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Brother G.

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We live in a prison.

Fear is our Jailer.

We have The Key.

To use that Key, we must stop being afraid...

... of "dying". There is no "death".

... of our governments

... of our fellow man

... of "aliens"

... of being alone

... of "the future"

... of turning off our ipod, Blackberry, TV (enter any silly time-wasting device here ____)

... of turning our back on what the world thinks is "right", "cool", "correct", etc.

... of losing our "friends"

... of facing existence without medication (drugs, alcohol, tobacco, food, etc.)

... of being celibate

... of changing our life orientation from "Self" to "Others"

... of sitting in Silence. SILENCE.

... of any and every thing that makes our blood "run cold".

Stop being afraid of all the things that hold you back and prevent you from breaking your chrysalis. Be the Butterfly you were destined to be! Fulfill the Mission you came here to fulfill. We have been lured to sleep. The Call has gone out for us all to awaken. Awaken! Rub your eyes, make your bed, splash cold water on your face and let's go!

Change your Existence, now! Ask what your Mission is - in Silence - then wait for your answer. If you miss the Answer, it will be because you weren't listening hard enough.

Our life on Earth, full of endlessly invigorating and Useless Stimuli, has held us all back. Turn off the electronic toys that The Dark have gleefully provided for us all! Stop reading the newspapers with their Fear-based agenda designed to help you "feel bad"! Turn off the Television with it's Sex-based agenda purposely designed to make you feel Lust and Longing! Learn to live in SILENCE! Meditate! Calm the animal brain-mind so that the Voice of Spirit can be heard over the cacophony of what Mankind has learned to call "civilization".

Stop being afraid to move away from Worldly things.

Ask for Guidance! Ask for Assistance in remembering your Mission. Don't feel foolish talking to thin air or thinking these requests in your Mind. OUR BROTHERS ARE LISTENING AND WAITING TO HEAR YOU ASK! They cannot assist you until you request assistance.

We have The Key.

Let Go of Fear.

Open yourself to the Christ Energy pouring into the planet.


All Love,