OPPORTUNITY FOR DISCERNMENT Response to article: 'Queen Elizabeth II, will make a public statement in the coming weeks, announcing her decision to step down from the Throne of England.'
Rocky Montana
I will not attempt to expose the many untruths told in the article below; it is for each individual to discern. You have been given the keys to discern truth from the lies and evil schemes foisted upon a sleeping and unsuspecting people. If you have read the prophesies given to mankind in the Phoenix Journals, you know it will never be that way. The prophesies of the Old Testament and the New Testament, that were both changed and mistranslated in order to serve evil men, and the genuine prophesies found in the Phoenix Journals were not written in effort to scare, but to warn and awaken God's people. They were and are the provision of a wise and loving Creator so that His children may have the knowledge and understanding of His cosmic plan and make choices in wisdom. They foretell future changes of our planet and provide man with the information to prepare physically, mentally and spiritually for such events. They were written to give man information about his condition and the likely outcome if he continues along his present course of self-destruction. We are living in the times of the prophesies. But know this, several of the dire or negative prophesies relating to man have already manifested while others have been nullified through wise choices of man.
..."Since the human race will, at that time, number at least ten times five hundred million people, two parts thereof will be destroyed and killed. When at that point someone will say to the people, behold, here is Jmmanuel, they shall not believe it, because many false Jmmanuel's and false prophets will rise up and do great signs and wonders, so that if it were possible, also even the wise and knowing would be misled. Behold, I told you so before.
Excerpt: Phoenix Journal #2, 'AND THEY CALLED HIS NAME IMMANUEL - I AM SANANDA', Chapter 12.
Queen Elizabeth II, will make a public statement in the coming weeks, announcing her decision to step down from the Throne of England.
It is reported by those close to her, that Queen Elizabeth II, will make a public statement in the coming weeks, announcing her decision to step down from the Throne of England. Sources say her decision comes after learning that THE ONE WHOSE RIGHT IT IS TO RULE AND REIGN has made His presence known to her. It is reported that she is in receipt of a Declaration and Notice of Claim to the Throne of England from Australian born Brian Leonard Golightly Marshall.
Apparently the Queen’s advisors have confirmed to her that Brian Leonard Golightly Marshall is the direct genetic descendant of the King of Judah, King David through the Royal bloodline of his parents Daphne Golightly and Reginald Marshall.
Sources say the Queen is excited because The Declaration and Notice of Claim to the Throne contains also the evidence of Brian Leonard Golightly Marshall being the returned Lord Jesus Christ and therefore the inheritor of the Throne of David which is the Throne of England today..
It is well known and documented that the Queen was educated from a small child by her father George VI that should the Christ return during her reign; she was immediately upon her being notified of His presence, to step down from the Throne turning it over to Him. She is well aware that all monarchs of England have been custodians of the Throne for the Lord Jesus Christ, they awaiting His return to the earth.
The Queen is reported to be relieved that He is finally here. She has admitted the years have taken their toll and her ownership of British Petroleum which is responsible for the oil rig disaster threatening to kill all human and animal life on the earth is too much for her conscience to bear. She has confided as a mother, that she is concerned for the welfare of the people of the nations she rules and confesses that the only way to avert the death of millions of people, is for the Lord Jesus Christ to ascend to His Throne and take control of the situation. The Queen has already been informed of His plan to fix the spill in a very short time.
Leaked documents confirm that Her Majesty has instructed her advisors and public relations people to organize the television and radio broadcasting networks as well as the newspaper publishing houses of every nation and tongue to televise and publish her announcement. She wants the people to learn simultaneously of the good news of the Second Coming of their long awaited Lord and Savior. It is her Majesty’s desire that every eye should see and behold the Christ who gave His Life for all mankind when He was crucified in Jerusalem on April 3rd, 33AD and resurrected on April 5th 33AD. The Queen has seen the evidence for herself that the face in the Shroud of Turin belongs to Brian Leonard Golightly Marshall.
The Queen who is also familiar with biblical prophecy has been overheard and quoted as saying, “I thought He would never get here and I want to ask Him what took Him so long?”
The public announcement will be made in the weeks leading up to July 17th 2010, the Armageddon according to sources.