RESPONSE TO: 'Alien Moon Base Captured By Chang'e-2 Orbiter? 2012'
Rocky Montana
[First of all, if this is an authentic moon base, I seriously doubt it is of alien origin. The extraterrestrials who are monitoring earth forever are not so careless as to expose their bases to military bombardment.
Secondly, the moon base is most likely of Russian origin. NASA, CIA, the joint chiefs of the military, and other well-placed ones in the U.S. government all know that Russia has had bases on the moon and Mars for decades. It is only we-the-people who have been kept in the dark; the U.S. government have been very good at keeping secrets. These secrets are being exposed in ever wider circles, however.
Thirdly, the Russia has had military superiority in space for decades and because of the U.S. government's aggressive and war-like behavior in space, Russia has told the U.S. government in no-uncertain-terms to never return to the moon or plan a manned mission to Mars, or else... . This is the main reason why NASA stopped planning additional manned missions to these orbs.
Perhaps this is one reason why Newt Gingrich's goal of putting a colony on the moon was ridiculed so quickly by both Mitt Romney and the controlled media. The puppet masters of both parties know that this goal is unobtainable given the current stalemate with Russia. Being so quick to shoot-down Newt's idea in last month's GOP debate, Mr. Romney was undoubtedly briefed of the situation beforehand. But even if Russia did allow the U.S. to do this, it is unfeasible given the U.S. current economic malaise.]