Turn to the Light
Instead of heartache, think of heartlight. Instead of pointing out dark to yourself, point out light. Upon this concept, your perception of the world lies.
Perhaps you like to look at the dark. Perhaps somehow the dark makes you feel better. Perhaps it makes you feel you are smart. If you are smart, then look to the light and reinforce yourself. Develop the sunshine of your heart.
Enough attention on shadows. When you drive through what is called a slum, you don't have to point out the blights. Is there not a vitality there that you can point out? Are not the people who live there living life? Is there not a sky and a sun that shines? Can there not be diamonds in the rubble?
Darkness and light are both obvious. Give your light to the light. Perhaps you thought it valorous to point out flaws, yet all the while, you could have meaningfully turned to the light.
It is not necessary to delve into darkness in order to bring light. Anyone can see darkness. Anyone can see what is wrong. Anyone can caterwaul about what is wrong. Anyone can say, "Tut tut." It is not a marvelous thing to say, "Shame, shame," to the naughty world. Sometimes it is as though you feed on the darkness, you embrace it so.
You may think you right a wrong when, by your attention on the wrong, you actually deepen it.
When you see cruelty, you may yell about it. Sometimes all you want to do is to yell about it. It is already understood that there is cruelty. Instead of underscoring it, take a look at all the kindness in the world. Talk about that. Deepen that. Emphasize that.
If there are two pots on the stove, and you like the stew in one pot more than the stew in the other pot, which pot are you going to stir?
If darkness is in one pot, and light in another, which pot are you going to delve into? Instead of deploring the dark, explore the bright.
There is enough bad news in the newspapers. Decrying the bad news is the same as extolling it. If you are the town crier who goes through the streets crying out: "Hear ye, hear ye, bad news today!" become the town crier who cries out: "Hear ye, hear ye, good news today!" Or be a salesman of good news. Cry out, "Good news for sale." Create benefit over dismay.
If you want the world to be filled with kindness, then look to the kindness. There is more kindness in the world than there is cruelty. Extol the kindness, and cruelty will diminish. Turn off the flame under the soup called cruelty and turn up the flame under the soup called kindness. This is simple arithmetic, beloveds.
Even in a poor soup, there can be a good turnip.
If you have been playing one note, now play another. Which note do you want to resonate with? I don't believe you want to resonate with darkness. Why then do you underline it and make sure that everyone knows how much darkness there is?
In the days before airplanes were commonplace, people would run out of their houses to see an airplane in the sky. They would point to the sky.
Beloveds, I am asking you to point to the sky.
If you want what you dislike to stop, then stop talking about it. Stop griping now, and bring the world over to Me, and bring yourself too. Rather than point out blemishes, raise the world to greater heights. Look here.