Anton and Cynthia Miller
The Short Story
I have been pursuing a theory for a few years called “The Short Story”. It says that every long term story or relationship began with a short story. The short story contains many elements and trends that “forecast” what is likely to take place in the long story. This can apply to personal relationships, the start of a career, a marriage, and event periods of history. This approach does not and is not intended to predict the future, does not cast anything in stone, and is not a psychic viewing of the future.
It does use an “intuitive forecast” based upon viewing behaviors and trends. The PDF enclosed is a log of some main event headlines for January 2011, which serves as a short story for the year 2011. The headlines are mostly from USA alternative news sites and some conventional news sites.
In viewing this log, it looks like some of the following trends will continue to compose the year 2011 (no particular order):
Even more in depth exposure of Satan's minions at a more rapid pace with more and more participants seeking Truth and change to goodness.
Looks like the “food shortage” will continue to be used as a weapon to foment suffering on the planet. The food shortage is contrived and does not have to be.
Increased victories for the Light and further in-depth intervention by the Forces of the Light due to the Dark's continued breaking of contracts with Creator God Aton.
Continued pressures to revoke the O'Bumma non-health care package especially with further expansion of the State nullification movement.
Increase in State efforts to continue the “No birth certificate-No ballot” movement concerning O'Bumma.
Greater exposures and increased participation in documenting the activity of the 3 C's (corporate criminal corruption) globally.
Further in depth awakening over the realities of the “genocide by vaccines” campaign is likely to increase greatly on a global basis.
Greater and more frequent increases in the release of negative karmic energy centers across the globe as “natural weather conditions” become less predictable, as is occurring in Australia right now.
Further contrived attempts to turn civil unrest into a 3rd World War, such as is occurring in Egypt and other sectors of the Mid-East, is no longer acceptable by people of the world of good intent and will increasingly be “stopped”.
The above highlights a probable course for some unfolding events for 2011, and does not exhaust the possibilities by any means. This is the Year for the Light! This is the year for Light workers to rise above the negative energy field of “headlines” by using what I know as “PA”, which is “Positive Altitude”. This is our year to claim final victory by using the power of the gifts given to us by our Creator: Imagination, Positive Thought, Sincere Prayer, and the Pen- the Sword (Words) of Truth. Why allow a group of grumpy old creatures continue with their false sense of power that is wrapped up in their addictions for money, drugs, lust, and dominion. This is the year to keep them surrounded with Light, which will put them to sleep; with positive altitude, imagination, positive thought, and use of the pen, without violence, without bloodshed. This is how we win. With imagination you can surround them with one beam of light, use many beams of many directions, or my favorite, a light tornado of multi-color. In sincere prayer you can link up with many different ones of the Heavenly Hosts to add more Light, any time, any place. In one single moment of positive thought you can just say “No” to a wrongful event and that “No” will go full circle and will join all “No's already registered with Creator and will result in a stop action in return to perpetrators of the wrongful event, not always in what we are used to as “3D time”, but it will count. Words carry energy and the words of the pen of Truth carry a power much greater than the sword. Write of Truth if this be your area and put it in circulation. With positive altitude you are in faith without doubt and your connection from within to your higher spiritual sources,
be it Creator God Aton, Esu Immanuel Sananda, your guardian angels, your higher self, this is your inner strength that guides your imagination, positive thought, sincere prayer, and use of the pen for good intent. This is how you win as a light worker! This is how Creator God Aton and His Hosts win over the adversary.
May your 2011 be filled with the fullness of Joy that comes from imagination, positive thought,
sincere prayer, and expression with the pen!
In Love and Light,
Anton & Cynthia Miller
Feb. 2, 2011