Rocky Montana
This is a second Call To Action to ALL American citizens who want to stop Socialized Health Care thus creating a better future for America.
"The Spirit of man can perform miracles through the knowledge of the Truth, for when you pray to your Spirit, whatever you request will be given to you, if it truly is a desire, for believe with knowledge, and you will receive." --Esu (Jesus) Immanuel
We-the-American-people, the defenders of our Constitutional Republic, are at war with the Zionist Occupational Government (Z.O.G.) who are actually Socialist-Fascists and are nothing but liars, thieves and murderers. This is not a war of guns and bullets as Z.O.G. would like it to be. Instead, it is a Spiritual war of principle; of choosing RIGHT over WRONG; of choosing GOD over EVIL. We have in our arsonal, our Godly thoughts, words, and actions, and that is all that is needed. As it was in the beginning, we-the-American-people are on the side of RIGHT and GOD, and God WILL win in the end. Z.O.G. has been infiltrating our government since the birth of our nation right up to present day, where it now has control our Federal Government, but not for long. Z.O.G. has and continues to attempt to subjugate and genocide the American people. Any bill that is pushed by this unholy regime will show itself as evil and wrong for America. Their current Socialist-Fascist agenda is Socialized Health Care and the Climate Bill (Cap and Trade). President Obama and his minions, as well as the Socialist-Democrats in both houses of Congress are working for Z.O.G. (not the American people) by virtue of their unanimous support of these bills. Until we-the-American-people elect a U.S. Constitutional President and a majority of U.S. Constitutional Congressional representatives, we must oppose and resist all Socialistic bills they push.
Socialized Health Care is the antithesis to the ideals of a free Constitutional Republic. This bill will weaken and damage our nation, our nation's Sovereignty and our individual rights. It will drain our bank accounts for years before it is ever initiated thus taking our nation further down the path of financial ruin. Opposite to what the politicians say, THIS BILL IS NOTHING MORE THAN A LICENSE FOR STEAL THE WEALTH AND THE HEALTH OF THE AMERICAN PEOPLE!
We-the-American-people have, and continue to speak out in opposition to these Socialist-Fascist bills through protest rallies all over this nation and through letter writing campaigns with the help of such organizations as 'Grassfire Nation', 'Liberty Council' and 'World Net Daily'. The Republicans in both houses of Congress have heard the people and are falling in line with our demands. Recent Republican Governorial victories in Virginia, Kentucky and Mississippi, and the Republican Senatorial victory in Massachusetts are manifestations of the American people's disapproval of and opposition to the Socialist-Democrat's arrogant and defiant attitudes and actions. These developments have given them pause for thought and their convictions appear to be waning.
We-the-American-people have voiced our disapproval of all Socialized Health Care bills well known to Congress and the Administration and yet, they arrogantly ignore and oppose us. They act like stubborn and disobedient children who defy their parents at every turn, unwilling to see the fallacy of their thinking and evil agenda. What's more, they are too proud to admit defeat. So it is no surprise that the Presidents approval rating have dropped to an all-time low. "Pride goeth before the fall", and so it is. Now, the rebellious children are at it again, testing our resolve, trying to pass their flawed plan. As stated in the article below: "Obama, Pelosi and Reid are ramping up right now to ram through government healthcare using a process called 'reconciliation'." And as they push, we-the-American-people must push back even harder. We must continue to unite in one common goal, to produce the "POWER OF COLLECTIVE THOUGHT" (group prayer) in defeating whatever Socialized Health Care bill they come up with on behalf of, and benefit to, America and the American people.
You and most enlightened people are aware of your own "POWER OF THOUGHT". Many refer to this as the "prayer" or simply as "an intense and sustained mental effort". Many of us have experienced that when they focus on bringing something positive into their lives in an intense and sustained mental effort, they can make it manifest. Conversely, we have experienced that when they worry about something, or intensely fear a particular outcome, we make that manifest as well. So, knowing that this "power of thought" is real, we can use it in a group effort to produce a great "POWER OF COLLECTIVE THOUGHT" (group prayer) toward manifesting something positive for our Community and our Nation. We simply have not experienced much of a success with this phenomenon thus far because we have not really attempted to use it in an united, focused and sustained manner.
