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On March 5, I read in total amazement and awe the good news from Sananda, received through Anne Bellringer on 3/3/2010, of Earth's imminent cleaning to be followed by a well deserved period of rest.

An excerpt of that announcement follows:

Sananda said: ..."This means that the decision has been made by Mother Earth, and agreed to by myself, that the cleansing shall begin very quickly. ...


Verrnal Equinox -  SATURDAY, Mar 20, 2010 , 10:32 AM Pacific, 11:32 AM Mountain, 12:32 PM Central, 1:32 PM Eastern. 

After reading Sananda's message, I wanted to pen a few thoughts of gratitude to Mother Earth for all she has given me.  I'm not sure exactly what will occur tomorrow, March 20, 2010, but I do know that I wholeheartedly believe in Sananda and I believe in Anne Bellringer as one of his current receivers.  So, in honoring Sananda's message, I am efforting at being prepared as best I can.  My heart is filled with joy at the realization that Mother Earth's time of Cleansing is close at hand and if She wishes to begin Her cleansing tomorrow, I say "Godspeed"!  She will, again, begin her journey back to balance and rest. She will later earn Her long-awaited and well-deserved reward in Cosmic progression.  

So many fond memories flood the mind when I think of my current journey on this place we call Earth.  My first conscious memory was as a child and the sight of the vast Pacific Ocean before me as far as I could see, with the beautiful blue skies above.  The feel and smell of the brisk, salty sea breeze upon my face, the feel of the cool sand below my feet; the taste of the salty sea brine upon my lips; the sounds of the pounding surf and the sea gulls above me, filled my consciousness with love.  Oh, what a glorious way for a child to awake into consciousness and memory of this awesomely beautiful Mother Earth! 

The magnificence of Earth's beauty and the magnificence, and infinite variety of God's creations living upon Her, grew as I grew.  Some of my fondest memories were exploring the natural world around me; from woods to meadows; from the rains to rainbows and cloud formations, from streams to ponds and lakes; from valleys to hills and mountains.  The countless shapes and hues of green grasses, shrubs and trees; the variety of shapes, colors, hues and fragrances of flowers; the variety of birds and their cheerful songs; the variety of insects; the awe-inspiring colors in the sky at sunrise and sunset; the moods of Earth translated into various weather patterns, all dazzled and astounded me.  Alone or with a friend, I explored and played days on end exploring forests and meadows; catching tadpoles, frogs and salamanders; feeding ducks; building dams in a stream; collecting insects; climbing trees; fishing; watching birds; picking and eating berries; ice skating on frozen ponds and lakes in the winter; listening to crickets and watching fireflies in summer, and a hundred other activities.  I was in total joy, amazement and love of nature, which I later learned was all the physical imaginings and manifestations of Creator God, as was I.  Wow, what an infinitely awesome and magnificent Creator God we belong to!

I had the privilege of living and traveling in western Europe for a few years with my family.  Experiencing the different sights, peoples,cultures and cusines was exiting, fun and mind expanding to say the least.  This experience was ecplipsed by my working in and traveling about the Rocky Mountains. The sights of beautiful mountains and meadows with an endless variety of flowers and conifers; the sounds of rushing mountain streams and rivers;  the sound of a Raven calling in the distance or a huming bird whizzing  past;  the sweet fragrances of pine, fir and spruce trees; the feel of a crisp breeze and the fragrance of the fresh, clean mountain air made every day a joy to behold.  Traveling through most of the states in America and experiencing many National Parks gave me yet, a deeper appreciation of the infinite variety of nature's sights, sounds and fragrances.  I am so grateful for these experiences on this magnificent globe which has nurtured me these many years.  I can truly appreciate why the Lighted energies say that Earth Shan is one of the most beautiful jewels in the Universe.

Every new day I have been privileged to experience on and with Gaia, this beautiful jewel of Creation, has been a gift and indeed a glorious new "Earthday".  This wondrous journey will live in my memory forever.  I send Gaia my light, my love, and my gratitude for her perfect service to God, to mankind, to the human, the animal, the plant and the mineral kingdoms who have all resided and experienced with Her.  I pray for Her well-being, now and always. 

I am in deep gratitude to Father God (The Great Spirit, The One Light, who is One with CREATION), to Sananda (Esu, Immanuel, the Pale Prophet, who is One with God), and to all the Higher Lighted energies (the Sky people, the Star people, the Truth bringers, the Heavenly Hosts, my unseen guides; my Cosmic brothers and sisters) who travel with Sananda to make this Earth Transition Project manifest.  I am in deep gratitude, also, to Sananda's ground crew who have worked tirelessly and all the crew who received, edited, printed, assembled, packaged and distributed all the Phoenix literature and to Patrick and Anne Bellringer who have published all the Phoenix literature in their website for the world to read and have hosted their wonderful blog site, all in order to bring forth the Truth and the wisdom of the ages to the peoples of Earth.  All have worked together to provide Divine guidance, enlightenment and understanding to the world of man to which we owe a great debt of gratitude.  

I send this out to the Universe, Mother Earth and all living beings upon Her, in honor, respect and reverence.

Thank you Mother Earth and Godspeed.

*  *  *
Somewhere Over the Rainbow by Israel Kamakawiwo'ole LYRICS
March 19, 2010