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UFO: China reveals Manipulative Extraterrestrials – Moon was brought over 11,000 years ago

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March 5, 2012

An attributed report to Chinese representation on an apparent military base on the Moon is consistent with Alex Collier’s evidence of Manipulative Extraterrestrials and “human” elites on the Moon.

lex Collier indicates that these Manipulative Extraterrestrials with allies from Earth have been working through archons on Earth toward the oppression of humanity.

In the video above, Alex Collier indicates that the Moon which encircles Earth with an artifical circular orbit, was brought to Earth over 11,000 years ago by invading Manipulative Extraterrestrials.  According to Mr. Collier, many of these Manipulative Extraterrestrials lurk underground.  The Moon is therefore an apparent gigantic UFO.

n the video below, the late Bill Uhouse who was a military consultant, describes seeing these aliens underground.

The attributed Chinese report elaborates:

“I was sent some pictures by a source who claims China will be releasing Hi Res images taken by the Chang’e-2 moon orbiter, which clearly show buildings and structures on the moons surface. He also claims NASA has deliberately bombed important areas of the Moon in an effort to destroy ancient artefacts and facility’s. Pictures yet to be released clearly show nuclear impact craters and building debris caused by explosions in an effort by NASA to destroy the truth. China is moving toward full disclosure of the Extraterrestrial reality, if these images and future ones are verified genuine then NASA should be investigated for fraud and treason. China will be releasing all the data and images from the Chang’e-2 in the coming weeks and months, lets hope this is the beginning of a new era.”