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43 Simple Ways To Simplify Your Life

Dr. Mercola

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  • Turn off your cell phone.

  • Process email only twice a day.

  • Go to bed early.

  • Get rid of (or at least reduce) commitments that you do out of obligation.

  • Create a weekly meal plan.

  • Automate your finances.

  • Purge as much unneeded clutter as possible.

  • Keep your paper shredder on top of your recycling bin.

  • Add items you want to a wish list as you think of them.

  • Get a label maker or write labels out by hand.

  • Set your clothes out for the next day the night before.

  • Make your lunch for the next day the night before.

  • Make time to catch up with an old friend.

  • Just say no.

  • Ask for experiences not things for your birthday and Christmas this year.

  • Tell the truth.

  • Keep your list of addresses and phone numbers up to date.

  • Consolidate debt.

  • Create an organizing system that works for you.

  • Keep a bag for garbage in your car.

  • Cary a notebook and pen with you where ever you go.

  • Unsubscribe from emails, newsletters or RSS feeds that don’t provide value anymore.

  • Apologize immediately when you realize you’ve done wrong.

  • Enjoy the present moment as much as you can.

  • Take time to really see the little things in life.

  • Reduce the amount of TV you watch.

  • Get outside.

  • Create morning, daytime, and evening routines.

  • Ask for help.

  • Do things at home as much as possible (eat, date nights, entertain etc.).

  • Don’t get caught up in other people’s drama.

  • Let go of the self-imposed need to be perfect.

  • Focus on a simple, but healthy, eating plan.

  • Share responsibilities.

  • Reduce your wardrobe to a few versatile items.

  • Be positive.

  • Start a gratitude journal.

  • Finish old tasks before taking on new ones.

  • For every new item that enters your home set two free.

  • Want what you have not what you don’t.

  • Revisit what you carry with you in your purse or wallet.

  • Focus on one thing at a time.

  • Store new garbage bags at the bottom of your garbage can.

  • Sources:

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    March 4, 2010