The Universe is Always Expanding-- How About You?
Dieter Braun - Indian in the Machine
God doesn’t pull away from man, it’s man who pulls away from God.. God has never left any of His Creation. Often it’s our egos, that distract us from God. The human ego imbalanced, wants us to believe that God would hate us or punish us for what we do to His Creation. God is not pleased with humanity, but He doesn’t hate His Creations Ever.. If something offends God…God may choose to dissolve it, but he won’t ever destroy it. God creates and doesn’t destroy…God Creates. God created you, he didn’t destroy you. God created you, he is watching many destroy themselves, and watching others rebuild themselves….(there is no in between any longer). Did you know the human ego was designed to play second fiddle, to your soul…never over powering it or taking control? The human ego was created for us to know the difference between us and everything else. The human ego has been used by many in lower frequencies, to pull away from God. When the human ego pulls away from God, satan then has his opportunity to cast a shadow upon you. Don’t hate your ego for your imbalances; instead balance your ego and spirit. Don’t deny your ego because you are an imbalanced human being… instead enjoy your ego and love it. Balance your ego, by not denying God. Balance your ego…this will stop you from shrinking into death and destruction. Balance your ego…wipe away the tattoos and graffiti drawn on your brain, by the commercials and businessmen. Balance your ego…this way you don’t give evil spiritual creatures a place to nest…a place to call home. Balance your ego…this way loving people will be attracted to you instead of repelled. Balance your ego…this way you as a loving person, won’t be repelled by your own essence. Balance your ego…let the gifts of Life and Love flow freely through you. Balance your ego…no one is superior, no one is inferior…that’s the manmade gunk we cleanse and wipe from our existence…it served it’s purpose…now we know. The Universe is always expanding…how about you?...Are you expanding? As you expand…you create new places to house Light. As you expand…you consciously create yourself as a Light being. As a Light being…you understand the body has “wattage” and that toxins from processed foods are “resistance” to Light (literally as heavy metals bathed through your blood and cells). Expansion of your health too…tell your ego it isn’t worth it to be toxic any longer…for resistance to Light, is too, resistance to God. God has a special connection to your heart…take the key, put it in the door, open up and look inside, how else are you going to be become your heart’s desires unless you know what is there? Weave your desires into reality so you can walk in balance in this reality. Take everything you focus on with your mind and body, and process through the heart. As the heart expands…the fear dissolves…it’s like cleaning a beautiful crystal that no one has seen before in this incarnation. As we understand ourselves…we can then see the entire human species is morphing into crystal Light beings. As you personally detoxify and ready yourself for 2012, you come to know that you are in fact, creating an entirely new being, with new values, attitudes, body with a complete connection to self and God. New Indian in the machine website reorganized around 2012 and the photon belt…”Welcome to my teepee!....Won’t you come in for some tea?, or maybe some fresh mangos that are falling off the trees”…Love and Light, Dieter LEARN ABOUT THE PHOTON BELT (AN INTENSE BAND OF GAMMA RADIATION) THAT IS AFFECTING ALL LIFE AS WE KNOW IT...HUMAN CHANGES, EARTH CHANGES, SOLAR SYSTEM CHANGES. LEARN HOW TO PREPARE FOR EARTH'S GRAND ENTRY INTO THE PHOTON BELT...IN ORDER TO SURVIVE INVOLVES KNOWING YOUR ADVERSARIES (IE. THE DARKSIDE), PERSONAL DETOXIFICATION, REPROGRAMMING YOUR MIND FROM THE MODERN WORLD, SPIRITUAL CONSCIOUSNESS, CO-CREATING IN COLLABORATION WITH OUR GALACTIC FAMILY, AND KNOWING GOD ATON AND HIS HEAVENLY HOSTS.