The Power Of Insanity
The insane have no clue about their condition, they operate in world of their own creation. They see and hear on a different plane of existence than those of us who are seeking truth.
Those with no belief in a Higher Power are no doubt as insane as the previous two. Truth is so blatantly obvious if a person even feebly attempts to find it, that there is no doubt that this type of insanity has chosen aspects to it. There is the possibility though, that the spiritual deficit is because that individual has never been exposed to to Truth or Spirit! There are those who have been isolated either by choice or circumstance! These individual may or may not be shown the doors and windows of Truth. If they have the desire to be enlightened and are exposed to Truth by caring individuals, there is a 100% rate of cure for these!
I am not saying that I accepted their insanity, but only that I played along in order to be able to continue on with whatever goal I was pursuing.
It is our responsibility as humans to extend a helping hand to those who have fallen.
We cannot force them to accept that hand though. The Truth must be accepted through free will.