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Reposted Sept. 15, 2012




311,040,000,000,000 [trillion] = 1 period/great time. " [1]

The Dern Universe (the Plejaran name for our Universe) is some 46 trillion years old, according to the Ptaah, ancestor of Semjase and Jshwjsh (governor) of the Plejaran race and peoples, as stated in a communiqué between himself and Billy Meier.

In light of the two facts above, it appears there is nearly infinite time for Man of Earth to evolve spiritually, IF Man doesn't do anything foolish like annihilating Himself or destroying planet Earth.


"You are not fish. You are not apes. You are Man. You are Higher Universal Man created directly into human man. You are the thought projection and reflection of God." [2]

Contrary to what Earth scientists falsely project, apes were created from the unnatural sexual union between the early inhabitants of Earth and monkeys.  This perverted sexual act of bestiality (sexual relations between humans and animals) is strictly prohibited by Creator Source.




"Your years 1980-1981 witnessed a native American exodus to the lush green hills of Canton, Zurich. Now why would that be? Tribal leaders and medicine men from across the continent of the U.S. had heard word of the on-going experiences and sought out the Contactee [Eduard 'Billy' Meier] . They came to congratulate him for his courage and to compare their histories and prophecies to those from the visitors from the Seven Stars. As astounding as that might seem to you doubtful ones, the majority of concepts were unified thought by Earth humans and Pleiadians alike. You cannot separate the Brotherhood. We are One." [2]

End of Quoting


 Below is the first part of Part 1 of the '251st Contact -Part 1 & 2', which deals with the sojourns of the Peoples of Earth from their ancient beginnings and prerecorded history, up until present day.  It is written, in part, in the form of a dialogue between Eduard 'Billy' Meier (Earth Contactee) and Ptaah (Plejaran Contactor).  The 251st Contact is, arguably, the most important of all the Billy Meier documents for Man of Earth to read, as it removes the veil secrecy from Man's little-known prehistoric and ancient beginnings, travails, and current challenges blocking his Soul growth.




251st Contact - Part 1

By Eduard 'Billy' Meier



Friday, February 3, 1995, 12:01 a.m.

Billy:  It is so nice to see you again, my friend.  Welcome to my lair.

Ptaah:  I, too, am delighted to be able to greet you again, Eduard, my friend.  I am supposed to convey to you warm greetings and wishes from everyone --- especially from all those people you know personally, but also from some you do not even know.

Billy:  Thanks. --- I do hope that I will keep hearing from them every now and then --- from you as well, of course.  Now the year 1995 has begun and with it the time of finishing your tasks here on Earth.

Ptaah:  That is correct, but it does not signify that we will also end our contacts with you; our intention is that they shall continue, although much less frequently.  It may take many months, therefore, perhaps even a year or two, before one of us can visit you again.

Billy:  I am certainly pleased about that, because I would really miss all of you very much, especially you, because you were practically the only one in the past few years who visited me.  But tell me, when are you people withdrawing all of your crews and materials from our planet?

Ptaah:  We have already completed that task, and there is nothing on Earth now that points to our previous existence here, with the exception of the materials in your possession.  The last of our people left the Earth approximately 30 minutes ago.  Our stations no longer exist either; everything has been restored to the way it looked originally; no trace of our stay here can be found.

Billy:  Of course, you had to do that, that's clear.  A long time ago Sfath already told me, along with Asket, Semjase and Quetzal, that you people would have to do this once the year 1995 had begun.  You, too, told me the same, and I had to promise all of you to keep silent until the time when you would all withdraw from Earth for good.  I am familiar with the reason for your withdrawal, but I don't know whether I am allowed to speak of it officially because you told me that it would have to remain a secret for the time being, at least until 1995 when you are all leaving the Earth.

Ptaah:  You must continue to keep this secret; do not speak about it under any circumstances.  We are only permitted to elaborate to the point as our withdrawal from Earth is linked with the immediate future and related events, in which we are not allowed to interfere in any form so that we may protect and keep close reigns on the secret regarding our own culture and region where we live.  This is tied in also with the fact that some matters are impending.  On one hand, we were able to foresee them but, on the other hand, they are the reason for our withdrawal, while events that have been unfolding on Earth for several decades now were part of our assignments.  We have fulfilled this task, along with the many others we were obligated to look after, and you have played a very important role in this scenario of making public, worldwide, the so-called UFO phenomenon, as terrestrials have labeled it.  You alone made it possible to promulgate this subject matter worldwide and provoke the controversy to the extent that it is not only religious and pseudo-esoteric sectarians, fanatics, gullible individuals, and madmen, etc., who preoccupy themselves with the subject.  Finally, for some time now, a great variety of scientists, governmental agencies, military services and governments have also begun to seriously preoccupy themselves with this subject, a fact that could not have been accomplished without your help and great resulting effort.  Actually, alone through your efforts was this successful launching of the worldwide UFO controversy possible, for which we all express our appreciation to you --- a recognition you had to really struggle for, when I think of all the harm that came crashing down upon you.  And it is irrelevant whether they were health related or associated with the defamations, abusive language, assassination attempts, diatribes of hatred and other things to which we, unfortunately, had to contribute our share, as you know.  Had it not been for these occurrences, the UFO controversy would never have come about and scientists, as well as the military and governments, among others, would not have become seriously interested in it.  [Emphasis added]

