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Graeme Daryl Whitmeyer

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----- Original Message -----
From: Graeme Whitmeyer
To: Bellringer
Sent: Saturday, January 28, 2012 2:09 AMSubject: A Book
Here is a book I wrote which I think you might like to forward onto your site, somehow, if you can, or just enjoy yourself!  God Bless you!  Peace and Namaste.
----- Original Message -----
From: Graeme Whitmeyer
To: Bellringer
Sent: Saturday, January 28, 2012 2:05 AM
Subject: Thank You!!! : )
Greetings in the Light of our Holy Father Aton, One with the All That Is and Radiant of Love!!!  I am just taking a little time to thank you for your service to your fellow man (and woman) out of the kindness of my heart because you mean SO much to me.
I have been struggling to come to grips with abiding by all the Laws to the best of my ability, but I now find myself completely able to do so -- ALL THANKS TO YOU AND THE WONDERFUL PHOENIX JOURNALS WHICH YOU'VE SHOWN ME!!!
May you rejoice in the knowing that you have helped to lift me from my sinful ways and into the right action of abiding within those 18 laws to the best of my ability!   I just wish you, and Anne (God bless her!) can know and understand my gratitude for you posting the Phoenix Journals through your site -- "not to mention" ALL of your REALLY COOL AND UP TO DATE ARTICLES OF TRUTH!!!  I wish there was some way to thank you more, but I guess this will have to do, for now...
Please, let me know if there is anything I can do to help you more directly.  Do not hesitate to ask me for favors or for help with your missions, if indeed I may do so, as I would be HONORED and ABOVE WELL-PLEASED to do so!  I do feel I should make a donation, but it will take a little while until I gather the funds to send to you for your WONDERFUL WORK!
I feel like letting you know that I am VERY HAPPY NOW for choosing to abide within these Laws the best I am able (practicing still, but not consciously choosing to break them) and that the people in my life can see the difference in my level of confidence and "niceness" as they put it AND THEY DO NOT GUESS WHY!!!!  HAHAHAHAHA!!!!  Well, that is there choice as I have told them many times the truth and they refuse it, but alas this is not about them but about me and YOU!   I am doing great now in my heart of hearts and it is (almost) ALL THANKS TO YOU!!!!   GOD Bless you and your house and all whom follow in your footsteps and choose the Light over the selfish ways of darkness...
May the Light of Love fill your vesell and remain with you always...   And again I AM LOST FOR WORDS TO EXPRESS MY MOST HUMBLE GRATITUDE!!!!!!!!!
In Love, Light, and Gratitude,
         Your Lightworker Fledgeling,
                        Graeme Daryl Whitmeyer




(A Book)


Graeme Daryl Whitmeyer

For all lovers of poems, prayers,

positive affirmations, and

God Aton of Light, our

Father, the One Within.


This book is written with the intent to enlighten and authentically-empower the individual, therefore NO copyright is in place NOR adhered to, so please, feel free to either share the writings as you would like, or to persecute me for the utilization of my genius Brother’s and Sister’s writings.  I would also like to note that the poetry is original (except “Violet Flame”) and it is the prayers and positive affirmations which may or may not contain, or refer to, another’s wonderful work (mainly that of Mr. Patrick H. Bellringer and/or the Hosts of Heaven).  Enjoy!!

The Moon

A withered flower takes no rain

But lost is the pedal forever


Forgive me! – To SEE!!!

All such is an Art

I AM to play! – To impress!


WILD is your Dream of Now

You will unfold

You will endow

-- To unleash, until NOTHING IS LEFT!!!


And the rest… up to you, but you have what you want

A story, a case, a frivolous stunt – Let’s be blunt!!! –

There’s no fun when there’s work to be had, so we’re glad when the Peace had begun its first task!


Low and behold

With bounty untold

Just a wash, just a will

Like silver, like gold


The richest art, is straight from the heart

No remorse for the thievery –

Bribed-away Moment!


You see!!!  You can see!!!

All such is not lost

Not gone with the wind

Not melted like frost!!!


