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Nature Will Have the Last Word

Golden Wolf

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Government contracts have been given despite the present meltdowns. Do you know how to end this? Send all the bought scientists praising how safe these reactors are along with the CEOs of the companies that build them to Chernobyl and Fukushima. Then take all the nuclear waste and meltdown material and put it in their trunks and dump it on their front lawns. Send the politicians as well and while you are at it send them to the front lines of the wars they sponsor. Have them all get inoculated in public first before forcing others to get inoculated. Make them drink the pesticides and herbicides they create and eat the GMO foods.

That in a nutshell is the answer to the problem. If they give a war and no one comes, if they create a vaccine and no one takes it, if they create a product or sponsor a project that is detrimental to humanity and the earth have them step up and personally participate. This puts an end to the nonsense. Humanity needs to rise up as well as hold those accountable on all levels for their participation and degree of participation in actions that are harmful to humanity and the earth. The revolution has begun, the grand awakening with nothing hidden. How it plays out is up to us. I do not know the degree in which humanity participates but I do know nature will have the last word. ~Osiyo, Golden Wolf.

March 18, 2011