In your defense I am permitted today to speak officially about these matters and the fact that we used special techniques to analyze and evaluate in great detail the movie and photo montages, along with the movie trick photography used by all those bogus and deceitful, purported contactees or UFO observers.  We found that their falsified movie and photo material appealed to terrestrial humans, particularly to those so-called UFO experts who call themselves ufologists and the like, and this even includes some well-respected scientists.  The absurdity of the falsifications, and the people who believed them, is stunning yet extremely effective.  For this reason, we executed maneuvers with our genuinely existing flying objects, e.g., jerky pendulum movements and certain skipping and floating movements, which ordinarily are not a part of our flying objects' normal movements and flight techniques. Instead, they appeared like those ridiculous, abrupt pendulum and strange swaying movements of the manipulated movies and photos by the UFO swindlers, liars and charlatans.  The fact that we chose to execute these movement types is based on the reasoning that they, in particular, would result in the worldwide, fierce UFO controversy, which resulted in many hardships for you, of course.  You were accused of fraud, deceit, charlatanry and, indeed, dishonesty.  You were further charged with constructing models and then photographing and filming them.  Often we felt very sorry for you, but were unable to change any of this.  Only by executing certain flight maneuvers, which you then were able to film, photograph and disseminate throughout the globe, was the worldwide UFO controversy ensured that led to the previously mentioned outcome.  In the future, they will also bring about additional and by now urgently needed results.  It may be some consolation to you now to know that everything has occurred with the desired and intended outcome, and that you are now the most important person in matters related to contacts with extraterrestrials and UFO affairs --- you probably are the most famous personality worldwide in these matters. Of c...   [Emphasis added]

Billy: Excuse me, but I am not conceited because of it and can easily do without that.

Ptaah: Your words and resistance were probably inevitable, but they do show that you really have not changed.  But I am not finished speaking:  It was inevitable, of course, that people would appear who were jealous of you, and others who defrauded and falsified your film and photo material, because they wanted to make you look preposterous and destroy your work.  Therefore, they sought to obtain your original films and negatives, which was not particularly difficult to do because of your trusting attitude.  Subsequently, this material was copied and recopied over and over, and also falsified through composites and other manipulations to a point where the appearance of trick photography and photomontages was evoked.  These underhanded elements used movie footage and photo negatives that had been retouched or marked with lines to give the impression they were threads, ropes, wires or other such suspension accessories.  Then these movies and photos were disseminated worldwide while you were handed back falsified "original films" and "original negatives", without you ever having been suspicious or wary, since you fully trusted those who came to cheat and slander you.  [Emphases added]

Nonetheless, even in the early beginnings of your work, there did exist people who truly trusted you and knew you were neither a swindler nor a charlatan, and that you were honest through and through.  These individuals also viewed your movies and photos, and recognized the genuineness of the photographic material and your own truthfulness; they were not dissuaded; they supported and greatly assisted you.  Among them were many who also suspected that certain elements of the movie footage and photos were either manipulated and falsified by ill-meaning individuals, or that, for very specific reasons, such things as the strange flight maneuvers of our flying objects had been performed to generate doubt, deliberation and this worldwide UFO controversy.  They realized that the strange swaying motion and jerky pendulum movements of our flying objects, which you filmed and photographed, were intentionally produced to trigger a particular response in Man's thinking process.  These individuals accepted this fact and refrained from allowing themselves to be influenced by defamatory gripers and others; instead, they stayed by you, or within the close or extended circle of your group, acquaintances and friends.

Billy:  Well, that's how it was, and I thank everyone who has always trusted me.  But now it probably is time to thoroughly speak of all those matters you people had not allowed me to talk about until your withdrawal was complete.

Ptaah:  Of course.  Now you can speak about them. The time has come for us to withdraw as planned.  New things manifest themselves for human beings on Earth, and a new era ensues, toward which you and we have done so much to ensure that everything transpires as intended.  Above all it was you who flattened the most important paths, and together we have performed and executed our duty.  This at least fulfills our task, while yours is still ongoing.

Billy:  I hope to be able to fulfill my task.

Ptaah:  I have no doubts about that.

Billy:  Normally I do not give in to doubt, but one never knows what may happen unexpectedly.

Ptaah:  That is correct, of course.

Billy:  Precisely. --- Have you studied the 23 typed pages which you picked up three days ago and brought back yesterday?  That is actually what I wanted to discuss with you --- whether or not they can be talked about now. In my opinion, there need be no objection to this because you are no longer active on Earth. --- Oh, yes, what about your activity as Jshwjsh for Earth; is that redundant now that you have completed your task?

Ptaah:  Certainly, for I must turn to other assignments now.

Billy:  Too bad. So the Earth is without an Jshwjsh now.

Ptaah:  That is not quite correct, for there still exist descendants of old "gods" who will make themselves heard. But I am only allowed to report about it to you confidentially, if you are interested.

Billy:  By all means --- let's do it after our official conversation.

Ptaah:  So this is how we shall handle it.

Billy:  Now then, let's get back to my 23 pages. Is everything correct?

Ptaah: I did not notice any mistakes, other than typing errors.  One thing that was not quite correct, though, was the chronological order of events; but I assume you did this for a purpose so no specific years and other calculations of time could be gleaned from the data.  I, for one, find this very sensible.  In some places you repeated yourself, for example, when you advanced the time of an event and then repeated it at the proper place.

Billy: Yes, I know that.

Ptaah: Other than that I did not notice anything incorrect.

Billy: That's good. Later, when I write down the report, I will add the 23 pages to the text of our conversation.

Ptaah: That is your prerogative.

Billy: Good.


Insert The Story of Enoch by Billy Meier here (see file).


This information should suffice for now and no special explanations are needed.  Further discussion about the actual years would be a moot point in any event, for I consider any mention of the exact timing of these events completely out of place.  An interesting item for the group, and for everyone else, may be that certain points pertaining to the extraterrestrial intelligences' visits had been off-limit for discussion for several years, except for those items your people, you in particular, had already mentioned.  You had already told me that I could openly speak about them upon your withdrawal.

