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  • Jul 17, 2014
  • theunhivedmind

    Russia Proves ‘Peak Oil’ Is A

    Misleading Zionist Scam

    While Moscow invests heavily in unlimited oil production for the future, New York squanders America’s dwindling oil profits on fast cars and fast women

    Copyright Joe Vialls, 25 August 2004



    In 1970, the Russians started drilling Kola SG-3, an exploration well which finally reached a staggering world record depth of 40,230 feet. Since then, Russian oil majors including Yukos have quietly drilled more than 310 successful super-deep oil wells, and put them into production. Last Year Russia overtook Saudi Arabia as the world’s biggest single oil producer, and is now set to completely dominate global oil production and sales for the next century.


    If the opening paragraph of this report started by claiming that completely unlimited crude oil reserves exist inside planet earth, readers might be tempted to regard the entire text as preposterous ghostwriting for a novelist like Frederick Forsyth. If the report then went on to claim that the Russians have exploited this stunning reality for nearly thirty years, right under the largely unwitting noses of western intelligence, readers could be excused for mistaking the author for a lunatic, or perhaps as a front for spy novelist John le Carré. The problem here is that unlimited oil reserves do exist inside planet earth, and the Russians long ago developed the advanced technology necessary to recover these unlimited oil reserves in an efficient and timely manner.

    Profoundly disturbing hard intelligence like this does not sit well with the frantic cries of western academic shills and lobbyists, determined to convince you all that the end of the oil world is nigh, or, more accurately, that America faces an imminent catastrophe when global production capacity “Peaks”, i.e. when world demand for crude oil finally exceeds the rate at which we can physically pump the required product out of the ground. The gist of these false claims are outlined in a speech given at the at the University of Clausthal, by lobbyist Doctor Colin Campbell during December 2000:

    “In summary, these are the main points that we have to grasp: Conventional [Free flowing] oil provides most of the oil produced today, and is responsible for about 95% of all oil that has been produced so far. It will continue to dominate supply for a long time to come. It is what matters most. Its discovery peaked in the 1960s. We now find one barrel for every four we consume. Middle East share of production is set to rise. The rest of the world peaked in 1997, and is therefore in terminal decline. World peak comes within about five years” [circa 12/2005]

    Campbell is just the tip of a giant iceberg of academic Peak Oil ‘experts’ who suddenly appeared en-masse to give you this frightening news, right after President Saddam Hussein suddenly started trading his oil in Euros rather than in US Dollars, a devastating switch with the easy capacity to destroy the US Dollar in less than five years if it was left unchallenged and unchecked.

    So these shills [decoys] were carefully positioned to deflect your attention away from the obvious greed and incompetence of the United States Government and its Wall Street masters, and focus it elsewhere instead. Then, hopefully, a few years later down the track when prices start to bounce through the roof, and America has no Euros to buy crude oil, you will blame gasoline prices of $5.00 + per gallon at the pumps on an ‘inevitable decline’ in world oil production, rather than march furiously on Washington DC with locked and loaded firearms.

    Though attacking Campbell and his ilk is not the purpose of this report, his idiot claims can be debunked readily enough. While it is true that nowadays we only officially find one barrel of oil for every four barrels we consume, this is primarily because we temporarily stopped the incredibly expensive process of looking for crude oil when we had already physically established more than two trillion barrels of reserves in known reservoir locations around the world. When those known reserves drop to [say] one trillion barrels we may be tempted to go and find more, but not until then. And while it is true that the production rate from each individual oil well ever drilled has slowly declined over the years, there is a perfectly valid technical reason for this predictable reduced flow rate, which will be explained later.

    In order to understand how Russia has left the rest of the world standing in its wake, it is essential to know a little bit about where oil is located, and how it is extracted from the ground for refining and commercial use. It is an enormously complex subject, especially when considering the ultra-deep wells, which should really have a separate category all of their own. Many years ago I was personally involved at the sharp end of two ultra-deep drilling operations [one of them in direct liaison with Russian experts from the Moscow Drilling Institute], and will try to keep this drilling lesson as simple as I can. Thankfully perhaps, the underlying principle of how and where oil is recovered from is not difficult to comprehend, as illustrated by the diagram below.


