From Rocky Montana
On the other hand Truth has many times been completely "blackened out" by repeating contradictory and conflicting untruths over and over again, and again, and again. The world's recent history supplies somber testimony of the dangers to civilization inherent in that technique. That form of treason to Truth is treachery to mankind. You must be very careful, my dear Dr. Goldstein, not to become unwittingly one of the many accessories before and after the fact who have appeared upon the scene of public affairs in recent years.
Whether unwittingly, unwillingly or unintentionally many of history's most noted characters have misrepresented the truth to the world and they have been so believed that it puzzles our generation. As recently as 1492 the world was misrepresented as flat by all the best alleged authorities on the subject. In 1492 Christopher Columbus was able to demonstrate otherwise. There are countless similar other instances in the history of the world.
... As you have observed no institution in our modern society can long survive if its structure is not from its start erected upon a foundation of Truth. The Christian faith was first erected upon a very solid foundation of Truth by its Founder. To survive it must remain so. The deterioration, the disintegration, and finally the destruction of the structure of the Christian faith today will be accelerated in direct ratio to the extent that misrepresentation and distortion of Truth become the substitutes of Truth. Truth is an absolute quality. Truth can never be relative. There can be no degrees to Truth. Truth either exists or it does not exist. To be half-true is as incredible as to be half-honest or to be half-loyal."
Resource: Excerpt from: 'FACTS ARE FACTS' , a letter to addressed to Dr. David Goldstein from Benjamin H. Freedman, dated Oct. 10, 1954.
Ones interested in reading or rereading the Truth of the origin of the Christian faith, the Ministry of Esu Immanuel, can read 'AND THEY CALLED HIS NAME JMMANUEL - I AM SANANDA', currently being posted on fourwinds10.com website. It is interesting to note that the very early followers of Esu Jmmanuel did not actually have a name for themselves. They were simply Judeans and Galileans who sought to reform the existing Judaist religion of the time. The first written usage of the word "Christian" I could find appears in the year 138 A.D. from Justin Caesarea (a philosopher and resident of Rome, a convert to the teachings of Esu Immanuel, and a martyr) who wrote about Marcion's unusually long and effective teaching career. Justin wrote: "And there is Marcion, a man of Pontus, who is even at this day alive, and teaching his disciples to believe in some other god greater than the Creator. And he, by the aid of devils, has caused many of every nation to speak blasphemies, and to deny that God is the maker of this universe, and to assert that some other being, greater than He, has done greater works. All who take these opinions from these men are, as we before said, called Christian." --Resource: Justin's [First] Apology. I.26. ANF. vol. 1. p. 171). Blackman's study ('Marcion and His Influence', p.21). The paradigm of a spherical Earth was developed in ancient Greek astronomy, beginning with Pythagoras in the 6th century BC. Then around 330 BC, Aristotle correctly observed that the shape of the Earth was spherical. After observing an eclipse of the moon, he reasoned that the eclipse was caused by the earth’s shadow being cast on the surface of the moon and realized that this observation implied a spherical earth. Knowledge of the spherical Earth gradually began to spread beyond the Hellenistic world from then on. It was Magellan, not Columbus, who demonstrated, practically, that the Earth was spherical in shape by circumnavigating the globe in the years 1519-1521 A.D. --Resources: Wikipedia, Dicks, D.R. (1970). Early Greek Astronomy to Aristotle. Ithaca, N.Y.: Cornell University Press. pp. 72–198. ISBN 9780801405617, Pigafetta, Antonio (1906). Magellan's Voyage around the World. Arthur A. Clark. Sent by Rocky Montana October 7, 2010