Ed McCabe - Mr. Oxygen
“Cause, I’m wasted, and I can’t find my way home.” – Blind Faith
I had a vision. It showed me people walking around, but their bodies were semi-transparent. As I could see inside them I could see red lines starting at the top of the head and going down their torso, and branching along both arms and legs, like a child had drawn red lines down everyone in a drawing. As I looked further I could see flower shapes dotted all along these lines. The shapes were about the size of real flower -heads, and they were placed all along the red energy lines, but they were all empty and black! They were there, but they were missing, or completely turned off, and dormant! I realized I was looking right then and there at our real BIGGEST DEEPEST human problem. Government and agency and bank tricks are mere childish diversions by comparison. Diversions manufactured to throw us off scent, BTW.
This is exactly why we are unable to know who we really are, unable to remember who we really are, unable to see who we really are, unable to remember where we came from, and why we are “shut out” of, and can’t return to our true homes in the higher dimensional True Universe of True Light dimensionally above the holographic artificial Space, Time & Duality world.
I was seeing exactly why we strangely find ourselves trapped in this low, slow, muddy vibration rate, and are surrounded with lies and falsity in this very dark, and dense world of suffering and strife without a clue as to why, feeling afraid and powerless.
We don’t belong here and we know it: “There is no higher self, lower self, middle self, Soul, etc. There is no hierarchy of yourself; there is only your own Spirit… Hierarchy disempowers you, and makes you believe you are not already perfect, and that you need to “upgrade” yourself and possibly “look outside of yourself” for the answers. However, your Spirit [The REAL YOU] already knows everything, and is already perfect, so all you need to do is go to your Spirit in your heart center.”
[ http://www.creationlightship.com/wiki/index.php?title=Questions_andAnswers ] Talk with your Spirit in your heart, not in or from your head. Immerse yourself in your Spirit in your own heart, become this completely, and then infuse all the cells of your body with Its’ Life Force while waiting to be rescued. Stay out of your artificial head and mind.
We did leave clues around from before the memory wipes, and ambassadors occasionally manifest to remind us: Corinthians 13; “Where is God? God is in the Temple. Where is the Temple? Your Body.”
Our Spirit Source and return portal is deep in our own hearts, not in the trick of looking outside us that is taught to every person on Earth since birth. That’s where THEY are. Outside. They want us constantly looking outside, praying outside. They know the solution is within our hearts, literally, geographically, and EVERYTHING is set up to keep us from looking exactly there, or at least to keep us geographically up in our mind along with its’ thoughts, feelings, and emotions chasing nonsense.
The closest we can come to remembering after being wiped is our all having a vague, yet nagging longing for freedom, and a distant seeming memory of just somehow absolutely knowing there is something better, somewhere. That longing is twisted into worship of outside things, in other words, them.
Forget the government lackeys by comparison, just by your being here and being forced to wear these human bio-suits every moment has relentlessly dumbed us down, and finally habituated us all through a process of forced reincarnation-without-exit. That’s why always the perpetual wars, to keep your attention and therefore you, out here. So now, due to life after life habituation, this here is all we know anymore.
The invading invisible ET controllers from our past still force us to fight with each other for their amusement, and especially so they can live off the thought and emotional and feeling energy we create/generate while doing so. It’s built up so bad here now with layer after of denseness we created that our thoughts, feelings and emotions aren’t even our own any more.
No wonder the Earth Spirit and the weather rebel. No wonder the kids feel so hopeless they kill each other, no wonder the old men have gone insane and send them to kill each other. It’s all programming. Stimulus/habit/response. Even after the illusion of death the dimensional prison they force us to create continues. We were eternal happy and without outside control, but not since they trapped us in their artificially created time prison, the one that comes complete with a recycling Astral afterlife. True Reality is in the no time Now only.
Our true light consciousness has been severely damaged. In over two dozen sessions Jack O’Brien and his friend Sue counted our having over 280 identified energy points/portals in and around the body, including 28 chakras “mirrored” in the subtle bodies. http://users.ritternet.com/jobrien/chak.htm#ener The ancient controlled disinformation of our having only “7 chakras” is crap, and a serious obfuscation designed to prevent our discovering our real selves.
The black “flowers” I saw on our red lifeforce energy life lines are the chakras that the invading, and by now-invisible-to-us, invading ETs deliberately damaged to keep us stupid, dimensionally blind, and unaware of their presence or control.
At one point in our history, eons ago, these service-to-self aliens rounded up every single person alive on the planet, whether born here, died here, brought here, crashed here in our gravity during space war, hiding, or whatever, and forcefully damaged and turned off a minimum of 15 of our key natural chakra energy points; right wrist #13, #5 Thymus Chakra Energy Point (8), #8 Sex Chakra, Energy Point (5), #10 Knee Chakras, Energy Point (5), EP (6), #13 Right Foot Chakra EP (9), EP(10), Shoulder Energy Points, #17 Right Wrist Energy Point (13), EP (14), #18 Right Palm Energy Point (5), Left Palm Energy Point (14), #19B Left Thigh Energy Point (7), EP (9), #20 Hip Energy Points, [- Jack & Sue visiting 16th dimension and asking each of the points about themselves, their history and function] [See: http://users.ritternet.com/jobrien/ener.html for numbering /location decipher key.] plus the damages now inflicting upon all the other chakras and energy points; such as sluggish, twisted, spin reversed, etc.
See: http://users.ritternet.com/jobrien/damage.html. They purposely took away our ability to see the criminals that did this to us, and our ability to remember this was done to us, and keep us trapped in these unsolvable-karma bio-suits, imprisoned in the illusion of time and denseness. These ETs are the real enemy that constantly stirs up, divides, and conquers ALL factions, keeping us all – even their pet slave world leaders - emoting fear energy as a food source for them, and so we all will keep providing them our slave labor.
You know how people are always saying “WAKE UP?” This is what is meant. But we can’t easily do so, simply because of the terrible damage to our consciousness and energy systems. Energy lobotomies. Because everyone is damaged, our severely depleted conscious states are considered normal without any thought about it at all. Our very thoughts and desires aren’t even ours. It’s all programmed, starting with the birth chart programming. Psychics only read the programming, what the controllers will force us to be involved in. That’s why psychics can seemingly “know the future.”
The very fact we don’t even know anything about this, and that this control and damage sounds so incredible to us only proves the severe damage and completeness of our darkened memory-wiped condition. You KNOW there is more. More in My 4 DVD set Flood Your Body With Oxygen at www.mroxygen.com and www.oxygenhealth.com
Oct. 9, 2010