Maitreya: Supposed World Leader!
----- Original Message -----
From: DG
To: <>
Sent: Sunday, January 03, 2010 5:02 PM
Subject: Maitreya: Supposed World Leader!
This reading is dated for 17 August 2009 Question: "I'm forwarding this e-mail I received because I'm starting to see more and more of this Maitreya stuff. I think something big is being planned to bring in the New World Order religion using Project Bluebeam technology. I remember reading years ago that this Maitreya dude said that he would only make his appearance to the world at large after the world's economy had gone belly-up.
You might want to ask Cosmic Awareness about this." My question: He's referred to as the Star of Hope. "Who is the World Teacher? Who are the Masters of Wisdom? Maitreya, the World Teacher has not come alone, but with a group of enlightened teachers who have for millennia guided humanity from behind the scenes. They are returning now to the everyday world to help us solve our most critical globalproblems. Maitreya is not a religious leader, but an educator in the broadest sense. He has not come to create followers, but is here to inspire us to create a new era based on sharing and justice, so that allmay have the basic necessities of life: food, clothing, shelter, healthcare, and education. His open mission in the world is about tobegin.
As Maitreya himself said, "Soon now, very soon, you will see My Face and hear My Words!" And he's referred to as the Star of Hope. Any comments on this please?" Cosmic Awareness: This Awareness has made a comment on the phenomenon that is Lord Maitreya, the World Teacher: It has spoken that this is a manipulation by the Elite, those
The prophecy is that he will truly come forward at a time of great need and dependency, a time when humanity will be in great turmoilwith the collapse of their economic system as well as other dilemmas that will be and are about to be released on humanity. It is all part of the overall plan that is afoot, the plan that has been worked on for very many years now. The total collapse of the world economy has not yet occurred, but the "partial" collapse has already been achieved.
It is for this reason that the entity Maitreya has made his appearance more and more of late, as he has been around for several years already. It is this that the entity (questioner) is becoming observant of and noticing. This is all part of the escalation of this alleged Ascended Master so that when the masses are at a point of absolute terror, confusion and turmoil, he can appear in a miraculous manner, surrounded by those blue ray miracles, the miracles of technology.
The miracle that is most associated with the presence of Maitreya at this time is the alleged cross that is engraved and etched into the window glass of individuals in their homes; a light cross suddenly appears in the glass, and this lighted cross is evidence of the presence of Maitreya or the visitation of Maitreya, and these crosses are available and held by certain groups of followers of Maitreya. This is a miracle of a technological nature. Much of this is based on extraterrestrial technologies that are available to those who are behind the phenomenon of Maitreya. There are many who wish to totally believe in Ascended Masters who will present themselves through the world leaders and World Teacher Maitreya who will come and "save" humanity, who will make things right. Their message will be a message of hope and wellbeing, and of course this will be a powerful message and a powerful narcotic of hope to those who are in fear, those who have lost hope.
This Awareness is not talking against Ascended Masters, for there are those who are true Ascended Masters. The New World Order regime knows this to be so, and it is their plan to
manipulate those authentic Ascended Masters and to present them in a way that will give others, the masses, a new religious leadership in which to put their faith and trust. This will be for many the new religion and the new way forward. It is seen however, that this particular cult of religious dogma and belief that will be presented is to be controlled and manipulated by those who have been scheming and plotting and planning for the collapse of mankind/womankind and the enslavement of mankind/womankind, for not merely decades, but rather hundreds and hundreds of years. All is coming to a culmination at this time as that time of Ascension shift is rapidly approaching. It must be that Maitreya appears in the not too distant future for him to have any effect at the time of Ascension when many will be in a position to choose for themselves which way to proceed. The more that are entrapped by the teachings of Maitreya and his group, the more that will not choose to Ascend, the more that will be mislead and misguided into the false belief that Maitreya and those who are his disciples have the truth and all the answers. This Awareness suggests as It always suggests, that when the presentation is made of Maitreya and he becomes much more visible, that those who are drawn to him ask the questions that need to be asked. Ask whether this is the True Messiah or a false prophet. This Awareness suggests that the time ahead is the time to find the Prophet Within, the Messiah Within, the Truth Within, and while one may be open to the encouraging messages of such an entity that one does not abdicate their personal power to such a being or such a group, for then they become followers versus the leader of their own life.
There is to be seen some merit in the teachings of this World Teacher, but those teachings are universally available and have been available for many decades, and hundreds of years. The messages that will be given by Maitreya and his disciples are messages of hope, but hope with a cost, for it will be recommended that one give over to Maitreya and become a follower of Maitreya to find hope and redemption. This would be giving in to the false prophet, the false god. Therefore, this Awareness does have a red flag to wave around this entity, and around the purported miracles of Maitreya, both those that have already been observed and those that will come.
These "miracles" will be based on extraterrestrial technologies that are available to the Powers That Be, to the Elite, andthey will be used to create the illusion that this being, this World
Teacher is indeed a god. Many will be seeking a god for their sense of hopelessness; and despair will be so great that the arrival of a being who proclaims himself as an enlightened being would be enough to cause them to blindly follow without questioning.
This Awareness of course always asks that one question the information that is provided one, and that one always asks the question of what is to be gained by this individual if those who are followers indeed do follow. Even if the individual him or herself chooses to follow, what would be gained by both of the individuals themselves as well as to the cult or to the leader of the cult? These are all questions that must be asked. This Awareness asks all to be clear in themselves when such a leader presents themself. These beings are being placed in the path of humanity "to mislead and misguide", and to take one away from the true process of Ascension, for it is always easier to be the victim. It is always easier to abdicate one's power in favor of another, to blindly follow the edicts of a leader such as Maitreya, or a political leader such as the President of the United States or even the leadership of those in one's own life; anything but to accept the responsibility for one's life and to make the judgements that are necessary for one to make in order to be truthful and empowered in one's life.
