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Rocky Montana

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[Response by Rocky Montana / Nov. 20, 2010]

"What is our greatest hope for the future of this nation?"

That was a question put to Americans in a scientific public opinion survey last July.What do you suppose was the No. 1 answer?

Was it Barack Obama?

Was it a Republican Congress?

Was it a better business environment?

Was it lower taxes and less regulation?

Was it smaller government?

No, it was not Barack Obama. And it wasn't any of the other answers as well. That might shock those trying to push the tea-party movement to promote an exclusively – and I do mean exclusively – economic or materialistic agenda.The No. 1 answer chosen by 49 percent of Americans in the poll was "Return to traditional moral values.

 [RM:  When a people do not know what "traditional moral values" are, they are, as sheep, lost in the wilderness without a compass.  This appears to describe many Americans at this time.  Christianity has always looked to the 10 Commandments of the Old Testament and The Golden Rule, Sermon on the Mount and other instructions from Esu Immanuel recorded the New Testament for its traditional moral values or moral compass.  You may be surprised to know that two of the 10 Commandments were added by man, not God.  Furthermore, much of the Truths of Esu in the New Testament has been altered.  Can you guess which two they are?  Nevertheless, these have been a good set of rules to live by. But there is even a better source for understanding of what our Father-Creator expects of His people in this present day and age. This is, of course, the eighteen Laws of God and The Creation found in Phoenix Journal 27, entitled 'Phoenix Operator-Owner Manual'.  Also, the exact teachings of Esu Immanuel are found in Phoenix Journal 2, entitled 'And They Called His Name Immanuel--I Am Sananda'.  Both journals are available for reading in the archives.    

Now, since many of us have forgotten or have tuned out these traditional moral values, there appears to be a lot of relearning to do-- for us all. The source of "traditional moral values" has always come from God of Light, our Father Creator--of the human races. As each soul is birthed, he comes into this world with full knowledge of "right versus wrong". But over time he is retaught in the ways of man and God's Laws are replaced with man's laws. Furthermore, he is taught to not trust his God-self within and therefore, stops hearing God's instructions for living his life "in balance", in favor of living by man's laws and other church dogma--thus living his life "out of balance". And so when life among humans becomes out of balance, God sends His prophets and His messengers to remind man of the Cosmic Codes for Balance (The Laws of God and The Creation) so that he can turn back to the ways of balanced living. Unfortunately, most of God's true prophets and messengers have been neutralized by being killed, imprisoned, run out of town and/or discredited by orthodox church hierarchy down through history, so that the captive masses of the churches are left without full truth and knowledge or moral compass, thereby living in darkness and out of balance, and never realizing their true heritage and full potential.

But, always, a few people hear the Word (Truth) and realize that the Cosmic Codes of Balance are the better way to live, desire and effort to live by them and are ultimately rewarded for doing so. These people become the best hope for mankind, to teach traditional moral values to the generations to follow, through their example. Children learn by imitating their parents, legal guardians and/or other adults with whom they come in contact. When children learn bad behavior patterns early in life, they experience difficulty throughout their life, until or unless they change their behavior. The ability of man to learn and improve his way of thinking and living, by imitating others, is perhaps the best hope for mankind. Man can reprogram himself, replacing bad behavior with good, Godly behavior in order to create a more balanced life for himself and the ones around him. As we accept our responsibility to impart traditional moral values, through our good example, balance can and will spread to the lives of those we touch.]

That answer was chosen by 49 percent of Americans in the poll, over the following:

  • Technological innovation – 16 percent
  • A better business environment – 13 percent
  • The next generation – 12 percent
  • The next election – 10 percent ..."

This doesn't surprise me. It is what I have been trying to explain to the political pragmatists of both the left and right who sell nothing but materialism to the American people.

  • Despite an assault on the Judeo-Christian morality that formed the very bedrock foundation of the U.S. for more than a generation, Americans know better than politicians, judges, media and the other cultural institutions that have led this onslaught against the very notions of truth and justice and absolutes. ..."

[RM:  The term "Judeo-Christianity" is an oxymoronic term.  It is a word combination which has NO basis in truth.  The terms Judeo and Christian are ideals which are directly opposite of one-another and therefore, the term defies all logic and reason.  It assumes a religion of Jesus which branched out of Judaism at the time of the early church and that both Christianity and Judaism have the same origins and the same God.  This is not true.  In truth, the term, "Judeo-Christian" was created to foist the Judaist dogma into the Christian religion for the purpose of destroying Christianity by watering down Christian ideals and neutralizing Christians.  Anyone who projects this term is either ill-informed, acting in ignorance, or acting with intended deceit.  Patrick Bellringer's writing "PEOPLE OF THE LIE:  ESU IMMANUEL/JESUS CHRIST/SANANDA" exposes many of the lies and false dogmas that have been woven into the Christian religion over the centuries and is recommended reading for anyone who seeks to separate the false religion of "Judeo-Christianity" from the true religion of "Christianity".] 


Response resource: Phoenix Journal Express, March 1991, Volume 9, Number 9, "Judeo-Christianity".