The Web of Deceit
(It is absolutely deadly) Written by A Truth Soldier
Many a good person has at least once in their lives come to the
realization that something is very very wrong with society.
Many good people have tried to wiggle their way through the evil
web of deceit, only to be consumed by the evil spider.
The evil web of deceit is woven into the very fabric of society by the
Please understand that to be insane one has to never seek or speak
the truth, for truth is absolute and insanity is absolutely the
opposite of truth.
So the lying evil web weaver has to keep strengthening and building
the web so that it well be able to control and eventually consume
its intended prey.
Like the spider a weaver of a web of deceit has to always cover
(lies) deceptions with more deceptions.
Eventually the web of deceit becomes so solid that good people stop
wiggling and eventually loose their freedom and their very lives.
Like in nature, the only creatures that can survive and avoid the web
are those that observe that the web exists and watch what the web
does to the unsuspecting creatures that have been caught in it.
So a smart creature will do everything it can to watch for and avoid
the web.
Unfortunately the domesticated and civilized human creature no
longer pays attention to its survival instincts.
The human creature does not know how to stay free of the web of
deceit. For the human creature does not even want to see and watch
for the web of deceit.
So that, now the human creature is not even aware that this huge web
of deceit has been erected and now obstructs any passage through
life that you may choose.
So very intelligent human intellectuals have come to realize that yes
in deed this web of deceit does exist.
These Truth soldiers, activists, freedom fighters etc etc, realize that
something needs to be done to deconstruct this evil web of deceit.
Some call this evil web The New World Order that was spun as a
result of the creation of the first corporation. (Please read my
article with the same name)
The good people try to alert others of this evil web of deceit and
inform good people has to how this web has been so strongly
But the intellectual soon realizes that the human society has been
so will deceived that society absolutely refuses to believe that
this evil web of deceit even exists.
The intellectual has the tools and wisdom to see and fully
understand the makings of this web of deceit that threatens all of
But I believe that most intellectuals do not possess the
understanding of the reality that this web of deceit is bigger then
any individual or organization.
That this web has provided the nourishment to feed many offsprings
and that now there is a most unnatural spider existing all over
this planet, weaving more and more webs of deceit.
There are now so many webs (Corporations) of deceit in our now
unnatural environment that the human creatures now accepts it
has natural and a normal course of human evolution.
The human animal refuses to see or understand that something evil
and horrible has been woven into the very fabric of life.
Only the intellectual can understand that this is very real.
You see that to be an intellectual. One has to always seeks and
speak the truth.
If one only seeks and speaks the truth , then that individual will
become an enlightened and very intelligent intellectual.
For only idiots are created by the avoidance of truth.
Unfortunately there is a very unnatural human being that has
grown very big and powerful through the ability to create its
own food by the creation of money out of thin air.
THis artificial human is very insane indeed from the power that
money has given it.
I call this artificial individual, a Corporate Criminal.
I will now explain to you the strategy and way to deconstruct
and destroy this evil web of deceit.
As all evil... Evil can only be destroyed by exposing it to the
light of truth.
All good humans so far have not figured out or understood
the formula to do this.
Have you ever observed a huge spiders web with the spider
always sitting in the center.?
Imagine if you were an innocent little butterfly and you
happen to come along in your free flight of life and flew into
this cleverly hidden and will positioned web of deceit.
What would happen. Like all human creatures caught in the
corporate financial web of deceit, you would try to scream
for help.
But no other creature would dare try to approach near the
web of deceit you now find yourself in.
The more you wiggled the tighter the web would entrap you
until you tired and died.
At which point the spider would consume you and grow
stronger as a result.
The intellectual human has to understand how to avoid this
and how to destroy the web of deceit.
An intelligent person will one day come to realize that all
knowledge leads to the determination that all truth is very
very simple and only lies and deceptions are complicated.
So for one to deal with a web of deceit one has to always
stay on the outside of the web and look for the simplest and
undeniable truths to reveal the true nature of the web of
If you were to approach a spiders web with a stick of truth
and were to just touch that spiders web with that stick.
The spider would immediately sense that you are indeed not
just a pretty and delicate little butterfly caught in its web.
The spider would immediately sense the strength and weight
of your little stick of truth and the spider would run as fast
as it can to get off the web.
For you see if you cause the web to collapse while the spider
is still in the center of its web of deceit that the web that
the spider has so cleverly constructed would collapse around
the spider.
The spider would therefore die of its own making..
So now the lesson to be understood here is to never enter
into the web of deceit but instead stay on the outside of it.
Whereas you will be called The Village idiot, if you try to speak
the truth to the other human creatures around you.
But you being a natural and good intellectual human who wants
to do something about this clear and present danger to all the
pretty butterflies around you.
You do not want to watch as the butterflies are killed and
So you then became what some call a Truth Soldier or Activist.
The clever weavers of the web of deceit are not to concerned
about you. as their web of deceit is so strong and has worked
so well and for so long.
So you the good human creature with a conscience feels lost and
You can not get the blissfully happy little butterflies to even
listen to your warnings.
So one day you go back and watch the spiders web at work.
Pondering what to do to stop this web of deceit.
Until one day you realize the web of deceit is held up by only a
few but very strong strings that have been attached to the very
fabric of what society accepts as the foundation truth of existence.
That being societies perceptions of undeniable basic truths.
So you see the web of deceit always starts off from a very solid
foundation of truth.
The weavers of deceit are very clever indeed. For they will use the
foundations of truth to build their web of deceit from.
So what do you, The Village Idiot do?
You look at the very foundation strings of that web of deceit and
you find the most undeniable simple sticks of truth to sever those
foundation strings from the web of deceit.
So you stay on the outside of the web and you start hitting the
strings that holds the web firmly attached to the very solid fabric
of society.
If your successful, you will end up with the fabric blanket of truth
that society has been using for so long to keep comfortable.
That Fabric will now be very dirty and full of old spiders webs.
So then society will realize its time to clean the blanket and the
rest of civilizations home of these pesky and dirty spiders once and
for all.
So I now call on all Truth Soldiers to start walking with your
sticks of truth and start severing all those webs of deceit
everywhere you find them.
Eventually society will be tired of living in a dirty place and every
one will walk around with their little sticks of truth.
This is why along time ago the British had tally sticks for their
It was to prevent the very situation we now dreadfully find
ourselves in.
These webs of deceit have been able to be created because the
spiders have their luxurious home lairs to live in and create their
You will find these big nursing spiders in very dark places where
the light of truth does not enter.
These places are known as the secret societies and their dens.
Such as Skull & Bones, The illuminatti, The Free masons.
It is time for society to clean house and criminalize all secret
societies and their conspiratorial members should be imprisoned.
The mother den of all secret societies is the privately and
secretly owned Federal Reserve Corporation. The very first ever
created Corruporation.
"When the seeds of truth are sown.
The grassroots truth revolution
Will blossom from the enlightenment."
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Please read some of my other articles of truth
August 7, 2010