The earth needs the rain

Which gives of itself…

ALL is growing

…Path of existence


There IS no beginning

There MUST be no end

Eternal we are bound


The Moon remembers


And the Revolution…



Hold the Light


I am praying that my holding of the Light of positive attitude shall prevail to “boost-up” those around me.

          I am praying that the Light within my body and mind will shine forth for all to see.

          I am praying that this will enable me safe passage through my way unto the wisdom of knowledge of the Kingdom of God.

          I am praying that opportunities will arrive for me to be conscious of my ego so that I may refrain from its unfulfillable longings.

          I am praying with a sincere feeling in my heart to be granted the abundance of Heaven so that I may share, with all whom I meet, to relieve need, and that we will ascend into the fifth dimension of Peace.

          I am praying to the source of my Life’s Spirit, and to the Creation, for the power of love to flow through my physical vessel and all throughout, even unto all the beings of Heaven!

          I am praying to know the actions of God and the Highest Spirit of Creation, so that I may further-utilize my ability of acting like unto them.

          I am praying, with knowing, that the life energy inside me will make a difference, from before this prayer, to after this prayer, to help create things sacred, for comfort, as a gift to all life.

          I am praying for Love to conquer all.





Perfect Affirmation


My Spirit has controlling power over all matters concerning myself.

The Spirit in me has wisdom which is becoming conscious to me.

My Spirit’s power enables me to apply these truths, wisdom and Love, peace and freedom, given to and acquired by me and all mankind.

My Spirit’s power is extended in me, effective in all material as well as spiritual aspects.

My Spirit allows and gives unto me all I need for my material as well as my spiritual life and development.

My Spirit is all-knowing, almighty, and all-loving in me.

I am acknowledging my errors so that I may recognize my faults and eliminate them.

I am choosing right decision through discernment and just judgments, and I do not have material and wrong thinking, and I am not dependent upon beliefs alone.

My Spirit is within and without me as power and wisdom, truth and knowledge for eternity, and I am conscious of that at all times.

My Spirit’s will be done in and through me as the Creation which I am.

I have understanding and truth.

These positive affirmations are for my brothers and sisters – for the completion of our evolution and the cycle of wholeness.

True Heart’s Embrace


So able with us you shall go

For in the draft of darkness

Light should find its way to shine


By my trust I do but speak

With Heart, not heavy mind


What sadness befalls man indoors

Kept to false promise of safety?

Loathing waking-hour

Glad not at his daily aim

Nor have he blessings toward his house

Which in he takes that promised claim


Far and wide and cast abroad

I trust protection, asking God

How else to mingle?  Impress?  Prod?


Provided by my Spirit within

Learn and lesson

Lose and win



I speak now!!!

No folly by the road of Truth!


Will we go if robbed by thought of where or when our road will end?

Shall we yet sit down and sob over our thoughts of how we’ve been?


How else forth-carry yawn of soul

Bring the beckoned yearning grace

Rise unto the road of goal

We roll as far as we GIVE roll


Give the gift unto our ears

Easing all our fears

At attention, bored to tears!


A message from behind the scenes

The hidden way, the in between

What’s happened to us scares some

Others hide and drink their rum


We stay!!!

Constant as change itself is sure

Labor will we, destiny pure

Construct the city known of old

Treasures valued more than gold


Nothing for the fearful man

Try he might, see them not he can

Values which surpass his span

Gains not he the fruit of Plan


Lend to persuasion gentle fate

We’re lost without you Gateless Gate

Help us with this task: Create

A realm of Peace, cooperate


A cry not fallen on deaf ears

Recognized for many years

Rituals to spend and maul

Glory after every fall


Sweet memory serene!

Is it not enough to tease?

To squeeze the very juice of hope

Every last drop as you please?


A plan not unknown

A seed of wealth in learning grown

Surprise in no surprises

To see the sun as no sun shown


To quest in stride to brave new dawn

Rest in courage, spine-shield drawn

Victor be the brain, not brawn

War: ascension – sacred fawn


Realize the seas with me, O,

Replenishing breath of ocean wave

Subdue this castle of media!