Please consider joining in the exercise below:
Allocate some time each day, in 15 minute periods of intense and sustained mental effort (prayer), to defeat the Government Health Care bill. Use easy to remember periods such as 9 AM, 12 Noon, 3 PM, 6 PM, and 9 PM in your own time zone. Choose one or more prayer periods as your schedule permits and start today. If you contribute only 15 minutes a day, you will have added power to this cause.
Start your prayer periods by asking for the assistance of the Lighted energies of God in defeating the Government Health-Care bill. Using a "mantra" (a repeated phrase) such as: "THE CONGRESS HEALTH-CARE BILL HAS BEEN DEFEATED"! Also visualize this desired outcome on the front page of all newspapers, etc.
Look for the Democratic leadership to introduce and schedule a vote on a new "compromise Health Care bill", one without, perhaps, "THE ABORTION CLAUSE" and/or another including an "OPT-OUT CLAUSE", until they think they have enough votes to pass it. A new bill must pass both Houses before going to the President.
Should the new bill pass and goes to President Obama for signing, DON'T GIVE UP! Change your mantra to fit the situation, such as,"PRESIDENT OBAMA VETOED THE NEW HEALTH-CARE BILL" and visualize that desired outcome.
This unprecedented historic effort by we-the-American-people, uniting in one common purpose to save our nation, has started to manifest positive results! Each time we practice this sustained mental effort, our resistance and resolve will grow stronger. AMERICA IS THE PLACE CHOSEN BY OUR FATHER-GOD FOR HIS PEOPLE TO FLOURISH UNDER HIS LAWS AND THE LAWS OF THE CREATION. WE WILL NEVER FLOURISH UNDER THE TYRANNY OF SOCIALISTIC-FASCIST LAWS! WE MUST FIRST DO OUR PART; THEN ASK GOD FOR HIS ASSISTANCE. Please continue your efforts for America and thank you for your participation.
Obama, Pelosi and Reid are ramping up right now to ram through government healthcare using a process called "reconciliation."
Dear freedom loving American patriot,
Apparently, President Obama has learned nothing from resounding defeats in Virginia, New Jersey and Massachusetts.
Arrogantly dismissing the clear voice of the American people, Obama just unveiled his proposal for government mandated healthcare: He intends on tweaking the differences between the Senate and House versions.
The "President's Proposal" for a government takeover of health care comes just a few days ahead of the so-called summit meeting with Republicans on Thursday.
This is no surprise. President Obama has been ramping up the rhetoric for weeks declaring that he will not quit until ObamaCare is passed. His cronies, like Speaker Nancy Pelosi, have been busily touting "reconciliation" as a threat to pass healthcare and bypass a full and informed vote.
++The $1 trillion dollar cost of reform.
The president's $1 trillion dollar proposal, allegedly designed to be "budget neutral," was written so that it could be attached to a Senate budget bill. And how are
the trillion dollars to be recouped? The word "taxes" appears 35 times in his text!
"Reconciliation" is designed to trump any attempted Republican filibuster. In fact, Obama drew a line in the sand and is daring Republicans to cross it!
Of course, all of this was concocted behind closed doors...under a deep cloak of secrecy... with the clear intention of making the repeatedly expressed opposition of the
American people irrelevant.
++Say a resounding "No!" to reconciliation and to ObamaCare.
Once again, the socialist health care "reform" process has turned into overt political trickery in order to ram ObamaCare down the throats of America's citizens.
The arrogance of these elected officials is mind-boggling!
They continue to invent cunning new ways to attempt to pass
their bill, all the time knowing that a growing majority of
Americans strongly disapprove!
Who will hold them accountable? WE WILL!
++ Citizen BARRAGE to oppose ObamaCare.
This week will be crucial as members of Congress are pressured in the back rooms of Capitol Hill to accept the Obama/Reid/Pelosi reconciliation plan.
