THe Path is Open
we are drawning daily with bad news and messages of hopeless
usa and ue people are walking as sleeping zombies to an uncerteinly destin bringing with them rest of humanity
what are we people waiting for change our own destiny ?
in reply to this :
you are 100% rigth rotschild khazar city of london( east indian co)owners of bank ticks rotten world system has determined the fall of usa and rise of china from 1970
( nixon-kissinger ping pong diplomacy)
now usa and ue must going down by the drain ,they are too expensives for them ,the world face a gargantuan deflation- inflation
what is next ? NWO WWWIII or what ?
what those satanics overlord beast prepare for planet earth ?
BUT we have ligth of HOPE people ,
27 feb 2010 a little country in the southern tip of south america: Chile suffer a violent 8,8 ritcher eartquake and tsunami ,total damages over 30 billions dollars ,
400 people died ,rebuild and solidarity of people start inmedeately ,
Then 6 august 2010, 33 cooper miners were traped beneath 1 km under a broken hill,the mine was in operation against all security warning ,by two greedy owners Bhon and Kemeny (jews)the rescue labor start inmedeately and now the world know , 17 days after , we know ,all 33 miners are alive ,with hard work and full cooperation of a lot of people ,they will be bring to safe place on surface in 2 -3 month time ,God allow .
What the world MUST UNDERSTAND NOW we all 6.6 billions humans we are buried and trapped by the most hideous greedy and ruthless conspiracy of power and brutality, under kilometers of fake debts,those humble miners have bring a message of hope for humanity we will be capable of get out of this miserable trap .
Human spirit is invaluable has no price .WE HUMANS we shall overcome
WE KNOW NOW, THANKS CHILEAN MINERS the path is open ¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