Wash on through the built sand brave


More angry than the builder

Righteousness you love so dear

Purpose HUGE and CLEAR


I am here my children

I Am Here



Let it Be Known


Let it be known that I, with my mighty I am presence and God-Spirit within, am determined in my prayer, with a strong belief and unwavering faith in the almighty authentic power of Love, for my unlimited and infinite permission and will to be given to the Forces of Light at this time, and from now on into eternity, for divine intervention to occur in my experience.  I am choosing to ask Creator Source for divine protection so that the prayers of the sincere and Light-hearted humans of cosmic Brotherhood will be heard, granted, and sustained.





Illusion Be Gone


Illusion be gone.

Using the power of the Spirit of Life Within me, I honor the Creational Realm.

I am choosing to believe in the presence of the Creational Spirit as the core and Light of my being.

I am choosing now to Love the Spirit of Life Within me as myself.

I believe, with the power of Creation, that I am choosing to affirm the unreality of my physical vessel and physically-dense surroundings even as I am invoking the Violet Flame of Love to transmute them.

Physicality must pass now through this flame and be cured.  It be not my prison!  There is no resistance!


Spirit is all.

I am Spirit.




To the Starship’s House


Beyond the Earth’s mist

Of a Realm we all miss

Passed a kiss!

In between reminisce and a list


Beyond space-time

Or time with a space

Lays a place to recline

Realigning with grace


Its base is a motive

The Will that’s supreme

As a dream floating down

The stream restless in motion


A potion for thoughts which

Are broken with lots of

Small tokens that turn

Into moments and things


Revealing, appealing, and wheeling

To know where it grows

So it glows!

Like a rose in the ceiling!


A feeling, naught more!

Nor there less!

To repress the idea

Of seeing a being be test


Watcher be wise to

Devise with revision

The mission!

Don’t squabble and stopple in lies!


Reprise the lines

Of eyes through mines

Of tries for sight

Does balance cries



Dawn of Light

Source of Sight

Message, Meaning, Truth


A house made all right

In land with no night –

And no fighting! We’ll be there!

The next flight or two!!!



Life brings us back

To the heart of the One

Welcome mat used

So beaten and hung


As sung in glorious tongue

We now crave

Most-amazed that

Beyond is so sudden and brave


All praise for Creation

Parade the whole nation

Sound every station

For making it sure


The cure for all loss

Or gain more than the

Blossoming Him is in

Kindness and looking within



Alas!  Where’s your grin?

Is it no fun to win?

So a game shall remain

Of insane type of kin


The kind which believe it’s

The much that they’re stuck in

Not THEM who’ve been plucking

The feathers in sin


Tis quest to compile

What remains non-defiled

For the gain in a while

Because Heaven’s impressed


The Head of the Household is

Father and best

Now the rest comes

To witness His words manifest



Dawn of Light

Source of Sight

Message, Meaning, Truth


A house made all right

In land with no night –

And no fighting!  We’ll be there!

The next flight or two!!!








Prayer So Dear


Prayer so dear,

          I trust now in your ability and venture!  I am praying that everyone witnesses the power of prayer.

          I am praying that, through their own volition, the inhabitants of Earth-Shan respond to the active presence of prayer, within their lives, in such a way as to reveal to them personal insights regarding how they may better their situations – from discord to harmony.

          I pray that we all understand our own paths, toward acting balanced, during every moment, and I am praying that this one, fruitful step, towards lawfulness, be easily recognized and discovered as the simple, wonderful duty and adventure that it is!

          Amen and Salu!  Yay!




Affirmation to Abide by the Laws of Balance


I am choosing to achieve the wisdom of knowledge inasmuch as this will enable me to wisely follow the Laws of the Creation.


I am choosing to honor God as the Ruler of the human races and follow His Laws for He is the “King of Wisdom”.


I have no other gods than the Creator God before me and abide with the Laws of the Creation which encompasses all.


I do not make for myself idols and false images to worship as gods.


I love the Lord God with all my heart, soul, and being.


I do not use the name of God irreverently, nor use of it to swear to a falsehood.


I am choosing to remember God’s “day” and keep it holy.  (Every day is God’s day.)


I am choosing to honor my mother and father.


I do not murder my fellow man.