Ptaah:  That is correct.  We spoke only of those ancestors who played an important role up to the present, that is, the three groups we previously discussed in one of our last conversations.  In addition to these groups there exist still a few other groups of extraterrestrial origin who visit Earth and are observed here relatively frequently.  However, none of these groups maintains any form of contact with terrestrials, neither of a private nor military or governmental nature.  Some visit Earth strictly for excursion or expedition purposes, while others maintain different interests; but not one of these groups has any type of contact whatever as it is presented by hysterical Americans, whereby terrestrial women are impregnated by extraterrestrial intelligences, or where men from Earth impregnate extraterrestrial women.  Furthermore, you may forget the nonsense about the massacre of animals, etc. Such matters have no factual basis.  Extraterrestrials will create a big flurry on Earth in the future when their interests concern other matters than excursions or expeditions.  However, we are not at liberty to speak about the whys and wherefores, and neither are you, of course, for you know about all of these future events.

Billy:  Naturally. --- But I still have a question: Is it not possible that some things you just mentioned may be responsible for claims made by Ed Walters in America, who also offers photos?

Ptaah:  He is a swindler and a fraud, and his photos are counterfeit.  This is an established fact.

Billy:  Good, thanks.  But why were we not allowed to mention those extraterrestrials of whom you just spoke?

Ptaah:  On one hand this is related to the upcoming events and the new era on Earth.  We are not permitted to speak about such things, as I have previously explained.  On the other hand, unfortunately, careless leaks of this information would only lead to further hysteria, lies and fraud, along with deceit and charlatanry, as was the case already in America, Germany, England, Japan, Sweden and other places.

Billy:  Yes, I know. In this regard America, especially, leads the way in hysteria and idiocy.

Ptaah:  That is correct, but MUFON alone must not be blamed for this entire hysteria; many religious sects and, in particular, the government itself must share in the blame.  In fact, the latter hides a great deal of important proof about the existence of extraterrestrial life, and the appearances on Earth by these beings, in their secret and undercover files; indeed, the government prohibits by law contacts of terrestrials with extraterrestrial life forms.  Another very lamentable factor is the fact that the American military constructs and tests flying objects with extreme secrecy, although many outsiders are knowledgeable about these events and even hold proof of these activities, simply because they were able to observe, film and photograph them at any time, day or night.

Billy:  And these flying objects have shapes that are unlike that of an airplane, and they possess propulsion systems and technological flight characteristics that traditional aircraft do not possess.  But why are you speaking about these things now?  We were not allowed to mention them before.

Ptaah:  With our withdrawal the cloak of secrecy has been removed from us as well.  Therefore, I am now permitted to speak about the various so-called UFO sightings that were observed in many countries throughout the world over the past four decades.  Frequently they may be traced back to these terrestrial flying objects.  They do not belong only to the Americans but to other countries on Earth as well.  The real reason why we are allowed to speak now, after our current withdrawal, is the fact that for some time now all of these things were open secrets in certain circles.  Therefore, we are not divulging anything that is considered a secret in the near future, as is the case with actual government and military secrets, in which case we have neither permission to intervene nor can we currently reveal them.  At this time we are confirming certain things and events that previously could not be considered actual secrets for quite some time.

Billy:  In a number of countries on Earth, flying objects are being developed that successfully resemble alien and extraterrestrial vehicles due to their strange, untraditional construction.  The styles of these flying devices range from the beamship shapes your people made known all the way to the triangular forms, among many others.  It is no wonder, therefore, that observers regard these flying objects as UFOs, or rather, as spaceships or simply as extraterrestrial flying craft; last, but not least, also because these craft are silent or nearly silent and possess flying characteristics that are alien and contrary to flight techniques known on Earth.  Now you have a repetition of your explanations.  A double stitching holds up better.

Ptaah:  That is correct.Billy:  In my 23 pages I forgot to mention also that the terrestrial beings were actually one single race during Enoch's (Henok) ancient times. From this one race other races formed due to climatic and atmospheric changes, and splits that created new breeds once again.  These mixed among themselves, and new races were created once again.  Over the course of time, not only did the skin color of humans change but also their outward appearance, yet always in tune with the new surroundings, new living conditions and other influences.  This, of course, resulted in genetic changes in addition to those changes produced by the genetic manipulations.  However, the changes were not significant enough for the original and basic link not to remain evident that all humans on Earth originated from the same, single Ur-stock. Hence, when the humans from the Lyra regions and other locations interbred with the early emigrants, respectively their descendants nearly 190,000 years ago on Earth, the cycle was complete among people of the same stock.  And then, when the peoples separated again in large spurts, and the most diverse regions of the Earth were newly inhabited, further changes in skin color, outward appearance and gene changes transpired again,  This time, too, the Ur-breed remained intact, and it can be genetically proven that the terrestrials originated from a single Ur-race.  [Emphasis added]

Ptaah:  Indeed, you actually did fail to mention this in your report.

Billy:  Something else in this regard: I have been thinking that while rewriting and correcting the PROPHECIES, we could also incorporate the 23 pages.  There are actually only one or two prophecies; the remainder consists of predictions.  How do you feel about this?

Ptaah:  It would probably be appropriate for you to integrate everything together into your new book.

