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Rocky Montana

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Words do have meaning, however, people don't always say what they mean or mean what they say. Ones can be either indiscriminate (not careful in selecting correct words) or insincere (deceptive or fraudulent) in their speech.  It is human to err (sin) in speech.  Therefore, if one is unaware he is in error, it falls upon another who is aware of the error to kindly bring it to his attention. The same should apply to any other type of error (sin).  To correct one's error in speech, or anything else for that matter, is not intolerance toward the person if done with kindly intent.  It is helpful to both the speaker and to others who may be in attendance as it rights a wrong.  It is actually an act of courage and Godly behavior to do so. Whether the one is thankful, embarrassed, insulted or furious for the correction is his choice of freewill and no one else's business. Love, understanding and compassion will, however, help transmute any negative emotion either party may feel from the act of correction.

When a person is habitually insincere in his speech, intending to deceive others for personal gain, he becomes detrimental to ones around him.  Getting away with his lies over and over again without being called on them reinforces his desire to continue on in his evil (unGodly) behavior.  Habitual liars, cheats, and sociopaths are made in such ways and it is these ones we must watch out for. If one fools you once with lying intent, shame on him.  If he fools you more than once, shame on you for choosing to believe him again and for not exposing his lies.  Esu Immanuel said, "by their actions you shall know them" and so it is.  You will know these people by observing what they do or have done versus what they say they will do or say they will do.  You can help this person and ones in his and your circle of influence by shining the light of truth on his evil behavior (unGodly words and actions).

Many of the most successful politicians are habitual liars, sociopaths and/or unwitting tools of the adversary. They are successful in their behavior because the public tolerates their habitual, lying behavior instead of exposing their lies and throwing them out of office.  It is insanity to continue to keep lying and thieving politicians in office and continue to pay them.  Americans are called, "the people of the lie" and it is true.  We have allowed the lies to go unchallenged for so long that we don't know what truth is. Somewhere along the line we have confused intolerance of a person's erring behavior with intolerance of the person and falsely believe that both are the same as judgment of the person.  Our politicians have reinforced this thinking by insisting that intolerance of a person's speech and actions are the same as hate, and have passed hate crime laws in attempt to stifle the people from speaking out against unGodly speech, actions and standards of behavior.  It is true that we should not judge others, however, it is also true that we should wisely judge the actions of others.  One cannot practice Godly behavior by tolerating unGodly behavior; it is that simple.  We know within the truth of it, yet we, somehow, don't trust ourselves enough to believe the truth within ourselves and/or fear being ridiculed if we do speak out.  This seems to be at the root of a unique American disease, tolerance of every kind of behavior imaginable.  Americans must separate tolerance for a person from tolerance for his evil behavior, and visa versa.  We must learn to not tolerate evil behavior, first, in ourselves and then in our friends, our family, our associates and our politicians.  We, then, must act on our recognition of evil behavior by shining the light of truth on it whenever and wherever we find it if we are ever to cure our American disease and bring about a better government and way of life.  So, speak up Americans; this is YOUR country; speak out.

For those of us who sincerely want to recognize and replace our evil intent and behavior with Godly intent and behavior, we must first be shown the example of what Godly intent and behavior truly is.  The best source I have found for this is, 'THE PHOENIX OPERATOR-OWNER MANUAL'.  This book is available for reading, on-line, at  Esu Immanuel also said, "See, I send you out as sheep among wolves. Be then as wise as serpents, and as gentle as doves."  Yes, be gentle but firm with yourself when replacing evil behavior within with Godly behavior.  Be, also, gentle but firm with others in not tolerating their evil behavior within your environment.  Love the person but do not tolerate evil behavior.

From: Rocky Montana
Sent: Saturday, July 24, 2010 3:23 PM