I do not commit adultery.


I do not steal, materially or emotionally.


I do not covet or envy that which belongs to my neighbor.


I do not impose nor force my free-will upon the free-will of another.


I do not judge others, but I wisely judge all behavior and actions which are contrary to the Laws of God and The Creation.


As I sow, so shall I reap.


I am choosing to honor all commitments made in service to God, The Father, the One within.

I am choosing to obey the wisdom of God for the responsible and balanced procreation of my species.


I do unto others as I would have them do unto me.


Evil must always wear a sign of their evilness.


I do not commit the act of slavery upon any human being of God.




Dawn of Balance


I want to show the world to you before it happens

That way you know it was my gift

And the gift of all whom know my Love

For my Love is your Love

For there is only One Love

That we may share in the days of Peace and understanding


O one, great honorable Love

I create the day where we can be together

In Love’s thoughts

To wander without fret

To open into grace


And see me not the winter swallow

For I have shaken the snow from the branch

And we do see the sun

As yet so bright

Beyond the pale blue sky


Behold the ray of sunshine

Sleep not in doubt!

The spring has come at last!

The spring of Love and understanding

That there is One Truth Only:


My gift to you…

What more can I give than the only gift?

Is it not reasonable to ask that I know?


For a wave of glittering fortitude

A golden heart

A warm shed tear

Communion is not idleness –

But such sweet music!

The cord of my soul

The wandering of my footsteps


Toward our destiny


I believe in you


As I believe the sun shall rise

I believe in you


Belief with no import

Perceive not the humor of opinion

Please, O one I hold so dear!

For do this to you I must!

To do to you the kindest service – I must!




Take this gift…


You have now my trust in knowing

The world we share is ours

And the smiles we have are real

The beauty of discovery

Vast be its countenance!


That only shall I hold your hand

At last!!!






The following prayer was made possible through the great work of one Patrick H. Bellringer, to whom I am very thankful.


          I pray for a world in which there are no war planes flying in the sky, the sound of exploding bombs has ceased, and the guns are silent.  I pray that the battlefields of the earth lie quiet, as hope and compassion spring anew in the hearts of the people.  I pray that the departments of war become departments of peace, and that the landmines are all gone, the depleted uranium is totally neutralized, the bomb craters are gone, and all the war-damaged buildings and roads and bridges are restored.  I pray that soldiers become peace workers, digging holes for trees and shrubs and flowers rather than digging fox holes and graves, helping to restore the libraries, the museums, the art galleries, the gazebos, and all the buildings so long neglected.  I pray for peacekeepers to teach family classes on peaceful living and loving and giving and sharing.  I pray for a world with no more terrorism, no more violence, and no more anger and hate and greed.  I pray for a world of peace.