Billy:  Certain people probably are going to get into a flap over it for sure; but that does not really matter.  We are used to such things.  Still, anyone who wishes to be heard must create a disturbance, and whoever wishes to create a disturbance must repeat the same things several times.  Only by creating a disturbance, human beings will become aware of some person or some facts presented to them, because they will either feel personally attacked or because it bothers them to hear the same facts two or three times.  It is the only way to stimulate people into thinking, regardless of whether it is in a peaceful or angry way.  The only important thing is the result, that is to say, the fact that one way or another they feel attacked and, therefore, only then do they begin to ponder things and react. --- But now something else:  Recently I stumbled across the fact that we spoke against hatred toward strangers and other races in our small campaign texts, but we have never really delved into the subject or produced any separate booklets on it. In the future we will do so and, together with Bernadette, I have designed stickers for this subject matter.  Here they are.  What do you think of them?  These are already at the printers, these three I would like to have made up next week.

Ptaah:  They are very nice and express a great deal about the individual subject matter.  I like them very much.  I would be delighted if you would let me have about three of each one --- and of those you now have as well. I would like to begin a collection of them.  Quetzal still has some Swiss money remaining from the time you purchased various items for us.  I would like to give you this money as a contribution toward the printing costs of these stickers.  It must be nearly CHF 500.00.

Billy:  Of course -- you can have as many stickers as you wish.  And the money we certainly like to have, too.  I thank you on behalf of the entire group.

Ptaah:  Please convey my thanks and greetings to the group members also, and to all of the groups in California, Sweden, Toronto, Japan and, of course, to all friends of the Mission and all Passive Group members as well.  I also pass on these thanks and greetings of behalf of my daughters Semjase and Pleja, and also Asket, Neera, Menara, Isodos, Talida, Quetzal and all the others who know you from photos and our TV broadcasts, or from those people who encountered Core Group and Passive Group members during our visits to the Center, although these individuals rarely or never even noticed that we were nearby.  I have also been asked to convey thanks and greetings from many people who know you only from hearsay.

Billy:  Thank you.

Ptaah:  It is . . .

Billy:  Please, the . . .

Ptaah:  This is correct.  I also wanted to talk about that.  But if you feel that matters really are as you just mentioned, it may be better to keep silent on it.

Billy:  They are probably just as you said.  Let's talk about something else:  For some time now, the magazines and newspapers have been filled with war crime recollections by the Nazis in Germany.  Radio and Television also have nothing better to do than to fan the memories of these crimes with every means possible.  The Jewish organizations and associations, etc., do so especially. It is my opinion that these actions are just as abominable and criminal as the constant anti-war propaganda in form of so-called anti-war films, etc., as well as the magnified crimes of racism and torture.  It is my personal opinion, which is based on my knowledge of the human-psychological reactions, that all of those people who shout "anti" and "contra" against torture and capital punishment, concentration camps, crime, wars in any form by showing those gruesome and horrifying pictures shown in newspapers, magazines, as well as on TV and in the cinemas of people getting massacred, tortured and murdered, of cemeteries being violated, houses burned, among other things, are doing others a great disservice.  They have no clue about the human psyche and psychology.  If they knew anything about this, they would realize that their actions achieve exactly the opposite to what they intend because numerous misled, erroneous-thinking individuals feel attracted to such purported anti-propaganda.  These people see that idiotic anti-propaganda and are then triggered toward the opposite effect, whereupon they want to act in the manner they are shown.  For this reason, the neo-Nazi and right-extremist movements gain ever more ground.  Unfortunately, this is a psychological process, which is really logical, albeit unrecognized, by those in charge and by the co-screamers of this insane anti-propaganda.  Indeed, these people lack the knowledge of human nature and the knowledge of psychology.  Anti-war films, anti-concentration camp films, anti-drug films, anti-torture and anti-capital punishment films that depict crimes in pictures and give descriptions, and movies that present such crimes in pictures by stimulating the readers' fantasy of these written words, achieve exactly the opposite of what they should do. Memories triggered by such moronic things provoke, in many people, the desire to act in the same way as the culprits who originally performed these atrocities --- who also became insane through propaganda.  Anyone wanting to speak up against these past and still prevailing horrors, must never do so in this moronic manner.  Condemnation must occur by pointing out the current existing ills and their ominous consequences for the future.  Memories of past events in accordance with the idiotic motto: "We must never forget Auschwitz" or "We must never let the horrors of the past be forgotten", etc., are completely out of place and dangerous, for they only prompt, anew, the identical evils and horrors of the past.  Therefore, this insanity must stop if the flames of neo-Nazism and the extreme right radicalism are not to be fanned any further.  Only by banning the anti-insanity in the above-mentioned form can healing begin.  And a fight against all of these evils and harm can only be crowned with success if the means to fight are restricted to those methods that do not glorify the memories as it has been the case until now. Instead, the methods must delineate them in a form that points out the damage and the harm, and reveal the subsequent consequences they will result in.  This is my personal opinion, and I'd like to hear yours too at this time.

Ptaah:  I wholeheartedly agree with you. I need not add any further explanations except, possibly, that only truly responsible, clear-thinking and rational people will recognize this fact. One does not even require any psychological education; pure reason alone suffices to identify your factual explanation.

Billy:  Of course, if this isn't the truth! --- but tell me: In the middle of February, a severe earthquake occurred in Japan that caused more than 5000 deaths and immense damage. It was far, far more severe than the last major tremor in California, during which a great deal of plundering took place, and people behaved as though they had never been taught any decency and respect. This also happened in other places, in Mexico for instance, several South-American countries and elsewhere, where all law and order collapsed. All of this stands in direct contrast with Japan where such things hardly ever happened, and the people bore all hardships with admirable composure. Chaos and all other ills did not materialize the way they did in other countries, especially in America, where appropriate demeanor would have also been warranted. This appropriate demeanor was lacking, as was a certain kind of culture. Indeed, Japanese organized crime groups even aided the population through food distribution and other things. This alone shows what true culture and honor, what composure and respect the Japanese possess. Chivalry and friendship are not simply empty phrases with them the way it is with many Americans who call you their friend very quickly. And yet the word has no substance for them --- as we have so often seen over the past 20 years. Still, there are obviously also those Americans who are true friends and true human beings. To them friendship is a truly precious commodity. I, too, have such friends in America but unfortunately they are few in number. However, they are true, honest and good friends.