    The theory underlying how oil is formed at such enormous depths in the mantle of the earth is not central to this report, because the Russians have already proved its point of origin in absolute drilling terms more than 300 times. Those interested in the exact process should research the archives, where there are more than two hundred Russian papers on the subject. Probably a good place to start would be “The Role of Methane in the Formation of Mineral Fuels”, written by by A.D. Bondar in 1967. What is central to this report is the massive advantage that Russia’s ultra-deep drilling discoveries and technical achievements give it over the western nations.

    The first advantage I intend to explain is nowhere near as important in global terms as the second, because it is the second advantage that finally drove the Zionist Cabal to illegally invade sovereign Iraq, and thereby bring us all to the very brink of thermonuclear war. However, from where I sit, the first advantage is much more important in simple humanitarian terms, although “humanitarian” is not an acceptable trading process on Wall Street.

    As we have already discovered, oil can be produced virtually anywhere on earth, provided the host country can afford the expensive [and sometimes classified] technology, and the massive cost of drilling a well to extreme depth through extremely hard rock formations. But just think what even 20 or 30 deep producing oil wells can mean for the people of a country that has no natural resources of its own, or worse still, for people who have been told by glib western lobbyists that they have no natural resources of their own. Anyone who can prove that the western nations were lying or simply wrong, will become a trusted friend forever. Vietnam is a classic example.

    After more than 60 years of being enslaved, pillaged, and raped by the French and then by the Americans, the poor Vietnamese were told officially by American oil multinationals that their country was barren; that western ‘cutting edge’ technology had failed to find anything to help them recover financially from the mess left behind by American bombs, Agent Orange, and a host of other delightful gifts from Uncle Sam. This of course was exactly where America wanted the Vietnamese to be: desperately poor and unable to take action against their former invaders.

    The Russians had other ideas and a very different approach. After telling the Vietnamese that the Americans had lied to them, oil experts were flown in from Moscow to prove this startling claim in a no-risk joint venture, meaning the Russians would provide all of the equipment and expertise free of charge, and only then take a percentage of the profits if oil was actually found and put into production. Vietnam had absolutely nothing to lose, and swiftly gave Russia the green light.

    The Vietnamese White Tiger oil field was and is a raging success, currently producing high quality crude oil from basalt rock more than 17,000 feet below the surface of the earth, at 6,000 barrels per day per well. Through White Tiger, the Russians have assisted the Vietnamese to regain part of their self respect, while at the same time making them far less dependent on brutal western nations for food-aid handouts.

    All of a sudden in a very small way, Vietnam has joined the exclusive club of oil producing nations, and a stream of cynical U.S. Senators and Congressmen have started making the long pilgrimage to Ho Chi Minh City in order to ‘mend fences’.

    Predictably perhaps, the Vietnamese are very cool, and try hard to ignore their new American admirers.

    Welcome to the White Tiger oil field in Vietnam. Observe the truly amazing oil

    flares, in an area the Americans officially declared ‘barren’ of oil reserves !



    It is truly amazing how quickly good news travels [outside of CNN], and in a very short space of time China was also engaged in a joint super deep venture with Russia. Nor did it end there. As I write this report, intelligence reports that the Russians have already moved three deep-drilling rigs into impoverished North Korea, where they intend to repeat the Vietnamese production cycle by drilling thought solid granite and basalt, with not a single trace of the ‘decaying marine life’ so essential to blinkered western geologists for the ‘accepted’ production of crude oil. It may take a while, but ultimately the North Koreans will be able to go about their sovereign business without the Zionist Cabal in New York being able to blackmail them over a few ship loads of food-aid rice. Yes indeed, Korea will eventually have an oil surplus of its own, allowing it to tell the latest in a long line of terminally insane “New World Orders” to go to hell.

