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Welcome to the Theory of Everything, or the Grand Patchwork!

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This site is about uniting All That Is. After researching unified theories it was found that not one theory could truly unify the two major opposing forces in the universe. Not one theory could stand on its own. However, each theory contained a kernel of truth when it came to the understanding of the answer to the meaning of life. These kernels of truth were gathered from the four corners of the Earth, analyzed then compared. Similarities were assimilated and differences were recognized, but put aside. Results showed that these different, yet similar theories could be brought together in a specific way that would resemble a unified field theory.

In order to truly have a Unified Field Theory, it must include everything, which the Grand Patchwork attempts to do. Since the most parsimonious theory is generally preferred, the puzzle of uniting all things, or uniting the two major opposing forces in the universe was rounded down to the struggle to unite the principles of the "seen" with the "unseen" Therefore, the purpose of this site is to unite the two major opposing forces of the universe, which will be represented or operationally defined by the concepts of the seen and the unseen. God could thus be operationally defined as a common energy source between the two. The Grand Patchwork intends to solve the mysteries of the universe by boiling everything and energy down to its most basic, most simplest form and postulate how they interact.

The Grand Patchwork: A Theory in the Making

The unification or polarization of the seen and the unseen can be perceived on many different levels. Therefore, this site intends to unify all things from any given perspective (not just Physics) by using the metaphor of the "seen and the unseen." To some, "Microcosm and Macrocosm," could be the best example of seen and unseen. To philosophy, the struggle between the mind, body and spirit could be seen as a struggle between the seen and the unseen.To Psychology, quantitative research could be considered the seen and qualitative, the unseen.Scientists, may regard the tangible as the world of the seen and the intangible, the unseen. The long awaited union of Science and Religion could also be solved through the metaphor of the seen (Science) and the unseen (Religion) through the Grand Patchwork. And of course, the biggest example, the one that would bring people to this site would be those who wish to contemplate a unified field theory from the point of view of Physics.

Therefore, this site also intends to pick up where Einstein left off with his Grand Unified Theory. The problem that Einstein faced through Physics was that the forces of the seen (gravity) and the forces of the unseen (quantum physics) just didn't fit with each other and remain separated to this day. Perhaps the seen forces of gravity or General Relativity (which includes Newtonian Mechanics and Special Relativity) could be considered the world of the seen and Quantum Physics (or Standard Model of Strong and Electroweak interactions also including Special Relativity) could be considered the world of the unseen. Each world follows their own principles, but are also twins in some way. I hypothesize that each force is a mirror of each other and thus perhaps interact in an "opponent-process" type pattern, also known as Antagonistic pairing.

To elabourate on the idea of opponent processing, I have found that not only are the worlds of the seen and unseen different, they seem to follow the same principles, but the conditions of their behaviour run in reverse. Therefore, the principles or aspects of the seen and the unseen could be considered as mirror images that reflect one another, yet are antagonistically paired. Antagonistic pairing (as understood from a biological standpoint) suggests that two seemingly opposing cells can be linked together. When one cell or area is active, the other (its pair or double) lies dormant. If the one is overloaded, the other comes in to compensate (because they are joined) and suddenly becomes highly activated. This is what after-effects are like. Have you ever experienced a floating motion on land after being on a boat all day? Has your car ever felt like it was going backwards in park after driving all day? Try looking at something black for 15 seconds, then looking at something white! Homeostasis could be conceived to work the same way because when one hits the boundary, the other kicks in.

Plasticity of the brain (as studied in NeuroPsychology) may provide an example of this concept because surrounding cells will come in to save the day or compensate for other damaged cells.Therefore, these seemingly opposing forces are not just "antagonists", but also companions that fill in for each other when necessary. This is an important point to make because things like the unification of all things cannot happen without the co-operation of the two, working together by utilizing eachother's talents. There is too much emphasis on my view is the best, my way or the highway. It can be found that there is a compromise solution to All conflicts.

In order to properly utilize this site, all biases or preconceived notions must be disengaged and a degree of openness is necessary. Like a circuit, in order to receive the message and be illuminated by it, the switch must be on or open to the concept. A closed circuit on the other hand will not absorb it intrisically, and therefore not be privy to the true meaning.  The concept of a Unified Field is not one to take lightly nor is it one that is easy to comprehend. It entails summing "all things" up (and down) to its most simplest or "genesis" state. According to this site, in order to solve a problem, the problem must be tracked to its root, or in this case, to its most narrowed down, Archaic label (the seen and the unseen). This site perceives "All That Is" as not just an antagonistic pairing, but more importantly a compensation or collaboration of the talents of each "world," Involving both the seen and the unseen.

To solve a question this big, (unified field theory), unifying labels are needed to sum up or unify the concepts of seen and unseen to its most simplest form therefore, a unifying perspective is needed to convey its immaculate message. The perspective chosen to introduce and discuss these various topics was and is Psychology. Psychology mediates between Science (seen) and Philosophy (unseen), and has thus shown to be a worthy perspective from which to explain a Unified Field Theory. The perspective of Psychology has helped unify and understand how the seen and the unseen can be (re?)united into what will be referred to here as the "Grand Patchwork"The idea behind the Grand Patchwork is if it is possible to unite the seen with the unseen, all other things will fall into unification. Therefore, each different perspective presented on this site will have it's own label to refer to the distinction between the seen and the unseen. Examples of the different labels of this distinction are: the Mind-Brain problem, Reductionism vs. Mentalism, Quantitative "vs" Qualitative, Left  "vs" Right brain, Science "vs" Religion, General Relativity "vs" Quantum Physics, Sound "vs" Light, Inner "vs" the Outer, and Subject-Object dichotomy.

The papers visible on this site express a view that sees the seen and unseen interacting as a breath. Each needs the other to live, thus this site too, creates a living breathing organism that pulsates with the times. It is therefore continuously under construction. In order to make sense of the site and its theory, it would be best to follow the suggested category path listed above (from left to right). The various levels or topics listed above represent a mind map through the progressive Unified Theory proposed by this site, ultimately called the Grand Patchwork.

You, as the reader and/or researcher are also welcome to falsify these theories and hypotheses. If you can!!! =). Join the site to leave constructive feedback and propose opposing evidence. Or if you agree with any of these ideas, tell me your experiences!

April 29, 2010