Ptaah:  I am aware of this.  The earthquake spread great suffering, misery, sadness and vast destruction throughout Japan and among the Japanese. Please convey to these people our deepest regrets and our great respect for their admirable conduct during those difficult times.

Billy:  I'd be glad to, for I also feel a sense of high esteem and respect for them.  Can any action whatever be taken against earthquakes? 

Ptaah:  The rule has shown, even on every one of our worlds within the federation, that hardly anything reasonable can be done to prevent severe quake damage once tall buildings, etc., have been constructed.  For this reason we normally only have low, greatly reinforced buildings capable of withstanding the most severe earthquakes.  Our worlds, too, live and are shaken by earthquakes, but our construction methods for buildings and their safety against planetary jolts are designed accordingly.

Billy:  You also have houses and buildings that are not constructed from small pieces, that is, made from stone or cement blocks and so forth, since your buildings are made as single units from synthetic materials.  There is not one seam anywhere, judging from what I have seen.  Furthermore, they are constructed on systems of springs or as floating bodies.Ptaah:  This is correct, but these are merely two of the methods utilized to off-set any jolting.  [Emphasis added]

Billy:  I did not claim that I knew everything.  I only mentioned what I had observed during my visit.  Besides, the earthquake was not the only alarming event on Earth in January.  Throughout Europe, including Switzerland, monstrous storms and floods caused incredible damage.

Ptaah:  This will also be the case from now on, for these disasters will increase worldwide even further, and so will storms, tornados, typhoons, hurricanes, floods, droughts and huge wild fires everywhere that will cause immense damage and many deaths on Earth.  Earthquakes are also among these calamities that will cause yet even further damage and suffering, as will be the case also with wars and religious sectarianism, which is expected to initiate many sectarian dramas.  Major crime and minor criminal activities will abound throughout the world, as will political and military turmoil. Islamic fundamentalism will become more extreme, and diseases and epidemics will increase among the terrestrial population.  Of course, these crises will not take place at constantly high levels, for these things tend sometimes to increase or to decrease; therefore, at various periods the calamities will be more numerous and sometimes less so.  They will continuously increase, however.  The blame for this upward trend must be placed on the terrestrials, for through the constant increases in overpopulation they compound the increase in their every ill.  Yet, we must really not spend any more time speaking about these matters because throughout the many years of our contacts everything of relevance has been discussed previously --- and in vain, unfortunately.  Human beings as a whole, especially those with responsible positions in governments and the military, have chosen to ignore the population figures, although you and your entire group have made every effort and expended much energy and cost to publicize this information.  [Emphasis added]

Billy:  We do have some successes to show for it, because many people have picked up on our words and passed them on, along with their efforts to begin living and behaving according to our statements and suggestions.

Ptaah:  This is correct, of course, but I spoke about the majority of terrestrials and the majority of the responsible people.  Naturally, the minority is important, for it is these people who lead in this fight with great fervor. Unfortunately, they will reap very little gratitude, even though they are ultimately responsible for laying the cornerstone for the positive changes. In this regard you and your group are in the preeminent position.

Billy:  Thanks for the "flowers" (The word "flowers" in this colloquial German phrase really means "compliments").

Ptaah:  Now that we have withdrawn from Earth, I want to reiterate the issue, once again, that neither we Plejarans nor any of the allies within our federation are maintaining any contacts whatsoever with terrestrial human beings; neither in a physical nor a telepathic form. Indeed, such contacts have never existed except, however, for five particular individuals whose identity you already know, and who died several years ago.  Not one of them ever publicized the knowledge he or she possessed.  Yet, what we want to say, though, is that we do maintain impulse contacts with terrestrial scientists and others.  We shall continue these contacts through appropriate devices, although the individuals involved have not, nor will they ever know about the contacts in the future.  These impulse contacts are determined by evolution and are guiding mankind toward the future, whereupon research and inventions will transpire, new knowledge will be gleaned, literary works in a futuristic form will be written, science fiction that will frequently be turned into motion pictures.  You are the only person on Earth with whom we had, and still maintain, contact with in both physical and telepathic form --- except for those individuals whom you knew and who have since died.

Billy:  What about other extraterrestrial intelligences since?   Do any of those maintain contacts with terrestrials at this time?  I mean with private people and the like, who have no connections with governments and the military, about which you are not permitted to speak.

Ptaah:  This question must be answered with a definite 'no', for none of the three groups who are constantly or frequently on Earth, maintains any private nor religious contacts with individuals on Earth, which can also be affirmed with absolute certainty.  This also applies to the many extraterrestrial visitors who come to Earth for excursions, expeditions or whatever other reasons.  The "examination" contacts are excluded, because we are not speaking about them since they are not contingent upon two-way contacts.

