Imagine Real Freedom
For less than $100, you could buy a device about the size of a shoe box, and that box could power your household energy needs forever! The device has no moving parts, and a lifespan of over 100 years. A small version of this device can power vehicles too. No more carbon based or nuclear power companies or utilities, no gas stations, no emissions or pollution, no battles with government to subsidize more “solar power” and “alternatives”, no more wars to control “energy resources”, no more international “climate” treaties, no more income tax to support energy wars. With personal energy freedom, a family could grow all their own food in an indoor 10 x 10 space, and extract all their drinking water from the air. This is fun!
Now let’s add some icing and decorations to the cake of this imaginary utopian world. Imagine that clinical active oxygen (ozone and hydrogen peroxide) technologies are finally taught in our medical schools, and almost all degenerative disease is eliminated within a couple of years (including cancer). Hospitals close down, and are replaced with emergency clinics for only accident victims. Pharmaceuticals become completely obsolete. And since we are talking “The Jetsons” fantasy world here, we have to have anti-gravitational vehicles, which of course are powered with free energy. No more roads, no more taxes to build roads. No airports, no planes. And of course the final enabler to living in such a utopian world, real money and a system where the words “interest”, “debt”, and “inflation” no longer exist. And a bank, just like the diminished hospital, now functions more like a local post office. You also now own your house and property, and it can never be foreclosed. Quite a far off imaginary place, isn’t it?
Do you think you could live in such a world? One with complete personal freedom, with only time to better yourself, work on soul growth, and help others to live free and good lives? No need to covet what others have, because you have everything you need. No more need to focus on money, and no more living in fear of “economic troubles”, losing your “job”, war, poverty, disease, or the outcome of an election. Silly pipe dreams, right? Something from a Star Trek episode maybe?
Now imagine that ALL the parts to this dream utopian world were available, and in place in the early 1900’s (and in some cases earlier). Now imagine a dark, extremely well organized network of powerful people working diligently and remorselessly (like psychopaths) to make sure this dream is never realized. For that dream is their very worst nightmare, where they no longer control what we purchase, how long we live, what we read and think, where we choose to go, or how we spend our time. A very different world where each of us chooses what to do with our personal resources in the betterment of humanity, rather than having our resources fraudulently taxed to support war and all their other dark frauds. Now imagine that there are many, many more good individuals who are fighting against the ancestors and recruits of these “dark ones”, with the help of powerful forces that have ‘leveled the playing field’ as we speak.
We will all bear witness, and participate on some level in this final battle of good vs evil on this planet. In fact, the good side has already won the main part of the battle, and neutralized the end game plans of the dark. It is, exactly, the “twilight of the psychopaths” in real time. To help bring the light of final victory, all YOU need to do is ask, and pray to those who helped “level the playing field” (our cosmic brothers, and those of higher dimensions), to help our earthly brothers to finish this brave job and start the freedom announcements. You cannot pray for freedom until you first realize you are enslaved. Know and understand the dark enemy, and pray for their defeat, right now. Read silently and aloud the Prayer for America on, even if you are not in the USA, and BELIEVE in the words. You must believe, and be sincere. The announcements must begin where the dark wields most of its physical and financial power. We must all pray for the final defeat of the dark, and freedom again will come to the people of the USA, and then to us all. We are on the edge of victory!