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Covering the NSP Network of Spiritual Progressive Conference and Memorial Service

By Rob Kall

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Rabbi Lerner wove together an extraordinary conference with great guests like Bill McKibben, Sister Joan Chitester, David Korten, Lester Brown (Plan B), Marianne Williamson, Dennis Kucinich, Gar Alperowitz, Medea Benjamin to name a few.

On Sunday, a memorial was held for the people killed who participated in the flotilla. It included Jews, Muslims, Buddhist and Bahai ministers.

Rabbis Michael Lerner and Arthur Wascow lead a memorial service for

those killed on the Gaza blockade flotilla.

Wasco pointed out that Amen means Right on!

Environmental activist and author calls for action on 10/10/10. Check his website, for details.

Single Payer activist Dr. Margaret Flowers is still fighting-- says the current legislation will be found to be unsustainable.

OEN Senior editor Joan Brunwasser and Publisher Rob Kall with White House in background. Dr. Margaret Flowers is to far left in background