Billy:  This means that no contacts now exist between private citizens and extraterrestrials.  And, just as you have stated, neither are there any contacts of a religions nature between terrestrials and extraterrestrials.  This means, then, that the stigmatized man and his benefactor, Siragusa, are nothing more than frauds, liars and cheats.  The stigmatist, Giorgio Bongiovanni, even wanted to come and bring me a very important message from the Holy Mother of God and the Father in Heaven himself.  For nearly a week he had third parties pester us in a number of languages to arrange a meeting with me. He and his followers actually believe that his stigmata is a sign from God, while his signs, and those of all stigmatic persons, are truthfully only generated by religious-sectarian delusions and fanaticism.  These signs are produced through a religious and sectarian-based psychogenic effect in the identical manner as was the case with the first famous stigmatic individual, Francis of Assisi, and several hundred others.

Ptaah:  This is absolutely correct. From our monitoring device I know about the incident regarding the telephone harassment by the followers of this delusional fanatic, Giorgio Bongiovanni.  It seems, the religious-sectarian fanaticism knows no bounds among terrestrials.

Billy:  Another question regarding the Pleiades.  You mentioned previously that they are still very young.  Aren't there any inhabitable planets?

Ptaah:  No.  Although there is a planetary formation around some of the Pleiadian celestial bodies, they are in as young a state as the stars themselves, which is only natural, of course; when the stars are young, the planets must also be young. However, on the few planets in the Pleiades star cluster no life exists whatever at this time, and the question remains, whether or not any life will ever develop there.

Billy:  Thank you. Another question:  For his book Geheimsache UFO ... (Secret Matter UFO ...), Michael Hesemann used a cover photo, taken by a certain Amaury Rivera, that shows an American Air Force F-14 interceptor and a UFO over Puerto Rico.  Do you know anything about this?

Ptaah:  Certainly.  There is no doubt that trick photography was used with models suspended with fishing lines.  We checked into this matter as thoroughly as we did with Ed Walters, whose photos also utilized trick photography.  Michael Hesemann is an enthusiastic ufologist but he is, in this respect extremely, almost irresponsibly, gullible.  He allows himself to be unusually easily tricked and deceived, and he erroneously believes that he is of extraterrestrial origin.  As our very profound investigations have shown, he is a purely Earth-created individual and this may, in part, be the reason for his UFO enthusiasm and the fact that he is so easily deceived.

Billy:  Regarding the falsified photos:  There have been many other authentic pictures taken in the past few years by UFO observers.  Among them, according to your own information, there are also photos taken by police and military personnel.

Ptaah:  This is correct.  A number of extraterrestrial intelligences allowed their spaceships to be sighted, filmed and photographed on Earth over the past decades.  The UFO movie footage and photographic material produced worldwide, but especially in America, South America, England and other countries, does not always show actual extraterrestrial flying objects.  Instead, the photos also depict exotic aircraft that have been produced by terrestrials on Earth over the past several decades, as well as craft that come from the terrestrial future, or those, which are known to us as bio-organic flying devices.  They are so-called dimension changers, or life forms, that enter terrestrial air space from another dimension.

Billy:  Carlos Diaz, a purported contactee, what do you think of him?

Ptaah:  You pose an illogical question, for I already explained that no human beings on Earth maintain any contacts with extraterrestrial intelligences. Therefore, he is a liar, fraud and cheat.

Billy:  I would like to ask for additional information about the following:  Are you familiar with Area 51; Roswell, the 1947 incident in New Mexico; a UFO crash in Aztec, New Mexico, similar to the one in Roswell, but a year later; a third crash at the Mexican border in '49 or '50; and, in addition, do Americans in Area 51 have some extraterrestrial corpses along with one ET whom they hold captive, and who may now be alive?

Ptaah:  I have already stated several times that these matters fall under my pledge of secrecy because they are associated with government, military and national security affairs.  I am not permitted, therefore, to speak about these issues officially, but I can speak to you in confidence -- under four eyes -- as you like to refer to it.  Needless to say, it would indeed present a danger to you if you officially possessed such information.  Let us keep things the way they are now.

Billy:  That's ok, it was only a last attempt.  Then back to Michael Hesemann.  What do you think of him?

Ptaah:  He would be a very valuable individual in disseminating the truth about our entire Mission and beyond; if only he would desist being influenced to such a great extent by lies, deceit, fraud and charlatanry, and if he were more courageous in disseminating the genuine truth instead of so much nonsense that is presented in his books and magazine.

Billy:  You are expressing my opinion as well.

Ptaah:  Truly, he could be a person to be accorded the required trust to disseminate Mission material, if only he would possess the courage to commit himself to it.

Billy:  I know, but, unfortunately, this essential factor does not seem to exist.  What about future contacts with extraterrestrials, may we speak about them now?

Ptaah:  Unfortunately this remains impossible.  Nonetheless, I am, or rather you are, permitted to reveal that new events will soon occur.

Billy:  You mean the fact that time is fast approaching when official contacts with extraterrestrials will take place?

Ptaah:  Of course.  I have told you about them.  In times to come, many things will occur and changes ensue with regard to extraterrestrial aircraft, their crews as well as terrestrial, mysterious and exotic-looking flying craft. Extraterrestrial contacts may be expected, but they will be completely different from the current contacts that these many lying, deceitful and fraudulent would-be contactees have portrayed them to be through their religious-sectarian absurdities and other things. Immensely significant new discoveries are also forthcoming that will take place on Earth, on the Moon, Mars and beyond, as you have previously stated and extensively revealed in your 23-page report without mentioning the specific dates for particular events.  [Emphasis added]

Billy:  It would have been wrong to name the years or the exact days and months and so forth.

