PANDEMIC (HP101) Hits Worldwide!
Here are the most prominent symptoms of this wonderful enlivening 'disease':
1). The tendency to let yourself be guided by intuition instead of acting under pressure of fear, forced ideas and pre-conditioned behaviour.
2). A total loss of interest in:- judging others, convicting yourself and preoccupation with things that create conflict.
5). The desire to change oneself so that innate thoughts, feelings, emotions and bodily matters are managed in ways that facilitate only Health, Creativity and Love.
7). A growing openness towards childlikeness, simplicity, laughter and happiness.
9). Finding pleasure in acting as a Healer who spreads Joy and Light, instead of criticism and indifference.
10). The ability to effortlessly live alone, as a couple, with family, or in a community on the basis of equality, without any need to play the role of executioner (or wanting to be sacrificed!)
Because this Happiness Pandemic causes a loss of fear of death, the central pillar upon which the beliefs of materialistic modern-day society rest, there is now a risk of societal turmoil with a complete loss of interest in warfare and the necessity to always be 'right'!