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From Jane Derry

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May 2, 2013

CITIZENS HEARING ON DISCLOSURE サ Updates: At the National Press Club, Washington, DC.
This is two blocks east of the White House.

These hearings are bringing light to the most tightly held secrets

that the U.S. Government is keeping from the people of our nation
and the world! It is time for these illegal activities to end!
The meetings are held all week beginning each day at 8:45am eastern time;
the meetings break for a 2-hour supper & then lectures resume from 7pm - 10pm.
To gain ACCESS to these historic Citizens Hearings on Disclosure (CHD)...
LIVE ONLINE ALL WEEK... here's where you make $3.80 payment for the
entire live event (tune in anytime all week... & the evening lectures are included...
as well as being able to watch the Sirius movie on Monday night, 4/29, 8pm eastern)...
Or, archived access from May 5th thru June 5th (an additional $3.80)...
Testimony Schedule
Explore all of the pull down menus at:
To get a idea of the power being brought to these meetings,
click on, "WITNESSES" (from the menu bar),
then click on each of the witnesses individually
to read up on the 'expertise' that each brings to these meetings.
End the Truth Embargo:
"It's not just about lights in the sky...
it's about lies on the ground."
Citizen Hearing on Disclosure - Day 1
Secret Records and the Church Connection
Grant Cameron Testifies about Barry Goldwater's UFO Interests
The Alien-Technology Connection
Dr. Steven Greer Testifies about Extra Terrestrial Technology










Channel: Ashtar/Athena

April 30 2013

3:07 PM Mountain Time



This is Lord Ashtar who serves the Most Radiant One (the Christ) in his Mission of Love.



Greetings, Family,



This is a beautiful day in the Washington DC area and the Disclosure Hearings are being heard.



My crew and I are hovering over the National Press Club watching and listening on OUR BIG COMPUTER ;-) to the Disclosure Hearings.

The facts are: they are doing a superb job of prooving that we do exist and are not harmful to mankind. The Congressmen, Military personnel, and others have testified that UFO's have been observed all over your globe. These facts have been covered up by your government, files have been hidden away and some even destroyed; the people have been lied to, to prevent them from knowing the truth. All of this has, of course, been to your government's advantage and the advantage of other heads of state.



Governments have been pretending that this lack of disclosure was for "safety reasons" under the Security Act. Another justification to compensate and cover up the truth.

Keep tuned in, beloved ones, the real truth is being heard here. Now, if truth unfolds, we here on the ships have planned that by the end of, or around, or through the 3rd of May, watch in the skies, beloved ones! Watch over the Press Club and all over your globe. The peoples of the world, will know that we are for real and that you are not alone!





Your beloved Commander, Ashtar

The Galactic Federation of Light