Ptaah:  I have already stated that you acted correctly.  Regarding this correctness, I would like to point out something that is not particularly pleasant: After observing what has been transpiring over the past years, I have noticed that only a small number of Core Group members have sufficient capabilities to write in such a manner that they can produce their own foreordained texts and books through their individual volition and ability.  This is particularly grave among the male group members, excluding Guido.  The situation with various female group members is much more positive.  With regard to current writings in the way of upcoming books and writings, I find the required labor-intense corrections and revisions absolutely frightful, and this applies also to the required sentence structure to achieve the appropriate wording.

Billy:  Our people simply are not writers, and often they do not have the ability to write well.

Ptaah:  There are at least three male group members who are convinced that their literary effusions are of unique quality.  Should their works be published, however, they would require complete re-editing, proofreading [the old German expression 'korrektiert' is used here] and revising so that they would be both stylistically correct and readable.

Billy:  That's a fine mess.  But tell me, from where do you know the term 'korrektieren'?

Ptaah:  This is a very old, long-gone term in Old German that means something is, or must be, "put right" again.

Billy:  I know this too, my friend, because I use this term all the time.

Ptaah:  It is a word-merit that briefly and concisely expresses the meaning.

Billy:  I am pleased that I am no longer the only one who knows and uses this term.  But it seems that nowadays nobody really knows it any more --- even in academic books one cannot find anything about it, as though it had never existed.

Ptaah:  It is shown in our old German language records, however.

Billy:  Well, this won't help me here -- and our "great authors" will be "elated" by your words.

Ptaah:  It would be pointless not to speak about this fact, for the errors would never be recognized.  On the other hand I would be lying if I praised them, and such actions are foreign to us. --- The written works produced in the aforementioned manner truly cannot be published until they have been thoroughly re-edited.

Billy:  And who is to do all this re-editing?

Ptaah:  Probably you will not find the time, although you are predestined to do it.  And yet, perhaps, you should not be considered for this task. I would like to suggest that Mariann does it, if she is willing; but it would take up a much of her time and would restrict her freedom.  Although a few female members in the Core Group could also perform this task, they, too, have very little spare time.  Therefore, we must drop this subject for now and see what can be done about it in the future.

Billy:  Some prospects! Tell me now how far your research and tests have progressed regarding the latest travel and transportation technology?

Ptaah:  Everything remains hampered by failures, and it will still take more time before all the functions perform flawlessly.  Some additional, unexpected problems arose again recently.  Once everything is functioning without defect, we will have the capability of visiting you more often as we will not have to traverse the distances to Earth and you in such an awkward manner; instead, we will do so without losing any time at all, among other things.  Likewise, we have not forgotten your promised trip to visit my daughter Semjase.

Billy:  I am happy to hear this.  I am eager to find out when this will finally take place.

Ptaah:  As it looks now it may still need some time according to your concept --- perhaps two or three years.

Billy:  Man, oh man, I am already old and rickety now! --- One more question regarding terrestrial UFOs.  You told me that you are not allowed to discuss them.  Nonetheless, there are many people on our planet who openly speak about them and can even present photographic and movie-footage evidence of these craft.  Even insiders now speak openly of these matters and divulge secrets.

Ptaah:  That may be so, but they are not in my position.  I must adhere to our directives that dictate I cannot speak about such matters.  We are prohibited from interfering with any terrestrial matters other than those where we are in direct contact with you and are providing you with the information, among other things.  [Emphasis added]

Billy:  Of course, I should have thought of this myself. --- Oh yes, what are we going to do now and in the future when I have questions for which I would like an answer from you?

Ptaah:  We have already taken care of everything, so when something important arises we will be able to contact you telepathically.  You will not have to try very hard to reach us, for the monitoring device that will remain over the Center is adjusted and programmed to receive your telepathic impulses, which are transmitted as a signal to me at several times the speed of light.  I will then contact you.  Likewise, I will get in contact with you when I have important information, instructions or other matters for you or the group.  So, you need not struggle to call me; in other words, you need not try for hours if I am not available at that exact moment.  A simple, elementary-type telepathic call will suffice and be registered by the monitoring device, whose signal is continually transmitted until I receive and confirm it.  My telepathic contact with you, in turn, will ensue as rapidly as possible in normal spirit telepathy.

Billy:  Thanks for your efforts. I will only call you when something really important turns up.

Ptaah:  I would be much obliged.  Furthermore, please refrain from asking questions that concern the interests of group members or other individuals. In the future the intent is that all of you are on your own; you must all determine, guide and handle everything by yourselves.  Future questions will only be answered when they are closely or loosely related to interests in the Mission and those generated in some form by your own interests.

Billy:  What about those control discs that monitor the world -- will they remain stationed around the Earth?

Ptaah:  All of the monitoring devices have been removed now.  The only remaining one is intended for the Center.  It is no larger than 7 mm [approx. 1/4th of an inch] in diameter and 3.2 mm [1/8th inch] in thickness.

Billy:  And that contains the entire monitoring electronics and the signal transmitter?

Ptaah:  Along with many other devices of which you could not even dream, as you express it.  The monitoring device also contains the transmitter, receiver and a related picture transmission system that transmits everything at a multiple of the speed of light to a checkpoint near to our dimension passage at the…star in the Pleiades star cluster.  From there it reaches us by way of a dimensional transmitter located in our own space-time configuration, hence, in our dimension.  For security reasons I am unauthorized to provide any further explanations.

Billy:  You are probably referring to security regarding other space traveling intelligences?

Ptaah:  Precisely.  To provide you with more detailed information would be dangerous for us.

Billy:  My friend, you are once again very laconic. --- You probably feel that certain Earth visitors from other worlds beyond our solar system could obtain your information to me and then find their way into your dimension?

Ptaah:  Yes, that is what I am telling you.  We know of at least one such group of intelligences who are capable of entering other dimensions to the extent that they would be capable of penetrating into our dimension, which would be rather unpleasant.

