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Independence Day has come and gone.  We have, once again, celebrated and hopefully thanked God for the freedoms that we all enjoy as American citizens.  Remember, it is God, not government, who grants us Our freedoms.  Government was intended to insure Our freedoms, with force if need be.  But it is We-the-People who choose to keep our freedoms alive or to live under the security and bondage of government.  Freedom versus Bondage appears to be the underlining struggle which shows up throughout America's history. 

America appears to repeat several hard lessons, one of which is that of falling for the idea that when a politician promises "Change" it is always good.  Nay, I say that all change is not necessarily good.  If an intended change, for instance, undermines the Constitution and Bill of Rights or makes the Citizenry more dependent on the Federal Government, it is not a good change.  The Citizenry must become smarter than to fall for any kind of change a politician proposes or promises.  We must learn to analyze and judge the intent and consequences of any proposed political "Change" against the Laws of God and the CREATION (often referred to as Universal Laws or Cosmic Laws).  The proposed "Change" should be debated among men and women of Godly (not religious) intent.  Results of debates should be weighed.  We should ask, in sincerity, our God-Spirit within to help us determine the best course of action.  In doing these things, the individual should be able to recognize the proposed  "Changes" that are worthy and those that are not, in God's sight; and then can make intelligent decisions as to whose "Change" he will support, if any.  

My wish for all Americans is that We-the-People keep Independence Day alive in our hearts every day of the year by celebrating and exercising our freedoms, and by working within the system for Godly Change.  Of course, this begs the question, "What is Godly change?"  It is working for change under the thoughtful consideration of the Laws of God and of the CREATION.  Godly change necessarily begins with the individual before it can expand outward, to the community and nation. 

Through Divine Providence, Mankind has been provided with these Universal Laws for Human conduct as well as explanation, in great detail, of these Laws, found in the Phoenix Journal 27, PHOENIX OPERATOR-OWNER MANUAL. This Phoenix Journal is available for reading online at website.  These Laws are utmost in importance to the reclaiming of our once great Nation.  The time has long since come that Americans demand from all of our politicians, either "Godly change" within the Constitution and the Bill of Rights or "No change at all".  And even more importantly, we must demand Godly conduct of ourselves. 

 May God continue to bless America as We, as a Nation, continue to keep His Laws alive in Our thoughts, words and actions.