    The White Tiger project was the first outside Russia to openly exploit and showcase this ultra-deep technology and oil production from basalt rock to the world, though the original intent was to do so much earlier in India during 1983. During that year a large drilling rig in the Ganges Delta was scheduled to drill down to below 22,000 feet into basalt, and then dramatically flare “impossible” ultra deep oil. Oil well Bodra #3 was directly supervised by teams of experienced Russian drillers and scientists from the Moscow Institute of Drilling, with the author the only westerner on site, contracted to control one of the critical advanced systems needed to reach target depth smoothly and efficiently.

    If Bodra #3 had been allowed to drill ahead unhindered, there is no doubt the resulting impact would have sent shock waves around the oil world, and gained enormous international prestige for the Russians. Even more importantly perhaps, the desperately poor people of West Bengal would have gained access to their own energy reserves. Unfortunately, Bodra #3 was not allowed to drill ahead unhindered. The Americans were determined to stop the project one way or the other, and played on New Delhi’s obvious fear of the Communist State Government in West Bengal. After bribing a handful of corrupt central government officials, US intelligence sent in professional American saboteurs, who managed to wreck the drilling project while the author was away on a visit to Sydney in Australia.

    Before we continue to the second massive advantage derived from ultra deep oil, and thus the primary reason why Wall Street decided to illegally invade Iraq, it is essential to look briefly at the way in which America devours a massive portion of global oil supply. You see, the ‘Peak Oil’ scam is not really about the world running out of oil reserves or being incapable of producing sufficient quantities to provide for its various national users. Instead, Peak Oil was fabricated to disguise America’s individual increasing greed for crude oil, and its imminent inability to pay hard cash for the product. Put simply, America is going broke fast, and Wall Street wishes to blame someone else before the angry Militias appear with their locked and loaded weapons.

    This sorry situation is best summarized by Professor Victor Poleo of Venezuela’s Central University, who told IPS in April that, “The mechanism by which global oil prices are set is intact, but the normal behaviour of supply and demand is not.” According to Poleo, the root of the problem is that the United States ”is a terminal victim of its energetic metastasis. It has neither the oil nor the natural gas needed to feed its style of development. With just six percent of the world population, it consumes nearly 25 percent of the oil and gas produced worldwide.”

    Professor Poleo went on to explain that there were expectations that demand for gasoline in the United States would stabilize at around 7.2 million barrels a day by the mid-1990s, ”but that didn’t happen,” he said. ”The United States’ voracity for gasoline rose to nine million barrels by 2003, one of every two liters burnt in the world.” And domestic demand for crude oil will continue to grow. The United States imports today six of every 10 barrels of oil and two of every 10 cubic meters of gas that it consumes, and by 2020 it will import eight of every 10 barrels of oil and four of every 10 cubic meters of gas, according to U.S. government reports.

    Despite the fact that American intelligence already knew of Russia’s achievements with ultra deep oil production from the mantle of the earth back in the early eighties, it was obvious that this slow and expensive method of adding to national oil reserves could never keep up with America’s voracious appetite for gasoline. So ultimately when domestic demand grew too fast, or cash reserves were finally depleted, America would either be obliged to halve its own use of gasoline, or steal it from someone else by force. Halving gasoline usage was out of the question, so instead of building hundreds of ultra-deep drilling rigs, Wall Street squandered the cash building more aircraft carriers, with the desperate objective of attacking and permanently occupying the Middle East.

    This is the point at which the second massive advantage derived from ultra-deep oil comes into play. Do you remember how puzzled the reservoir engineers were when they discovered that their existing reserves were being “topped up” from below? They later discovered that what they were really observing were naturally occurring ultra-deep oil wells, leaking vast quantities of oil from the mantle of the earth upwards through fractures into what we nowadays refer to as “sedimentary oilfields”, located relatively close to the surface. As the production companies draw oil out of these known reservoirs through oil wells, field pressure is slightly reduced, thereby allowing more ultra-deep oil to migrate up from the mantle and restock the reservoir from below.

