo’s psyche.

This means that a possible explanation for the Sun signs could be found in a psychic energy field that varies with an annual cycle. As I’ve argued above, our magnetic environment varies with an annual cycle. And as I’ve also argued, it is conceivable that our varying magnetic environment could achieve resonances with electromagnetic energy from the Sun. Could it also be conceivable that our varying magnetic environment could achieve resonances with psychic energy from the Sun?

Telepathy is something that happens between two psychic fields – the mind of the sender, and the mind of the receiver. If psychic energy can be transmitted from the Sun, that would seem to imply that the Sun has a psychic field associated with it. And if the Sun has a psychic field, then perhaps the Earth – Gaia – also has a psychic field.

The transmission of psychic energy from the Sun to the Earth would then amount to telepathy – from the mind (psychic field) of the Sun to the mind of Gaia. And the character of the telepathic signal would depend on the resonance between the two psychic fields at any given time. The character of the telepathic signal would in turn determine the psychic environment of any embryos that are under development at any given time.

None of this proves that astrology is real or that the Sun and the Earth have ‘minds’. What this line of reasoning does suggest, is that if the Sun signs are real, then that would seem to imply that cosmic bodies, like the Sun and Earth, have a kind of consciousness. And in addition, this line of reasoning suggests that magnetism would be the mechanism that achieves resonance between the consciousness fields of cosmic bodies.

Is the Cycle of the Yugas real?

While the Sun signs involve influences on human consciousness with an annual cycle, there are various ancient mythologies that talk about Great Cycles of human consciousness. Here we will consider the Yugas, from Hindu Mythology.

Figure 5 – The Cycle of the Yugas

In the Yuga model, the Satya Age is the highest age of human consciousness, followed by Treta, Dwapara, and finally Kali, the lowest age of consciousness. The level of consciousness descends as we descend clockwise around the circle in Figure 5, and then rises as we ascend upward around the circle. The total cycle takes 24,000 years. The peak of the Satya Age occurred at 11,500 BC, and is expected to return in 12,500 AD. We are now near the lowest level of consciousness, just beginning to ascend into the Dwapara Age.

According to this ancient mythological tradition, as recorded in the Vedas and elsewhere, this information is being passed down to us from earlier ages of higher consciousness, as we in our lower level of consciousness would be unaware of these cycles.

As regards evidence apart from the mythologies themselves, the cycle of the Yugas does seem to line up with the historical eras that we have records for. In addition we do have evidence of ancient civilizations with technologies we do not understand. We have no idea, for example, how or when the great pyramids of Egypt were constructed. Mainstream Egyptologists have their theories, but they do not stand up to scrutiny, and stones cannot be carbon dated.

Given the massive size of the stones, and the amazing precision of construction, we would have a very difficult time trying to replicate the pyramids using the latest technologies of our own era. There is no way Egyptians of the Pharaoh eras, using brass tools and ropes, could have built them, nor are there any hieroglyphs referring to their construction.

The same can be said of other monumental structures in other parts of the world, some of which are deep in the ocean, indicating that they existed during the last ice age, making them at the very least 12,000 years old. Many of these structures, based on their location and alignment, indicate a deep level of knowledge regarding astronomical phenomena. There is indeed evidence that human history is not characterized by the linear progress of knowledge and technology.

One can either reject what these mythologies say, or one can entertain what they say as being possibly true. If what they say is true, then as with astrology we are in need of an explanatory mechanism for the Great Ages. I suggest that essentially the same explanatory mechanism would apply in this case.


The 24,000-year cycle of the Yugas is approximately the same as the Earth’s precessional cycle of 26,000-years, and there is no reason to assume that the precessional cycle remains absolutely constant. Just as a spinning top can wind down, and its precessional cycle change, so could the forces causing the precession of the Earth vary, and along with that the precessional cycle of the Earth could change.

The explanatory mechanism for the Cycle of the Yugas would then involve psychic energy from the center of the galaxy, as moderated by the shifting resonance caused by the precessional cycle of the Earth’s magnetic environment.