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Letter From Eyewitness in Kiev, Ukraine Concerning Massive UFO Sighting


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October 17, 2011


To Steve Quayle:

UFO report.

On Oct 8, 2011 at approximately 2030 hours while walking in Kiev Ukraine old city center of Podil district on the main street of Sagydachnogo I observed about 8 or 9 UFOS which looked translucent and about as big as the moon but about 200 to 300 meters in height. They were moving in various random directions not too fast. It was clear by the way they stopped and moved in so many directions and forward, backwards, etc. that they appeared to be intelligently operated. I also observed several searchlights that to me were probably military and not advertising lights. After about 10 minutes of observation  I started waling in the opposite direction toward Kontraktova Square in a SE direction. I stopped in the square area and took photographs and video of the 8 or 9 UFOS which were above the square and above St Andrews church and Richards Castle. There were at leas 20 people in that square sitting on benches but it is unknown if the looked up. 

After about 10 minutes I noticed the searchlights were gone. I did see a helicopter flying north and one of the UFOS broke off from the others and approached the helicopter but then stopped and went back to its location with the other UFOS. Soon the helicopter's lights disappeared although I think it may have disappeared into the mist.  A few minutes later I started walking again in a SE direction for about 2 blocks to near the Metro entrance near Samsoon shopping center. I went inside for about 10 minutes, came out the the UFOS were still overhead at that location. I again started walking in a SE direction for about 15 minutes  and the UFOS continued in the same direction. Then all of a sudden more UFOS appeared. I attempted to count all while there were in motion and I believe there were at least 25 to 30 UFOS by now. Some were moving slowly in random patterns while others moved in pairs, while others darted rapidly across the sky nearly as fast as bullets from a gun. This continued while I was stopped for about one hour until about 0015 hours. They finally left while I was inside a location there. I had only 2 cellular phone cameras to use. Most of the videos did not reveal anything. But later I noticed that 2 videos did each show one UFO. I am enclosing the 2 videos and abut 10 still photographs. However I could not get all 25 to 30 UFOS in any one picture. The most was about 8 or less in each picture.

Additionally, back in June of 2011 in the city center of Kiev not far from Independence Square in the evening myself and a witness observed these same type UFOS and the searchlights for hours. I have one video of 2 of those UFOS that is not enclosed as I have not yet been able to retrieve it from my cellular phone camera.

Additional: my background is former military, former career  law enforcement and formerly a consultant to numerous international airlines, as well as scientific research. 

Opinion: After some years of research into UFOS and related investigations I believe these were not material crafts but possible inter dimensional beings who noticed that I noticed them..Edward