    Russian studies of their own ultra-deep wells and those in the White Tiger field in Vietnam, indicate in very rough terms that migration from the mantle is probably 20-30% less than production at Middle East wellheads, meaning in turn that if the flow rates of existing Iraqi and Saudi wells are reduced by about 30%, oil supply and production can and will continue forever, constantly replenished by ultra-deep oil from the mantle itself. It goes almost without saying that even with production reduced by 30%, there is more than enough oil in the Middle East to provide for America’s increasing usage for at least the next century. And that, ladies and gentlemen, is why your sons and daughters have died and will continue to die in Iraq and elsewhere in the Middle East.


    In direct conflict with the ‘Peak Oil’ myth, the under-reamer shown in these photos can restore an oil well’s original production rate, using basically the same principle as changing the oil filter in your automobile engine

    Now we come to the completely false [or deliberately misleading] claim by Peak Oil shills that production from existing oil wells is “slowing down”, thereby proving that the oil fields are “running dry”. This is so wrong that it is almost breathtaking. Think of this slowing down process in the same way you might think of the engine oil in your automobile. The longer you run the engine, the higher the level of contaminates that get into the oil. The higher the level of contaminates, the higher the level of friction. Sooner or later you have something closely akin to glue coating your piston rings, and the performance of your engine declines accordingly. This is an inevitable mechanical process well known to all automobile owners.

    Henry Ford and others managed to slow down the rate of contamination in engine oils by inventing the oil filter, through which the oil has to circulate each time it passes around inside the engine. A high percentage of the contaminates stick to the filter element, thereby allowing extra miles between oil changes, though heaven help the careless motorist who thinks he can get away without ever changing his clogged oil filter when recommended.

    When oil is extracted from a producing formation underground, it flows out through pores in the reservoir rock, and then into the open borehole, from where it is transported to surface by the production tubing string. So by the very nature of the beast, the bottom section of the well is “open hole” which allows the oil to flow out in the first place, but because it is comprised of exposed and sometimes unstable rock, this open hole section is also continually subject to all manner of turbulence and various contaminates. For example, tiny quantities of super fine silt may exit through the pores but not continue to the surface with the oil, tumbling around in the turbulence instead, until the silt very slowly starts to block off the oil-producing pore throats. Yes, of course there are a variety of liners that can be used to slow down the contamination, but there is no such thing as a Henry Ford oil filter 10,000 feet underground.

    The inevitable result of this is that over time, the initial production rate of the well will slowly decline, a hard fact known to every exploration oilman in the business. However, this is certainly not an indication that the oil field itself is becoming depleted, proved thousands of times by offset wells drilled later into the same reservoir. Any new well comes on stream at the original production rate of its older cousins, because it has not yet had time to build up a thin layer of contaminates across the open hole. Though as we shall see it is possible to “do an oil change” on a producing well and bring it back to full production, this is extremely expensive, and rarely used in the west.

    Look at a simple example: Say we have a small oil field in Iraq with ten wells that each started out in life producing 10,000 barrels of oil per day. Fine, for a known investment we are producing 100,000 barrels of oil per day from our small field, at least for a while. Five years later contamination may have slowed our overall production down by ten percent to 90,000 barrels per day. So we are now faced with a choice: either “do an oil change” on all ten existing wells at vast expense and down time, or simply drill one additional well into the same reservoir, thereby restoring our daily production to 100,000 barrels with the minimum of fuss. Take my word for it, ninety-nine percent of onshore producers will simply drill the extra well.

    Naturally, there are times and places where this simple process is not an option, for example on a huge and very expensive offshore platform, which may have only 24 drilling ‘slots’, all of which have been used up. To restore your overall production after five years you can either build another giant platform next door for two billion dollars, or “do an oil change” on each of your existing 24 wells, one at a time. Clearly this time you are forced to carry out the time consuming business of restoring the open hole section at the bottom of the well to its old pristine condition, before various contaminates started to slow down your production rate.

