Once Upon No Time
Once, in the higher dimensions known as no-time, a great debate took place among the Spiritual Hierarchy. Moderator of the debate was Creator and being the Creator of all that is, was and ever shall be, Creator knew the answer. However, Creator wanted all his Angels to be wise and know also. To really know as the wise ones do, information would have to be turned into knowledge through experience, so a grand experiment was planned.
A call went forth throughout the Heavens for volunteers. There was a lot of excitement as everyone wanted to participate. There were very long lines but no one seemed to mind, for they were in the dimensions of no-time. There were many impressive applications as souls presented their credentials. There were former Kings & Queens, soldiers, Prophets and magicians, but the Heavenly Hierarchy was very selective. They knew this was not going to be an easy experiment. They were going to need the very best of the human race, for they were to be pitted against the darkest of souls.
As souls learned of the extent of the great experiment, they stepped aside, allowing the truly great ones to move forward in their place. Finally, all was ready. Billions of souls were to incarnate on Earth over many millennia for the grand experiment. So it was that man came into time. Into the third dimensional class room to perform the grand experiment.
Now as in all experiments, there has to be some parameters and such was the case here. It was agreed in order to keep the results fair, man could not be aware that he was participating in an experiment. He would not know of his former greatness and true power. He would have no prior knowledge to draw upon. He would be lied to and if not careful, physically abused, even killed in savage wars. He would be taken financial advantage of, segregated by race and religion, even convinced he had no power to change his awful circumstances.
However, to keep the experiment fair and since he would be facing a most challenging adversary, he would be allowed to keep a tiny spark of Creator, focused in his heart as a back up in case he stumbled and lost his way.
There was much excitement throughout Heaven as man began the grand experiment. Was it possible for a soul to descend into the realms of the third dimension of \"free will\", and with no prior knowledge, find his way back home without loosing his soul to the dark adversary? Only time would tell.
For many millennia, man struggled and the adversary grew powerful. Evil plied mans ego with their vices of greed, sex, power and money and slowly man succumbed. The Dark ones were relentless over the many years of civilizations that man came and went, for they had all the time in the world of the third dimension.
The Heavenly Hierarchy was saddened by the loss of so many souls. Good souls, given over to greed and corruption of every kind. Limited by the \"free will\" clause agreed upon, there was little they could do to help mans decisions. Man needed help fast. They knew if they didn\'t act, they might even loose Earth, for man was on the verge of blowing the whole place up. They knew they could not make mans decisions for him. They could however send natural disasters as a sign to man, to make better choices, and remind him of the back up power he came to Earth with. As floods came and volcanoes blew, they could be heard calling to man. \"Listen to the voice within\", they shouted from the mountain tops! \"You have the power to change these things if only you would realize it\"!
Few listened and even fewer acted, for man was caught up in his own doings. There were many things happening to man at the time. There were many bills to pay, for man wanted many things. There was always money to pursue. It would buy man much perceived happiness. There were many demands for mans time. There was plenty of sports to watch and parties to attend. There were many many hours of tell-a-vision to enjoy. Man liked tell-a-vision because he didn\'t have to think. Evil liked it also, because they could influence mans desires for more things and take more control over mans freedoms. They could even suggest what processed foods to eat and chemical concoctions to drink. They could even offer to sell remedies for the dis-ease caused by those things.
Over time, man fought many wars. Now man was saddened by the wars, but he was convinced by the powers to be, that they were necessary to keep man safe and his property secure. Nation was turned against nation for Evil was very good at controlling mans every thought through mans fears. They did their best to keep man busy with wars, hunger and poor health all the while sticking to the rules of \"free will\". Oh yes, man was still making the choices for his future, he just didn\'t realize the impact those choices had on his well being. There were some that did.
Some listened to that inner voice and it got stronger and louder. They searched high and low for the truth. They studied, they ask, they tested, and through the knowledge and help they received, found their way to freedom. They found the more grateful they were for that help, the more help they could receive through Creator. They found joy in their lives through helping others. They found they didn\'t need things to make them happy. They found wonder in nature and in being a part of all that is. They had once again found Creator through the choices of free will. They had proved that it could be done. Given a choice, man could find his way home!
Now eventually every experiment has to end. This one had gone on so long that even Earth was running out of time, for it was scheduled to move out of time and into the \"no-time\"zone itself. Heaven was saddened. Despite sending the best of its Prophets, Saviors, Teachers and Lightworkers, it seemed evil had won the most souls. The experiment was deemed officially over.
For the dark ones it was a sad ending also. They may of won the battle, but they surely lost the war. Although they had provided the opposing force to allow for the experiment of \"free will\", some had carried their role much too far. For that they would be removed from Earth to meet their just rewards.
For those that found the Light of Truth, there was much celebration, for they were to inherit the Earth, create a new civilization free of evil and see it through to the end of time....
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