That's why I want to once again launch a massive FAX BARRAGE to flood Congress with a crystal clear message: "NO TO OBAMACARE!" Honestly, I didn't think this would be necessary again after Scott Brown's "Massachusetts Miracle" and the growing disaffection of key Democrat lawmakers.
But although he says he's no ideologue, Barack Obama has become completely maniacal about passing his pro-abortion, anti-family, anti-fiscal sanity health care bill!
That's why I'm asking every member of the Liberty Counsel
team to press hard on targeted Members of the House and
Senate with a powerful fax barrage. Go here to schedule your
targeted faxes:
Your faxes will be scheduled to be delivered with thousands of other citizens' faxes as part of a massive FAX BARRAGE beginning immediately!
++The lie of "Seeking Common Ground."
The President's call for a summit with Republicans to "seek common ground" is nothing more than a political smokescreen. His understanding of "common ground" is actually, "How much of my bill can you stomach in order to pass it? If none, we'll pass it anyway!"
In short, the summit is a hoax.
The President's motives are completely disingenuous.
This week eight ultraliberal Democrat Senators sent a letter to the President asking him to include the so-called "public option." I believe that they are now so sure of themselves in passing ObamaCare that the radicals in the bunch WANT IT ALL!
Don't let anyone fool you - "reform" is code for government-run health care. The socialist mindset believes that the government should run everything in this country - from cradle to grave.
Dirk, it's no wonder that the President's approval ratings are falling rapidly - he's simply not listening to the American people. And his closest allies in Congress
have tin ears, as well.
Well, we're sending a huge wake-up call to Congress with our intense Liberty Counsel FAX BARRAGE!! We're going all out to protest ObamaCare's special perks, backroom deals, bribery and the scandalous way in which the process has been handled.
Now more than ever, Chicago-style politicians, socialists and radical abortion advocates need to understand that WE ARE NOT GIVING IN TO THEIR PRESSURE and will fight until this issue is fully resolved.
Here's what I'm asking you to do...
#1 - Fax Your Senators!
We have to stop the Obama/Reid/Pelosi machine's head-long push for healthcare "reform" once and for all. Even if you have done so many times already, help us continue flooding congressional offices with protests until the liberal coalition finally gives up - especially this week!
This strategy has been very effective in the ongoing fight to stop ObamaCare. But this week is perhaps the most crucial time since this battle began. There must not
be any doubt in our elected officials' minds that their careers will not survive a vote for the so-called "President's Plan" or any other version of ObamaCare.
Go here right now:
If you prefer, we always encourage you to send your own faxes. We have provided all the information you need to reach Senators here:
#2 - Fax Your Representative and Key "Blue Dog" and Pro-Life Members of the House.
#3 - Continue to pray that this unbalanced, anti-life bill - whatever version it has morphed into - will be completely derailed with no chance of returning!
We refuse to pay for abortions! We will not pay for special interest perks! We will not allow the trickery and deceit that has become the norm from the Obama/Pelosi/Reid power axis to continue! Together, we will send a powerful message to the 111th Congress!
Join thousands of like-minded Americans who will make Congress realize that we are fully awake to their trickery and strongly oppose their underhanded efforts to pass
God bless you,
Mathew Staver, Founder and Chairman
Liberty Counsel
P.S. This week's so-called summit is simply a political ploy to make those in opposition to ObamaCare look like "naysayers." What the White House doesn't seem to understand is that the American people are the "naysayers!" Remember Virginia, New Jersey and Massachusetts? Join me and tens of thousands of other like-minded citizens as resolute "naysayers" today!
Please schedule your faxes today. The FAX BARRAGE will continue until ObamaCare is dead. Go here:
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Liberty Counsel, with offices in Florida, Virginia and Washington, D.C., is a nonprofit litigation, education and policy organization dedicated to advancing religious freedom, the sanctity of human life and the traditional family. Liberty Counsel . PO Box 540774 . Orlando, FL 32854 . 800-671-1776
Feb. 25, 2010