    For this task you first pull the production tubing out of the hole, and then run back in with a drill string, to which is attached an underreamer as shown in the pictures above. When the reamer is directly opposite the top of the open hole producing section, the drill string is rotated to the right and the blades fly out under centrifugal force to a distance preset by you before lowering the tool into the hole. The objective is to cut away the contaminated face of the well to a depth you consider will once again expose pristine producing pores. As the spinning underreamer is slowly lowered, it enlarges the size of the hole, with the contaminated debris cut away and flushed back to surface by the drilling fluid. Hey presto, you have a new oil well, and it only cost one or two million dollars to restore

    Remember, I said this process is rarely used in the west, which is true, but it is not true of Russia, where the objective for many years has been to dominate global oil supply by continual investment. With no shareholders holding out their grubby little hands for a wad of pocket money every month, the Russian oil industry managed to surge ahead, underreaming thousands of its older existing onshore wells in less than ten years. Then along came Wall Street asset Mikhail Khodorkovsky, who fraudulently got his hands on Yukos oil for a mere fraction of its value, and was on the point of selling the entire outfit to the American multinationals when Vladimir Putin had him hauled off his private jet somewhere in Siberia. So Wall Street was finally ‘cheated’ of its very own ‘free’ Russian oil, and poor old Mikhail had better get used to the taste of prison food.

    To recap, ‘Peak Oil’ claims that because today we only find one barrel of oil for every four that we use, world oil reserves are running out. Completely misleading propaganda. as the Russians [and the CIA] know perfectly well, reserves of oil in the mantle of the earth are infinite. ‘Peak Oil’ also claims that we will shortly be unable to pump sufficient oil out of the ground to keep up with demand. Completely misleading propaganda again. We could drill more wells, but Wall Street cannot afford to pay for them, and never intended to, at least not while it still believed conquest and eternal occupation of the Middle East was a realistic possibility.

    Professor Poleo makes it quite clear which direction the west needs to go in if it is to survive in the long term, and that is to follow Russia’s example by sharply reducing domestic consumption. Back in 1990 America was using around 6 million barrels per day compared to Russia’s 8.4 million, but how things have changed since then. Thirteen years later in 2003, American consumption was up to 9 million, while Russian consumption had been reduced to a mere 3.2 million. A few billion folk over there in America might like to walk around their houses and switch off any electrical appliances they don’t actually need. Believe me, I can almost hear the oil surging through the pipelines in New York, and I live more than 12,000 miles away in Australia.

    In closing, I would like to pass on my greetings and thanks to the cheerful Russian drillers and scientists I had the pleasure of working with at Bodra #3 in West Bengal, without whose expertise we might all be dead today, as a direct consequence of repeated American sabotage attempts on the high pressure well. My thanks also to the Moscow Drilling Institute for the unrestricted flow of information and documents on ultra deep oil production technology, without which I could not have written this report.

    theunhivedmind says:

    July 17, 2014 at 6:20 pm

    What If Crude Oil Is Likely NOT Fossil Fuel! Not Created From Dead Dinosaurs and Plant Life? Likely Is Available Continuously And In Almost Limitless Supply?

    Resources to aid your Understanding

    What if crude oil is non-biological and the Earth creates new supplies constantly? What if scientific teaching for the past 120 years is dead wrong? The ramifications are HUGE!

    N.A.S.A. (National Aeronautics and Space Administration made the initial discovery!

    The New World Order is coming! Are you ready? Once you understand what this New World Order really is, and how it is being gradually implemented, you will be able to see it progressing in your daily news!!

    Since World War I, science throughout the world taught as dogmatic fact that crude oil was a ‘fossil fuel’. Textbooks from elementary school through graduate school taught that oil was produced by intense heat and pressure from the earth, acting on plant matter and dead animals — like dinosaurs — over millions and perhaps billions of years. This teaching is so accepted that no one ever has sought another explanation.

    However, you must understand that this new discovery did not come from a hair brained source totally lacking in credibility; no, N.A.S.A. (National Aeronautics and Space Administration) made the initial discovery! Let us tell this most interesting story.

