Saving Up Our Treasure
Brother G
I wasn't born with true Knowledge. I, too, had to live through Mistakes and Selfish Indulgences, buried in the False Belief of the "truths" that had been indoctrinated in me since Birth -- the Idea that what was Important to Man on Earth was "how much you had and how high you lived".
Go to a "good" college, get a "good" job, work your way up, step over others along the way. Make as much paper money as you can. Gather prestige and status.
Then Die and leave it all to Someone else.
We somehow have never seemed to grasp the futility of that last sentence. What was it all for? All the Striving and Conquering, what does it mean in the end when the Rich Man dies just as dead as the Poor Man, just as dead as the Fly we swatted yesterday?
What's The Point?
There IS NO material "point" to Material Life. WE LEAVE IT ALL ON THE TABLE WHEN WE GO. If this is the case, then what do we take with us?
Our Works. We take with us our Good Works.
Because that is the only Measure by which we will be judged after "death". Once we "die", we simply step off the Stage of 3D-Reality and return to True Life in the Higher Realms. At that moment we will immediately Remember that our Body was just a Physical Tool we constructed to navigate a Physical World. The Purpose of coming to this world was to gain Experience, promote Soul Growth and balance Karma. Once we Transition, we will have to stop for a Review of our most recent Sojourn on Earth, where we will Judge Ourselves.
Did we Treat Man and Animal Kindly?
Did we Forgive Others, and Ourselves?
Did we Resist the Temptations of the Senses?
Did we Strive to Change Ourselves, to be "Better"?
Did we Effort to find the Truth of Our Existence?
Did we Listen to our Still, Small Voice -- Our Conscience?
Did we Try to Understand and Live by God's Laws?
Did we Respect our Bodies, the Temple of our Soul?
Notice that "how famous" we were, "how much money we made", "how much property or things we owned", etc. are not included in any of those questions. That's because those things won't matter. All that will matter are the Deeds that we have performed and the Effect of those Deeds on upon our own Soul and upon the souls of our Brothers.
Our Deeds are the "Treasure" that we "mine" from the Experiences of our Lives. We can't see them shimmering like Gold coins, but they are even more Valuable. That is because these Treasures are what will be used to Judge whether we are fit to move on to the Worlds that await Us.
Live your Earth Life to Accumulate that which you will need AFTER Earth Life.
Save Up Your Treasure.
All Love,
~~ G