Billy:  I did not know that.  Do these intelligences come to Earth, too?

Ptaah:  Yes, they do.

Billy:  Then one can understand your concerns even more. --- Are you speaking of those who…

Ptaah:  They only visit Earth sporadically.

Billy:  In the Spirit Lessons, I have begun an extensive project about dream interpretation.  I already explained that dream symbols throughout the Universe possess the identical value, respectively interpretation, for all human life forms, assuming of course, that the humans on other worlds receive the same symbols as us here on Earth.  This is not always the case, naturally, because many other prerequisites exists on other, extraterrestrial worlds, such as in the animal kingdom, technology, landscapes, etc., which have an influence on the type of symbols.  If we assume, then, that on other worlds ravens exist, too, or snakes and so forth, they would possess the same symbolic value as here on Earth.  Stars, fire, water, air, volcanoes and thousands of other things exist throughout the entire Universe.  As dream symbols, they have the same values and interpretations as those on Earth.  Symbols on Earth that are non-existent here due to different types of fauna, environment, technology, music, landscapes, flora, etc., but exist on other worlds, would have the identical values on Earth or elsewhere as long as the appropriate prerequisites are given here as well.  Does this apply to other Universes also?  I think that it cannot be any other way.

Ptaah: Your assumptions are absolutely correct.

Billy:  Then I have another question regarding...

Billy:  ... One never knows.  So many unexpected things seem to happen all the time, and they could change everything.

Ptaah:  This is correct, of course, and we cannot say what the future will hold in this regard.  But just like you, we also hope that everything will happen as predestined.

Billy:  That's easy to say, but we are really hoping for it, too.  By the way --- Heidi and Bob in San Diego, as well as the many group members who gather around them, are always very active, diligent and successful.  A true joy.

Ptaah:  I am well aware of the situation.  Please extend to them my special greetings and high esteem, for they are truly very diligent and successful in their efforts for the Mission.  They are a rare exception in America with regard to their honesty, along with their true efforts and esteem for the Mission, for you and for us.  When I think of the evil schemes, fraudulent activities and exploitations perpetrated by Americans against you, I permit myself to say that the individuals in this small group around Adelheid, respectively Heidi and Bob, as well as these two themselves, belong to a very select group of people for whom you would have to search for a long, long time to find.  How did you phrase it once in a parable: "Some very few, healthy, germinating seeds in a gigantic desert."  A phrase I have since never forgotten.

Billy:  I did say this once.  That is correct.  It was a very long time ago.  But it actually applies to Heidi and Bob and the small group gathered around them.  The Toronto Group, FIGU Japan and the few people in Sweden are also doing quite well, even though in Canada and Japan a few small snags still remain.  But there is truly no comparison with Heidi's and Bob's group.

Ptaah:  One must truly show them due respect.

Billy:  You've said it, my friend.  I wanted to ask you still about the future meditations:  If you are not here any longer, does this mean you are not participating any longer either?

Ptaah:  No, everything remains the same way as it has been until now.  There will be no changes in this regard.  Everything will continue the way it always did.

Billy:  That's good, so we are not truly alone.  May I ask you still something regarding the epidemics that threaten us here on Earth?

Ptaah:  Present your question.

Billy:  You did mention that new epidemics will also manifest themselves and spread throughout the world.  When will that begin?

Ptaah:  The tribulation began originally with the initial epidemics when, as usual, everything was kept covered up.

Billy:  How could it be any different.  Our glorious scientists also claim that certain diseases cannot cross over the species barriers such as epidemics, for example, of scrapie, also called cattle madness or BSE, and AIDS. In both cases this has already transpired, in fact a long time ago. Yet, the narrow-minded, megalomaniacal, moronic scientists still claim that this is impossible.

Ptaah:  What you say here is absolutely correct:  Pathogens of animals as well as humans are very much capable of crossing over the species barrier, mutating, and causing the infection of other species with the same disease.  Pathogens have the ability to spread from one type of animal to other animal species and on to humans while, likewise, pathogens of human diseases have the ability to spread to animals.  Due to the change from one species to another, the state of the disease also changes.  The pathogens mutate and adapt to the other life forms.  These are facts that are denied by the reprehensible, criminal and irresponsible individuals in charge.  On one hand they are truly megalomaniacal and narrow-minded, as you said, and on the other hand, they remain so restricted in their knowledge that they fail to see the genuine correlations, or are unable to even fathom them. --- Now, my friend Eduard, we should turn to other things, for we still have much to discuss.

Billy:  Of course --- I have no further questions




So, I shall begin this:

The story about Enoch (Henock in German) or Nokodemion, respectively, is well known within the group; excerpts from it can be found also in the OM. However, nothing was ever mentioned until now about the other things that transpired with Enoch nearly 12 billion years ago with regard to this peoples.  Even as far back as Sfath, your people requested that I remain silent until 1995.  Later on, this commitment of silence was reconfirmed too by Asket, then Semjase, Quetzal and yourself, Ptaah.  Now that 1995 has begun, and you have given me your permission to talk about it, I want to offer my knowledge as I still recollect it: [3]

[End quoting]


To be continued...




[1] --Gyeorgos Ceres Hatonn - PJ 50 - 'THROUGH DARKNESS INTO LIGHT', Chapter 6, page 78.

[2] --Gyeorgos Ceres Hatonn - Excerpts from audio cassette tape, 'Hatonn #1, 6/1/1992'.

[3] --Eduard 'Billy' Meier/Ptaah - 251st Contact, Part 1 - 2/3/1995.

Subject matter compiled by Rocky Montana.