    NEWS BRIEF: ” ‘Fossil fuel’ theory takes hit with NASA finding: New study shows methane on Saturn’s moon Titan not biological”, World Net Daily, December 01, 2005

    “NASA scientists are about to publish conclusive studies showing abundant methane of a non-biologic nature is found on Saturn’s giant moon Titan, a finding that validates a new book’s contention that oil is not a fossil fuel. ‘We have determined that Titan’s methane is not of biologic origin,” reports Hasso Niemann of the Goddard Space Flight Center, a principal NASA investigator responsible for the Gas Chromatograph Mass Spectrometer aboard the Cassini-Huygens probe that landed on Titan Jan. 14. Niemann concludes the methane ‘must be replenished by geologic processes on Titan’ …”

    Please stop right there, so we can properly understand what NASA has just told us.

    1) NASA is reporting that their scientific probes have discovered methane gas in “abundance” on Titan, one of the moons of Saturn. That alone is a fact worth shouting to the rooftops. However, NASA has also had to confront the reality that, since Titan does not have an atmosphere and since there is no evidence that it ever did, the abundant methane gas must be of a “non-biologic nature”!

    2) This abundant methane gas on Titan is being constantly replenished! How is that possible, since there is no plant or animal life on the planet?

    3) This replenishment is being caused by “geologic processes”, which means that the first supplies of methane on Titan had to be from “geologic processes”!

    Now, let us return to our featured article for more astonishing information.

    “This finding confirms one of the key arguments in ‘Black Gold Stranglehold: The Myth of Scarcity and the Politics of Oil,’ claims co-author Jerome R. Corsi. ‘We argue that oil and natural gas are abiotic products, not ‘fossil fuels’ that are biologically created by the debris of dead dinosaurs and ancient forests’. Methane has been synthetically created in the laboratory, Corsi points out, ‘and now NASA confirms that abiotic methane is abundantly found on Titan.”

    This is shocking news, indeed! NASA’s scientists never expected to find methane gas on Titan, much less in abundance.

    Now, this discovery has great ramifications for Earth’s crude oil and gas, does it not? Is it possible that much, if not all, of Earth’s crude oil and natural gas are also non-biological and are being constantly renewed? In our featured article, above, Jerome Corsi asks a very important question about this discovery of methane gas on Titan.

    ‘If the scientists have ruled out that biological processes created methane on Titan, why do petro-geologists still argue that natural gas on Earth is of biological origin?’ Corsi asked.” (Ibid)

    This next news story speaks directly to this possibility.

    NEWS BRIEF: “Discovery backs theory oil not ‘fossil fuel’: New evidence supports premise that Earth produces endless supply”, By Jerome R. Corsi, World Net Daily, February 01, 2008

    “A study published in Science Magazine today presents new evidence supporting the abiotic theory for the origin of oil, which asserts oil is a natural product the Earth generates constantly rather than a ‘fossil fuel’ derived from decaying ancient forests and dead dinosaurs. The lead scientist on the study — Giora Proskurowski of the School of Oceanography at the University of Washington in Seattle — says the hydrogen-rich fluids venting at the bottom of the Atlantic Ocean in the Lost City Hydrothermal Field were produced by the abiotic synthesis of hydrocarbons in the mantle of the earth.”

    This statement is the first from a scientist which I have ever heard which definitively states that “hydrogen-rich fluids” are created by the “abiotic synthesis of hydrocarbons in the mantle of the earth.”

    If this is true, then the Earth is constantly replenishing its supply of crude oil and all natural gas products! What a staggering revelation! We shall return to the implications shortly, but now, let us return to this featured article.

    “The abiotic theory of the origin of oil directly challenges the conventional scientific theory that hydrocarbons are organic in nature, created by the deterioration of biological material deposited millions of years ago in sedimentary rock and converted to hydrocarbons under intense heat and pressure. While organic theorists have posited that the material required to produce hydrocarbons in sedimentary rock came from dinosaurs and ancient forests, more recent argument have suggested living organisms as small as plankton may have been the origin.”

    I can tell you from my days of high school biology that this statement is exactly correct. Conventional Wisdom holds that all oil and gas products come from decaying biological material originally deposited in the earth many millions and billions of years ago, and turned into oil and gas from the heat and pressure within the Earth’s mantle.

