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The Bridge - Step 48 - You Are Your Attention

The Intenders of the Highest Good

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he most vital part, in fact.

It's interesting that taking someone else's attention away from them has become a widely accepted occurrence in our world today. Most people don't mind at all; they accept that others can interrupt them, regardless of the motivation. Indeed, many people's lives are filled to the brim by constant distraction, and sadly, they never get control over their own attention. That's where meditation comes in. Meditation is the tool we use to regain control over our own mind.

Just before he took his leave, Lee Ching said that a second way to support life is to spend some quiet time alone everyday. This idea sounded a little odd to me at first, but the more I thought about it, the more I realized that those who meditate daily are much less likely to become involved in conflicts. They're calmer, less excitable, and, even more important, they're more apt to see things from a higher perspective. Later on, he told me that this is why those who seek to manipulate us don't want us to meditate because it makes us more difficult to control. Meditators aren't as reliant upon others to tell them what to do because they're cultivating their own inner independence. Compared to most people, they're a lot freer.

From The Code: Intentions in Action

My Intention for today is:

I Intend that I am spending some quiet time by myself everyday.