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David Wilcock Sees Unprecedented Positive Events Unfolding Over the Coming Six Months

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From: Bob Burgess
To: pat bellringer 
Sent: Wednesday, October 07, 2009 1:58 AM
Subject: :  David Wilcock Sees Unprecedented Positive Events Unfolding Over the Coming Six Months

Says Prophetic Dreams Are Pointing to Imminent

Spectacular Changes for Humanity

News | September 20, 2009 | UPDATED:

September 22, 2009

Reported by Scott Mowry

Author, speaker and mystic, David Wilcock is

offering a bountiful of new positive predications for humanity, based upon an

endless stream of prophetic dreams that have been coming to him lately.

He has concluded that the world is about to witness one

of the most unprecedented events ever for positive evolutionary

change, in all of human history.

His latest prophecy began with a post on his web site on

September 11, 2009, entitled, "Awesome New Disclosure Videos!" in which he stated:

"Humanity is at a critical turning-point, the likes of

which few could ever imagine. Dream guidance has been increasingly insistent

in telling me that a very substantial defeat of the New World Order / negative

elite / Neocon faction is imminent — much sooner than we may have thought, if

we even dared believe it at all," he wrote.

"The full sequence of events may also include some form

of official or semi-official public acknowledgement of the reality of the UFO

phenomenon, which would certainly be a tremendous event — probably the most

substantial event in modern human history, at least since the founding of any

of the major world religions," he continued.



Then, speaking on

the Camelot

Whistleblower radio program for September 17, 2009, with hosts, Bill Ryan

and Kerry Cassidy, David made yet even more bolder statements.

"Everything that western civilization has ever been, at

least in modern history, is building up to the moment that is going to occur

sometime in the next six months or less," he proclaimed.

"I really can't stress enough that the number of dreams I

have gotten on the impending event is probably five times greater than the

number of dreams I got about 9/11," he added.

David Wilcock has long relied on his dream

interpretations to provide him with guidance for future world events. And it

should be noted he has created a stellar track record for his prognostications

for over 17 years.

In 2001, mere days before the actual event took place,

David had accurately prophesied the 9/11 catastrophe, which he then posted his predictions to his web site for confirmation. And

earlier this year, his many prophetic dreams foresaw the death of Michael

Jackson, as many as six weeks prior to that tragedy.

However, David is now referencing his most recent series

of about fifty recurring dreams that are strongly indicating that we can

expect an epochal event of a very positive, and not a negative nature to

unfold for humanity. He cited other conformational evidence that is pointing

to very similar conclusions.

"...the dream data has so much empirical support based

both on articles we are

finding and exposure from people on the inside... it is this massive

combination of data that I am putting together, all of which is saying the

same thing," he said on Camelot Whistleblower radio.

"I never had much this data on one event before," he

surmised. "The basic message seems to be that legal and political maneuvers

are now being made against these so-called New World Order groups," he


"What I am seeing is basically a very substantial defeat

of the New World Order, which then will also eliminate their financial ability

to harass disclosure groups. Disclosure is absolutely going to happen

and is actually being planned, this all came to me in the last four or five

days" he added excitedly about two key insiders who have recently stepped

forward to provide him this information.

"The things that I have been hearing... it is just going

to blow people's minds out of the water," he said confidently. "It is going to

hit the public like nothing before. It is going to be amazing."

(See our David Wilcock

Radio section for more information on the Camelot Whistleblower radio

program from September 17, 2009.)



Then, two days later, appearing at the Awake &

Aware in L.A. conference, in Los Angeles, California on September 19,

2009, David, yet again, repeated his assertions during a late evening panel

discussion with other speakers.

"I have never, ever in my life had as many dreams about

one upcoming future event as I have about what's going to happening in the

near future," he reiterated.

He explained the world is undergoing a massive shift away

from a patriarchal/masculine consciousness to that of a matriarchal/feminine

or lunar consciousness.