    However, NASA’s revelations are badly undercutting this false belief.

    “The abiotic theory argues, in contrast, that hydrocarbons are naturally produced on a continual basis throughout the solar system, including within the mantle of the earth. The advocates believe the oil seeps up through bedrock cracks to deposit in sedimentary rock. Traditional petro-geologists, they say, have confused the rock as the originator rather than the depository of the hydrocarbons.” (Ibid.)

    The human mind works in strange ways. Whenever a person — even a highly trained scientist — starts an investigation based upon prior presuppositions, he is likely to try to make the facts fit his presupposition rather than letting the facts lead him to the proper conclusion. So it apparently is with this subject of the true origin of hydrocarbons.

    This next segment fleshes out our understanding with scientific fact.

    “Proskurowski found hydrocarbons containing carbon-13 isotopes that appeared to be formed from the mantle of the Earth, rather than from biological material settled on the ocean floor. Carbon 13 is the carbon isotope scientists associate with abiotic origin, compared to Carbon 12 that scientists typically associate with biological origin. Proskurowski argued that the hydrocarbons found in the natural hydrothermal fluids coming out of the Lost City sea vents is attributable to abiotic production by Fischer-Tropsch, or FTT, reactions.”

    ” ‘Our findings illustrate that the abiotic synthesis of hydrocarbons in nature may occur in the presence of ultramafic rocks, water and moderate amounts of heat’, Proskurowski wrote … Finding abiotic hydrocarbons in the Lost City sea vent fluids is the second discovery in recent years adding weight to the abiotic theory of the origin of oil.” (Ibid.)

    This is an amazing discovery, and one which holds tremendous ramification in the global march to the New World Order. Let us list some of these ramifications:

    If this theory is correct, then:

    1) The Earth is NOT running out of oil — In my extensive readings of New Age and occult New World Order authors over the past 20 years, I have noticed that the Illuminati leadership seems to be panicking over the dreadful volume of oil and oil products which our current Industrial Civilization is consuming. If these global leaders truly believed the original theory of oil prior to the NASA discovery in 2005 – and I believe they did believe that – they would also believe that the supply of oil on the Earth is limited. In other words, every barrel of oil consumed today takes away from the supply of oil in the future!

    These leaders did not want to finally gain control over the world — after planning for it since 1773 — only to discover that only about 100-200 years of supply remained. The largest single motivation behind the NASA space program was to discover another Earth-like planet to which the Illuminati and their families could escape before the Earth ran out of oil and other commodities necessary for life!

    Therefore, in the case of oil products, the premise that the Earth is running out of oil no longer holds.

    To convince mankind that our Industrial Civilization had to be dismantled, and thus stop the horrific use of oil products, the Illuminati created a number of global scares. We cover this subject thoroughly in NEWS2193, “Five Major Created Global Disasters Are Being Constantly Preached To The World As Reasons To Form The Global New World Order!”

    In this regard, it is noteworthy that Global Warming was one of the worldwide scares deliberately created in order to scare mankind into allowing the Industrial Civilization to be dismantled. Recent movies show this agenda perfectly, as we describe in NEWS1924, “”DAY AFTER TOMORROW” SEEMS DESIGNED TO REVIVE SUPPORT FOR DISASTROUS KYOTO ACCORDS!”

    This recent movie, which is now available in movie rental places, shows the typical nonsense being perpetrated by the entire occult/Illuminati world, i.e., that our current Industrial Civilization is placing too heavy a burden upon “Mother Earth (Gaia)”. This unsustainable burden is greater in some parts of the Earth than in others, so Mother Gaia tries creating storms in those areas in order to “reduce the stress”. If human kind does not change its way of living, Mother Gaia sends larger and more powerful storms. Finally, in the case of North America, Mother Gaia sent a continent-wide killing storm which annihilated the Industrial Civilization altogether.

    The last scene of this movie delivers the true message which New Age leaders want you to have. Astronauts who had taken off before the killing storm struck reported that, after the storm had cleared, they were amazed as to how clean the air over North America was! This is the bottom line of this entire propaganda effort! Mother Gaia finally relieved the stress which the monstrous Industrial economy of North America was placing on her through her monstrous storm, and the sky over that continent returned immediately to its pristine state.

    This is the lie being perpetrated by the Illuminati on mankind in order to persuade us to dismantle this Old World Order, along with its consumption of commodities, most importantly oil. Senator Fritz Hollings (S.C.) revealed how panicked global leaders are on this subject, when he exclaimed, in his Southern drawl, “There’s just too much consuming going on”!

    In fact, this fear of consuming all of Earth’s oil, leaving none for future generations, is the most important drive behind all the global efforts to create a worldwide government and economy. Now that we know that the Earth is continually creating oil, we know that a great deal of the internal panic on the part of these Global Elite is disappeared.

    Does this mean that we shall see an end to the deliberate lie of Global Warming? Not at all. We have seen hundreds of instances where scientific facts have badly contradicted the Theory of Evolution, but we have not seen that lie stop in our public schools. This lie of Global Warming has taken on a life of its own, and will continue even though the panic should now dissipate.

    The major impetus behind this drive to the New World Order is greed for political power. THAT is the force behind this drive to the final global world of Antichrist. But, at least, you know the truth about oil and gas.

    2) This insane increase in the retail cost of gasoline and oil products can come to an end — Cutting Edge has proven over the past several years that this increase in gas and oil retail price is manipulated to the highest degree and is the result of an artificial shortage of refinery capacity (Read NEWS1925), not a crude oil supply problem. Refineries around the world have been continuously taken off line, thus artificially creating this “shortage”!

    Last year, Cutting Edge posted a story in our Daily News Updates in which a CEO of a huge global oil giant publicly stated that, finally, the American people were cutting back on their usage of oil. I believe that, prior to the NASA findings on Titan, all these global leaders believed that the amount of oil was limited. Further, we know how difficult and time-consuming it can be for truth to permeate the minds of people throughout the world; further, this process of changing minds which are completely

    .convinced is further inhibited if the established scientific community resists the truth!

    3) The Middle East may no longer be such a hotspot, the place from which World War III could erupt should any minute thing go wrong.

    In the late 1950′s, the CIA handed President Eisenhower a somber report which stated that the Middle East would run out of oil before the end of the century. Based upon this bogus information, Eisenhower formulated the policy of deliberately capping some oil wells in America so that we would be forced to buy foreign oil. Then, when the rest of the world was dry of oil, America would have plenty. This policy has been followed by Presidents since that time.

    However, since all areas of the world are replenishing their supply of oil, America can uncap her wells and cease being so dependent upon foreign oil!

    Of course, official Washington will never admit that oil is non-biologic and that Earth is continually replenishing her supply, for that would produce a tsunami wave of repercussions, forcing the Illuminati to alter a great number of their coveted goals, some of which they are very close to completing.

    4) This new information can have a great impact upon the Theory of Evolution!

    To convince people that dead plants and animal matter really did turn into oil, scientists had to rely upon a very ancient time period for the Earth — 4.5 billion years. People just would not believe that biological matter could turn into oil in a short period of time, just as people cannot believe that man accidentally climbed from primordial ooze to fully developed mankind in a short period of time. A very long period — 4.5 billion years — was required for Evolution just as it was required to condition people to believe that oil is biological.

    Now that we know oil is non-biological and that the Earth is continuously replenishing the stock, we can jettison the 4.5 billion years required to produce oil. The fact is, Earth is reproducing oil at this very moment. I remember well the Mt. St. Helens volcanic explosion really well, for I was living in Portland, Oregon, at the time.

    One-third of the entire top of the mountain blew off and fell into the pristine waters of Spirit Lake. Twelve weeks later, divers were able to see well enough underwater to dive to the bottom. They discovered thousands of trees beginning to petrify and they discovered that the mass of organic material was already in the first stages of coal!

    Mt. St. Helens contributed mightily to the “Young Earth” concept, which is why Mass Media never reprinted the original news stories in the Portland Oregonian. We expect Mass Media to similarly hide this reality.