          I pray to live in a world where its inhabitants are living fully under the Laws of God and the Creation, where no evil is allowed.  I pray for no negative energies, no fear, no hate, no envy, no greed, no jealousy, or selfishness, no lying, no stealing, and no evil tricks of the darkside.  I pray for no bars, no night clubs, no casinos, no prostitution, no homosexuality, no liquor or other harmful drugs or cigarette smoke, no murder, no abortion, and no capital punishment or euthanasia.  I pray for no need for policemen in our community because there is no crime.  I pray for no jails, detention centers, juvenile courts, criminal courts, state patrols, or criminal lawyers.  I pray that those who break the Laws of God and Creation are removed to a three-dimensional planet.  I pray for no negative words, negative rhythm, discord or disharmony in our music.  I pray to live free from the negative mind control of the words and sounds of audio tapes, video tapes, television, and the movie theaters, and to hear only those sounds that are harmoniously pleasant to the ear and to the heart.  I pray for this world to live under Galactic Solar Tribunal Law and authority.  I pray that all countries and peoples live under their own sovereign constitutions in harmony and balance with Creator God’s Laws and the Laws of the Creation.  I am praying to have no more black-robed admiralty court judges, nor gold-fringed military flags in the courtroom, in the churches, or on public display anywhere.  I pray that there be no more members of the British Accredation Registry who are attorneys fooling the people and taking their money, no more case law or Universal Commercial Code or law books or law libraries or law clerks or law schools or clerks of courts or bailiffs or judge’s chambers or courtrooms or court filings or briefs and appeals.  I pray for a time of freedom from taxes, where we no longer would be slaves of the state.  I pray that the Internal Revenue Service is abolished and there is no more income tax required of anyone, ever again.  I pray for no more slave fees or fines or licenses, and that there would be no more privileges granted but only unalienable God-given rights allowed for all people, traveling with no licenses or fees or taxes or regulations or restrictions but those of God’s Laws.  I sincerely pray, with all of my heart, for the end of the controlling government agencies such as FEMA, CIA, FBI, IRS, BATF, SS and DEA.  I pray that the Department of Homeland Security is abolished and the Patriot Acts are made null and void.  I pray that all evil leaders and heads of state of all governments including presidents, vice-presidents, Kings, Queens, prime ministers, cabinet, Houses of Congress and Department heads such as Justice and Military are all removed from their positions of power and corruption and removed from our planet.  I pray that all evil state governors and lieutenant governors and city mayors and city councils, and all evil public officials everywhere, in every country, be removed from offices of deceit and greed, and be gone forever from our planet.  I pray that the media gives the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth, as the news to the people.  I pray for a world that is free from all disease and all human injury, deformity, disability, sickness, pain, and suffering, where we would have no need for hospitals and clinics and doctors and nurses, no ambulances, no “nine-one-one”, no hospital emergency rooms, no hospital beds, no X-rays, no oxygen tanks no pace-makers, no heart by-passes, no medications, no wheelchairs, no walkers, no crutches nor artificial limbs.  I pray for this world to be of no sickness, where there would be no need for medical specialists, pharmacies, pharmaceutical companies, pharmacists, or the Center for Disease Control or the American Medical Association.  I pray for no more nursing homes, hospices, and Mayo Clinics, where there would be no more cancer, heart disease, diabetes, Alzheimer’s, multiple sclerosis, or arthritis.  I pray for no more AIDS/HIV, influenza, West Nile Virus, SARS, SIDS, Ebola, Bubonic Plague, or Spanish Flue, with no more harmful bacteria or viruses of any kind, no more common cold, and no more birth defects.  I pray for new technologies to be released where a person’s health, if one so chooses, can be restored and the body returned to the health and appearance of a truly healthy twenty-five to thirty year old human being.  I pray that we no longer have the need for eye glasses and hearing aids, no more wigs, plastic surgery, breast implants or organ transplants, no crooked teeth, no teeth braces, no dental cavities nor any tooth fillings, dental clinics, or dentists.  I pray for a time when we have wholesome food to eat, when we will be free of the chemical additives that give color, flavor, odor, appearance and preservation to our present unwholesome food.  I pray for food that is nutritionally balanced and as fresh and tasty as nature can make it.  I pray for the coming new technologies of food replicators, where the food is produced from cosmic energy instantly, and looks and tastes like the “real thing”.  I pray that both a food replicator and a clothing replicator become as common appliances in every home, and that people will not have to work to survive, but can do what they enjoy doing.  I pray for a time when we will not need food at all to live, a time when we will have grown our new organs to convert the cosmic energy of Light into sugars to be utilized for energy by our new crystalline body cells, and for a time when we will celebrate our joy by drinking liquid Light!  I pray for a totally healthy environment, where our planet is free of all air pollution – no smoke over cities, no stench from our garbage dumps, no chemtrails in our skies and no dirty haze to block out our sunrises and sunsets.  I pray that our oceans and our lakes and our rivers are free of pollution, and our water is so clean and so pure and so energized that one could drink any of it anywhere in the world for good health.  I pray that the good earth be restored to its original balanced condition.  I pray that all the mining holes and tunnels and all the construction scars and war destruction scars are gone, and that our forests are returned to their original beauty with magnificent trees and teeming with wild-life again.  I pray that the moisture is plentiful for plants to thrive everywhere and the deserts are covered again with tall grasses, flowering shrubs, and colorful flowers waving in the gentle breezes.  I pray for the polar ice caps to be as semi-tropical regions flourishing with life at seventy degrees Fahrenheit.  I pray for a world of freedom.