The way of many is still the way of the victim, the way of powerlessness in favor of security that is being offered by those who proclaim to have the power and the answers and the truth. This Awareness suggests that in these coming times of challenge to one's own sense of power, that those who are truly ascending will understand the need to "always ask the questions" while those who are not ready to ascend will freely and easily give away their power. This is as it is, and it is this that must be looked at and understood as one sees those who are close to one following such an individual as Maitreya or any other false prophets that present themselves.
Ultimately the only true prophet as this Awareness has said, is the Prophet From Within, the High Self, and one's own spiritual hierarchy of consciousness. These will be interesting times, even to the degree of such powerful beings as Maitreya and others presenting themselves for the masses to be impressed with and to follow. There will no doubt be more questions on this individual and others, but this Awareness feels complete with this question at this time.
It asks the energizer if she has any further questions on this matter. Questioner: I was wondering, who is this guy and where did he come from, or is it a guy? Cosmic Awareness: It is indeed a masculine individual, a male that is being presented, for this is a continuance of the Reptilian hierarchical order, where the masculine power structure will continue
forward. There is no reason why a World Teacher could not be a woman, a goddess, but the presentation of the masculine leadership is an indicator of the continuance of the Reptilian hierarchical structure and order. There would be more sense to an androgynous being presenting itself in the time ahead; a blending of the male and female versus simply a masculine leader once again presenting himself.
This is one way that you will be able to judge those who come forward, because if theyhold those attributes of the Reptilian structure and order, they will be
highly emphasized in the teachings that are being presented. Questioner: (I see) Was he born in the Middle East or
Questioner: So it is the Families or Powers That Be that are sponsoring him, is that correct? Cosmic Awareness: Indeed it is so, although it is not seen as a direct
sponsoring, more of an indirect supporting of this individual. The individual will claim not to have any ties with political parties in existence at this time. He will present himself as independent to the political leadership of all nations; and yet he has a strong connection to the powers that lie behind the governments, for they are the same who control the governments who will be behind this particular individual. They will give to him the technologies that they have as a result of the extraterrestrial connections that they have had over the many decades and the technology that has been acquired through the contact with the Orion/Reptilian faction.
Questioner: Is this chap human, or is he a clone, or otherwise? Cosmic Awareness: This individual is seen as a hybrid human who will present himself as more than simply human. He is presenting himself as an Ascended Being, a High Level Consciousness, who is inhabiting a physical body in order to lead the people back into their highest nature. The words and the message will be highly provocative, highly entertaining, highly evocative of an order beyond that which has been the accepted order up until now. It will be reminiscent of much that those of higher spiritual consciousness have been saying; those who have presented to humanity a different template, a different understanding of consciousness.
There will be much truth in that which the entity Maitreya speaks of, but it will be truth that will hook the individual and then be twisted and parlayed into something that will capture the individual follower and then mislead and misguide them. It is a religious disinformation packet that will be presented to ensnare the many who have a need to have a guru, a leader, a god to follow that will take away all of the problems and provide them all the answers without themselves really doing any of the deeper inner work that is required of a seeker.
Questioner: (Wow! That's something to think about!) Cosmic Awareness: It is indeed something to think about. Always think, but understand how one's beliefs shape reality. Therefore, if it is presented to them that all that is needed is to follow someone like Maitreya and to give up and abdicate one's power and one's capacity to ask questions and to find inner answers, to simply believe in that which is accepted from Maitreya or from any other representative of the higher spiritual consciousness, the belief will of course bind them into the following of such a leader.
Again, one must be very careful in what they believe and always be willing to question their own beliefs or the
beliefs that are presented to them through such a world educator, a world leader. It is not being said by this Awareness that one cannot hear the words of Maitreya and put weight on them, one must always be open to what one believes as a result of hearing such words; and yet in the abdication of their own power and responsibility, the altering of belief occurs, then one must also ask why they were so ready to change the beliefs to encompass the truth or the reality that is being presented to them by such a one as Maitreya.
Questioner: Is it possible he's going to make his grand appearance before the end of the year, or is this tied in with the November scenario? Cosmic Awareness: It is seen
that his appearance is imminent, but many factors will determine his actual world appearance. It is not seen that he will be truly on the world stage for a few months yet; but more and more are becoming aware of him, and his miracles will become more obvious and more broadcasted. In other words, the media will start to discover him, start to present him and broadcast the miracles that he is alleged to have caused, and then to start to present him to the public more and more over the next year.
Questioner: The miracles that are made by ET technology, is that correct? Cosmic Awareness: This is so. It is reminded that because of the advanced technology, many of the things that he will be capable of will indeed seem truly miraculous, but so did the actions of those whohad superior technology in the war seem to be miracles and acts of gods to natives on islands that the Americans visited; and they were held as gods to these primitive people because they had airplanes and could ascend into the heavens. They had jeeps and technology, and primitive natives were flabbergasted.
In many ways this is how the natives are held as ignorant primitives who are to be hoodwinked, who are to be bedazzled by these miracles. The miracles have a technological basis, but many will not understand this. They will simply be seen as miraculous. The use of holographic imagery will be very much used by Maitreya to provide the illusion that there are beings that can come and go, who can literally disappear in front of one, but this is based on the technologies that this Awareness has spoken of. Questioner: Very interesting! I hope the membership will submit questions on this particular person.
Cosmic Awareness: And this Awareness would invite questions on any other beings or Enlightened Masters that allegedly have the answers and know the way. (Editor's note: Maitreya has been promoted for many years by Benjaman Creme and his
Communications & the Aquarian Church of Universal Service. Reproduction
is permitted but no alterations without express permission.