Comments by Rocky Montana
Many told us it was a pipe dream, but the G7 Summit of leading world powers just committed to getting the global economy off fossil fuels forever!!!
[When something sounds too good to be true, it usually is! Didn't we hear that Angela Merkel, head of the European Union 2014-2015, just returned from a money-begging trip from both China and Japan in March 2015 empty-handed? And isn't the G7 grappling, unsuccessfully, with the immenent bankruptcy of Greece? If they had the money, they would have bailed Greece out by now. So, if the G7 countries are broke, where are they going to get the funds to pull off something as grand and earth-changing as "getting the global economy off fossil fuels forever"? From we-the-people perhaps?
Call me a cynic, but, we have heard this kind of rhetoric before and nothing good has ever come of it; in fact the opposite has occurred. Has the American Cancer Society found a cure for cancer since their inception in 1913? Has the U.N. stopped war or brought world peace since its inception in 1945? Remember that BIG-ENERGY and the U.S. Government has seized and holds most patents of alternative and free energy devices discovered over the past 100 years, which has given them a near monopoly and the power to control energy policy worldwide. Do you really think they are going to just give that up? So, what is more likely to occur?--alternative and free energy devices will replace polluting engines run on carbon fuels, or, is this just another hollow promise from the G7 and a possible set-up by these World Elite controllers to lock-in their world-wide carbon tax on all corporations and businesses, except for theirs of course? Carbon taxes will NEVER stop the heating up of Mother Earth, for she has raised her own temperature in an attempt to combat and neutralize Man's pollution on and below her surface. Pushed by ones as Al Gore, the Club of Rome and the Green Party, carbon tax is a fake ecological-geopolitical issue. There is no carbon dioxide problem in the world! This farse was conjured by the World Elite parasites, preying on the world-wide concern of the ecologically minded masses, to foist a carbon-tax on the world in order to extract more money from the people, and thus increasing their own wealth. So, is it more likely that the promise of the G7, "getting the global economy off fossil fuels forever", is a CARROT to appease the pro "alternative energy and free energy" community, and soon comes the STICK of more forced carbon-taxes upon the world, which will, in turn, drive up prices on everything that we-the-people purchase? Since we cannot expect the World Elite controllers to give up their monopoly on energy, greed for more wealth, and lust for more power, we can expect the next worst thing. Look carefully at the next idea that comes from the G7 or from the "World community" of so-called "scientists" and "ecology experts". Will it be something like "we need to raise more funds through carbon-taxes in order to research and develop the G7 goals of 'getting the global economy off fossil fuels forever' and creating new alternative and free energy devices", perhaps? If this occurs, THIS WILL BE THE TIME for the world to unite in massive protest against the G7's hollow promises. Let's see what happens next, shall we?
If something good actually comes from this promise of the G7, no one would be more pleased than me. However, history shows that good things usually do not come from politicians or from political groups, such as the G7. In fact, it is often politicians and political groups who generally stand in the way of progress. I believe that the United States would already be well on its way to freedom from carbon fuels if the federal government would just stop interferring with free enterprise in this nation!
Good things most often come from the discoveries and inventions of curious individuals desiring to know more about the world they live in and about the heavens above, and from individuals desiring and working toward improving some aspect of their life of which ultimately often benefits all of us, i.e., the discovery of electricity by Benjamin Franklin, the invention of the first airplane by Orville and Wilbur Wright, the invention of the telephone by Alexander Graham Bell, the invention of the phonograph, a motion picture camera, and a commerically viable light bulb by Thomas Edison, the discovery and application of alternating current and a free energy device by Nikola Tesla, etc. But what about those inventions of alternative energy and free energy devices that are squirrelled away somewhere in the archives of the U.S. government?]
Even the normally cynical media is raving that this is a huge deal.
And it's one giant step closer to a huge win at the Paris summit in December -- where the entire world could unite behind the same goal of a world without fossil fuels -- the only way to save us all from catastrophic climate change.
For 2 years our community has led global public mobilisation for this goal, including:
- spearheading the gigantic, momentum-changing, 700,000 strong climate march last year
- a 2.7 million person petition for 100% clean/0 carbon delivered to dozens of key leaders
- scores of rallies, high-level lobbying meetings, opinion polls, and ad campaigns, all funded by our community
- a 3 month all-out push for the G7 summit leadership, especially German Chancellor Angela Merkel, to put this on the agenda and agree to this goal
Our work is far from done, but it's a day to celebrate -- click here to read more and say congratulations to everyone else in this incredibly wonderful community!!
But with hope, and good strategy, (the Avaaz effect:)), and the efforts of many leaders like German Chancellor Angela Merkel and Pope Francis, and organisations like our friends at 350 and the Guardian newspaper's work on fossil fuel divestment, as well as killer research from groups like the World Resources Institute, most experts now believe the tide is turning, and momentum is building to get a global deal in Paris this year that will set the world on course to a solution. It will be a long fight, we cannot afford to drop our guard, but today, we celebrate a battle won!!! With gratitude and joy, Ricken, Alice, Emma, Lain, and the whole Avaaz team PS: the G7 declaration is just a commitment, and we need to hold them accountable, but commitments matter - sending an immediate signal to dirty and clean energy investors that will help accelerate the clean-energy boom we desperately need. There's more info on the summit and how we helped win this on our celebration page: *** Sources: Merkel convinces Canada and Japan on CO2 (Politico) G7 leaders bid 'Auf Wiedersehen' to carbon fuels (Reuters)
*** is a 41-million-person global campaign network that works to ensure that the views and values of the world's people shape global decision-making. ("Avaaz" means "voice" or "song" in many languages.) Avaaz members live in every nation of the world; our team is spread across 18 countries on 6 continents and operates in 17 languages. Learn about some of Avaaz's biggest campaigns here, or follow us on Facebook or Twitter. |