          I pray for a world with no hunger, no starvation, and no homelessness, where we would have adequate clothing for everyone, nice homes and a pleasant environment for every person and every family.  I pray that every person will be a millionaire.  I pray for a time when money will no longer be needed, as all would share so that no one was ever in need of anything, and as anything that was needed could be instantly created and provided upon request.  I pray for a time of free energy, where cosmic energy is the source of energy to replace both electricity and gasoline, and therefore no more pollution from the internal combustion engine because our car’s engines would be run on cosmic energy provided from a small black box converter in the car.  I pray that we are able to step into a levitation mat that would carry us instantly to our desired location.  I pray we may travel by thought.  I pray that we each may have a copper rod in the ground in our backyards attached to a tiny cosmic energy converter that would power each of our entire houses forever with no outside electrical wires and no electrical bills.  I am praying for a world with no oil wells, no oil and gas pipelines, no oil tankers, no gasoline transport trucks, no oil refineries, and no gas stations, when our community has no power lines, no power poles, and no harmful electrical frequency fields.  I pray for no more mind-control from electrical sources because all telephone lines, telephone poles, cellular phone towers, electrical power lines and poles, electrical sub-stations, and electrical power plants would all be gone.  I pray that the Ground Wave Electromagnetic Net and the HAARP systems be totally dismantled and removed from this planet.  I pray for a time when we use mental telepathy for communication rather than words.  I pray for a world where all knowledge is available freely to everyone, and that we may know all Truth and all lie of everything.  I pray that we may know fully all that happened to us during all of our thousands of past lifestreams, and that we may know the history of this planet back in time for sixty-five million years.  I pray we may share our experiences with others, and laugh with them about the lessons learned, for a thousand years.  I pray for a world of abundance.

          I pray for our brothers and sisters of the Lighted Realms, who have been helping us, and are here, now, aboard the starships, to land on this planet via mass public landings.  I am praying that the Ascended Masters help to put the final touches on the NESARA, and that we now have our grand entrance into our golden age of peace, freedom, and abundance thanks to some divine intervention.






N.E.S.A.R.A. Announced


I ask the Spirit to fill me with the joy that would accompany the Golden Age.

I am relaxed and still, and know that I Am God.

I know that all is in Divine Order.

I am choosing to embrace the reality of my choosing as if I am already experiencing that reality.

It is most helpful to be away from the news media and all negative energies that are opposing the reality of my choosing.

I am openly declaring that which I desire to experience in my reality, and believe that it already is, and thus it will be.

I am abstaining from exposing myself to any news from any source that is telling me that my world reality does not yet exist.

I am feeling the joy of the experience as if it had already happened.


I am choosing to openly declare that I desire to experience, in my reality, these facts:


Prosperity funds have already been delivered and received.

The N.E.S.A.R.A. has been successfully announced.




Heaven Zone


With knowledge comes endurance here

Some people won’t give up and grow

Don’t roll your eyes thinking you know

Don’t show that side of your ego


Don’t roll your eyes…

Don’t roll your eyes at me


The fourwinds website is the greatest site I’ve ever known

The Phoenix Journals there will let you know how much you’ve grown

In fact it has the Truth which will help you make the grade is the best site ever made.


We find our way home together thanks to that bell ringer


Don’t roll your eyes…

Don’t roll your eyes at me


Ever walked that lonely road?

Faces – people who just don’t know?

All you have to do is to take one small step inside of you and…

All I did was ask and I was given this to know


Though I sometimes see that spark of life inside their eyes

That’s how you see, that’s how you discern what is truth from lies

If you care, there’s no surprise you’re at it with this poem

‘Cause you might know it all day long


When you do the right things, you have energy for life

Every moment it returns

Don’t put out the fire that burns

The fire of Light – Spiritual Energy – we learn

As long as the Real Law you follow then It turns

Create and then “kick-back”

Behave and balance the choices you make

Anything at all good you can create

So sit up straight

Think about Spirit and what’s at stake

Listen, man, this could be our “big-break”!


