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We re Creators Each Moment of Our Lives

Dieter Braun - Indian in the Machine

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We are creators of each moment of our lives – by Dieter Braun (Indian in the machine)

We are creators of each moment of our lives.

Everything you experience is a collaboration between you and God.

God appears to you as everything you experience.

God is much more than that which you can see and experience.

If you do not like something in your life, tell God what you’ve learned, so that you can let it go.

If you like what you are experiencing, tell God, so that you can have more of that experience.

You power and potential as a human being is to tap into those energies of God, which you cannot see, and which you haven’t yet experienced.

We are each travelling from point A to point B.

Point A is the illusions.

Point B is the awakening to Truth.

To get from point A to point B…this is your personal road and everything on that road has your personal signatures of “choices”, “illusions” and “awakenings”.

Whatever you experience might feel “real” but it’s really your own choice.

You may say, “I didn’t agree to experience poverty, or to have my husband beat me, or my wife to cheat on me, or to lose my job or house or to have an accident” and I say “Yes you did…and once you find out why you needed to learn that way…why you focused ‘there’, it’ll never happen again!”.

If you are not experiencing your heart’s desires, then find out where you focus is…in your mind and in your emotions you are still creating something based on your focus, and that something is what you are experiencing.

Imagine your Higher Self standing before you…your Higher Self communicates through your heart…don’t tell it anything…instead listen without words.

Imagine your ego standing before you…tell it in a loving manner, that it is useful to you, but only if it stands behind your Higher Self instead of in front of your Higher Self, so that you can experience personal joy and fulfillment of your heart and being.

Your Higher Self is your own personal reflection of what God Is.

It is no longer necessary for you to put your ego before God, you know now that it beings you depression, pain and ignorance.

God wants you to become one with your Higher Self in this lifetime with your ego standing behind you in a supporting non-dominating role”.

I put my seal of Truth on these words, “God wants you to be like Him… God wants you to become one with your Higher Self in this lifetime with your ego standing behind your Higher Self, in a supporting non-dominating role”.

Love and Light,


Indian in the machine