"I am being guided as sternly as possible to be telling

you that it appears that we are going to have a spectacular defeat of the New

World Order and the Illuminati," he said yet again before the audience erupted

in rapturous applause, drowning out his words.

He then went on to comment specifically about the world

economic crisis and the recent decision by China to no longer honor derivative

contracts from the United States and Federal Reserve as of August 31,


He predicted the corrupt, over inflated economic system

currently in place, is about to undergo a radical transformation of its

financial priorities, with pressures being exerted by an international

alliance of countries.

"So imagine what would happen if your money was now worth

100 times more because the parasite that's been sucking all that money out of

the system has now been defeated," he said enthusiastically.

"There is going to be a harrowing economic event, it is

gong to seem terrifying if you come from fear," he cautioned. "I would

encourage people to hold on to their assets, and not sell. Panic sell is the

worst thing you can do," he stressed.

"...this thing (economic event) is going to rearrange the

financial structures so much that I think the notion of value of your assets

will be much, much higher (than they were before) when this thing gets

through. I think it's going to happen a lot faster than we think," he added


David then concluded with these most inspiring words:

"The amount of change that you are going to see in the

next year is so spectacular, and so positive, that your cynicism probably

won't allow you to really take it in. But trust me, and trust the data that we

are starting to see, it is at least possible, if not probable, that is what's

going to be happening," he said as yet more rapturous applause arose from the


(To view David Wilcock's appearance on the Awake

& Aware in L.A. panel discussion, see the links to the Project Camelot

video archives below. His words above appear at the very end of Part 2 of the

Panel of Speakers:)


& Aware in LA - Panel of Speakers - Part 1


& Aware in LA - Panel of Speakers - Part 2

Finally, on Sunday, September 20, 2009, David gave the

closing speaker presentation at the Awake & Aware in L.A. conference with

a lecture entitled, "2012: The Return to Camelot."

During this two-hour presentation, David proffered

numerous hardcore scientific data and undeniable proof that an unparalleled

awakening of humanity is unfolding upon Planet Earth. He made a very

compelling case for the rapid human evolution and offered yet more confirming

evidence to support his prediction of this seminal world event to occur within

the next six months.

(To view David's presentation at the Awake &

Aware in L.A. conference, "2012: The Return to Camelot", see the link or the

video below:)


Wilcock – "2012: The Return to Camelot


It should be noted that numerous other whistleblowers and

insiders such as Benjamin Fulford,

Dr. Pete

Peterson, leading economists and others are predicting the collapse of the dollar and the

Federal Reserve, possibly by the end of the fiscal year on September 30,


In addition, Congressman and former Presidential

candidate, Ron Paul, has introduced legislation (HR 1207) to audit the Federal Reserve, which is being supported by

the Democratic contingent led by Congressman Barney Frank, who is considering opening hearings on

this matter and has stated publicly the bill will pass in October.

(Don't hold your breath, however, counting on this Congress to do anything

of value at this late stage of the game.)

In conclusion, although the forecasts for a tumultuous

economic collapse this year or in the near future remain to be seen,

nonetheless, David Wilcock's latest set of very bold positive predictions have

certainly ramped up the excitement and anticipation levels by a factor of


UPDATE – 9.22.09: David has

posted his comments about his participation at the Awake & Aware in L.A.

confernce: "Amazing FREE 2-Hour Video: 2012 -- Return to Camelot!"

For further confirming information, see David Wilcock's

and Project Camelot's interview with Dr. Pete Peterson from June 30, 2009:

Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3

(See our David Wilcock

Video section for further information on the Dr. Pete Peterson


Also see other speaker presentations at the Awake and

Aware in L.A. conference by:


Collier - Awake & Aware in LA


Maxwell - Awake & Aware in LA

(To view all of the speaker video archives from the

Awake and Aware in L.A. conference, go to the Project

Camelot U-Stream page.)