If you wonder why I heed you, just look on down to the unaware

And when you say you need me, I’ll be there


If you wonder why I need you, just look on down to the unaware

And when you say you’ll heed me, I’ll be there






I believe, I do, that these words will help, so I am writing them.  Ideas of mine are manifesting into reality.  Ideas like “Land your ships now!” or “Thanks and Love to Earth-Shan!” or even “Ascension into fifth dimension now!” are some of these ideas of mine. I know that others have the same, or similar, ideas, so I request, from God, His help in seeing that we are united in effort, that two or more in His holy name may bring these thoughts into manifesting as a reality for us, much quicker than before.


I understand that intention, with Love, brings results.


With the most Love of God-Light/Creator Source I am able to conjure up, my intention is directed purely on soul progression.  Using my mighty I AM PRESENCE and my God Spirit Within, I am choosing to believe that these prayers will work well.  I am praying to Esu Jmmanuel Sananda, commander of project Earth-Transition, for the “order”, to begin the mass-ship-landings, to be given in accordance with Heaven’s Perfect Timing.  I am praying to God Aton/Hatonn/Christ Michael, creator of the Nebadon Universe, for the most intense and sincere thoughts of gratitude and love to be given to Earth-Shan.  I am praying to Creator Source, the One Father/Mother of All Life, for help in my understanding, as well as in my journey, of ascending into the fifth dimension.  These prayers are my main focus right now.  Holding these intentions, with God’s help, will bring them into fruition.  With that in mind, my prayer now is to conjure the energy manipulation necessary to manifest these wills.


I am realizing that nothing more is needed here.  I am choosing to Truly Believe my prayers are answered already.  Expression of excitement, joy, and relief there is now.  So be it and so it is done!








– The First Ray               – Leadership          – El Morya the Statesman    

– The Second Ray           – Education           – Lanto the Sage                 

– The Third Ray              – Philosophy          – Paul the Venetian             

– The Fourth Ray            – Art                     – Serapis Bey the Architect  

– The Fifth Ray               – Science               – Hilarion the Healer            

– The Sixth Ray              – Devotion             – Lady Nada                       

– The Seventh Ray          – Ceremony           – Germain the Alchemist      

– The Source of Light       – Life                    – Maha the Lord of Lords


“Listen thee to the bell in its calling fourth.”


Belief, Order, Projection, Awakening, Charisma, Truth, Cheer, Inspiration, Stability, Obedience, Innateness, Existence, Glory, Allowance, Dignity, Humbleness, and Faith in God’s will…

“Thee should be in the doubting until ye feel of the presence.”


Comprehension, Sound-Mind, Receptivity, Psychic-Ability, Stillness, Illumination, Passiveness, Understanding, Insight, God-Awareness, Knowledge, Meditation, Virtue, Quiet, Tranquility, Serenity, Information, and Wisdom…


“We are quite pragmatic of the way of the Holy Spirit.”


Psychology, Logic, Honesty, Carefulness, Uniqueness, Clarity, Concentration, Thought, Ethics, Protection, Character, Idea, Morality, Integrity, Hope, Love, Diplomacy, Patience, Tact, Brotherhood, Beauty, Culture, and Creativity…


“Men will stay on the merry-go-round until these things are learned.”


Geometry, Music, Talent, Focus, Enhancement, Attainment, Giving, Enthrallment, Genius, Goodness, Exaltation, Rhythm, Imagination, Humor, Ecstasy, Discipline, Ascension, Purity, and Excellence…


“As you are perfect within, the Light will radiate without.”


Correction, Healing, Wholeness, Alleviation, Practice, Evolution, Transformation, Nourishment, Interchange, Fullness, Righteousness, Growth, Rest, Frugality, Compassion, and Kindness…




Nurturing, Endurance, Heart, Awakening, Friendship, Mercy, Harmony, Respect, Sympathy, Comradery, Strength, Harmlessness, Solitude, Communion, Gentleness, God-Oneness, Empathy, Equality, Entanglement, and Service…


“He lived to make men free.”


Alchemy, Excitement, Effectiveness, Enchantment, Prayer, Guidance, Love-Power, Victory, Telekinesis, