Jim Stone
Could China's cheap solar panels spark world war 3?
Energy is one of the key mechanisms of elite control over the world. And energy has been held back in many areas, from the banning of the closed loop nuclear fuel cycle (which basically amounted to free energy) to the sidelining of fully viable ultra efficient cars such as the straight up not plugged in no tricks at all cheap to produce 300 mpg Volkswagen XL-1. But there is one area of practically free energy that is progressing forward totally unabated, and it is ultra cheap Chinese solar panels.
These solar panels are easy to find in Mexico. And right before I got seriously sick (now totally over it) I checked the most current prices on these panels, and they are still dropping. Now, ALL power needs, and I MEAN ALL, including running lights, electronics, the refrigerator, washing machine, EVERYTHING a home needs, can be answered for an up front cost of only $300 U.S. dollars. Of course you will still need to add batteries and an inverter to this at additional cost, but when you contrast this with the past, where batteries and the inverter were the cheap part of a solar project when compared with the cost of the panels, it represents a paradigm shift in energy and I seriously wonder if the Rothchilds will tolerate it. I am hedging my bets that they will not, and will trigger a world war if Chinese solar brings free energy to the world in any meaningful way.
The panels are heavy and high quality, made with high quality glass. 250 watts (or more) on a giant panel costs only $150 USD. If high efficiency appliances and lights are used, two of these panels will run a home with ease. If you look at the back of most modern refrigerators now (at least in Mexico) most use 200 watts or less while running and they only run a small part of the time. Even a 100 watt panel would be enough to run a modern full sized refrigerator in Mexico (refrigeration actually moves energy with up to 500% efficiency - you can get 1000 watts of cooling from 200 watts of input) so even though it may seem impossible, a refrigerator that is properly designed will not eat all your solar power. Add CFL bulbs and the fact that many 32 inch televisions are now so efficient they only consume 50 watts, and it becomes clear - not only is solar getting cheap, but appliances are now getting so efficient that it does not take much solar to do the job.
But it is actually much bigger than this - If you wanted a huge box shaped vehicle like a Honda Odyssey, it could be equipped with enough Chinese solar panels to keep it on the road and supply all needs for daily driving. I have calculated this out, and it is absolutely true. Let me put this in layman's terms - A lot of plug in cars can get enough power for daily driving from being plugged into a single 120 volt power outlet for only 8 hours a day. Though high rate chargers use 240 volt outlets, there are plenty out there that are set up to just use a normal 120 volt outlet. Since these power outlets are practically never able to deliver more than 2,400 watts (and common sense says your car charger should not draw more than 1,800 or so, so most probably do not) this can now easily be matched by the new high efficiency solar panels China is putting out. If you put 10 such panels on a large van and had any sort of system built into that vehicle to keep the panels pointed in a good direction, they would drastically outperform common sense limits on any (normal) 120 volt power outlet. Most 120 volt outlets in America are hooked up to 15 amp breakers that can deliver 1,800 watts.
Let me say this another way - 1 horsepower is 746 watts. If you had a specially designed vehicle that optimized the number of panels you could have and you managed to get 10 on top, while your vehicle was in the parking lot or anywhere else getting full sun those panels would provide a charge rate of over 2,500 watts, or about 3 and a half horsepower continuous, getting stored continuously for driving. Over a full day (because peak charging would not be possible at all times) you could likely capture the equivalent of 8 hours at full power, or 8x3.5 horsepower hours. This would equal 28 horsepower hours per day. Once accelerated and on the highway, it only takes about 15 horsepower or less to keep most large cars going 60 mph. This would equal about 100 miles per day from solar power alone once various inefficiencies (such as battery power waste) are factored in. 30-50 miles per day in the city would be easy.
Obviously the regular wall outlet would be the back up power for rainy days, or the vehicle could be equipped with a small high efficiency generator for rainy days as well.
What I have stated here is for the current efficiency levels of only 15 percent. These efficiencies are steadily climbing upward. What is going to happen in the near future, when these chinese panels hit an efficiency of 30 percent or more, and the picture above becomes twice as clear? Already there are high cost panels that have efficiencies over 35 percent, IT CAN BE DONE, and in the not so distant future it WILL BE DONE CHEAPLY. This will definitely threaten or destroy the energy monopoly. Do you think the Rothchilds will tolerate this, or will they instead opt to blow China off the map?
Here is the math that proves what I say in the above report about Chinese solar possibly sparking world war 3 is true:
This math is flexible, and is summed up below and compared against the cars Tesla motors produces to put it all in real world terms.
1 watt for 1 hour equals 3.42 BTU. One gallon of petrol contains approximately 125,000 BTU. If you have 2,500 watts of solar panels set up on a vehicle, they will produce 8,500 BTU equivalent power per hour. Times 8 hours equals 68,400 BTU. (or a little over the total energy in half a gallon of petrol)
That sounds pretty weak compared to petrol RIGHT? Well, here is the rest of the equation . . . .The top efficiency of ANY petrol based engine is achieved with a 2 stroke diesel locomotive engine and sits right around 49 percent. But gasoline engines are FAR WORSE, and with all the mileage and efficiency limits imposed by the U.S. federal government, actual efficiency of a normal petrol based engine in America, right now, sits at around 8 percent with the remainder going out the exhaust as heat and the radiator as heat. Volkswagen's 300 mpg XL1 which does not operate over 50 percent efficient (despite how good it may be) proves the 8 percent efficiency of American cars (at best) completely true. -SO- Take your 0.55 gallons of petrol those solar panels are worth per day then, and divide it by 0.08. In comparison to the efficiency of a normal gasoline engine in America, the solar panels are now worth 6.84 gallons of gas, which is then fed into a system (the electrical system in your solar powered car) which is approximately, all losses (battery losses, inverter losses, motor losses) considered, 78 percent efficient.
Take your 6.84 gallons of gas then and multiply it by .78 for efficiency losses in your solar electrical system. This leaves you with 5.33 gallons of gasoline equivalent.
If a Honda Odyssey sized vehicle (which would be needed for that many panels) gets 18 mpg or so, the solar panels on the roof of your now modified Odyssey would provide 18X5.33 miles of range per day, (or 95.94 miles of range per day). Times 365 days in a year that is well over 32,000 miles of driving per year, which is far more than most Americans drive.
Obviously shills are going to rip this, citing this, that and losses to smurfs, but this is all flexible math that is completely dependent upon engineering decisions, and I was very lax in favor of inefficiency because I wanted to leave room for knowledgeable people to calculate even better range possibilities and know I am not full of it.
If the same mechanical efficiencies were allowed for what Volkswagen's XL1 acheives, the Honda Oddysey sized solar vehicle would in fact get over 150 miles of range per day on solar alone. I did not exaggerate the math above, if there was a will and the powers that be actually cared, ALL CARS would be HUGE, LUXURIOUS AND SOLAR. This is not the 1970's, solar is actually viable now.
Obviously with Al Dork's carbon tax as a profit motive, such cars have yet to happen.
CROSS CHECK: According to Tesla's officially reported standards, Tesla motors produces cars that go 3 miles per kilowatt hour However, Tesla drivers state the cars are more efficient than Tesla's rating, which makes sense according to my math above which is actually pretty good math. At present, it would be possible to equip a Honda Odyssey with 9 310 watt solar panels placed optimally, and flexible panels that got whatever they could get. 9x310x8 hours equals 22,320 watts worth of solar panels (conservatively stated and not including flexible panels) this equates to a 67 mile range on solar alone with Tesla's official efficiency standards in place (which are in fact below reality). Even with Telsa under rating their efficiency, if I go with their official numbers solar would be equal to 24,000 miles or more of driving per year, still well above what most Americans drive. This is comparing to Tesla's conservative ratings and not what Volkswagen did (Petrol efficiency wise) with the XL1 (which is considerably better.) The math stands - with solar, you could have a car which got driven an average of 25 miles per day during the weekdays, and then be good for the 200 mile trip every weekend. If you had to, you could (obviously) plug it in as wella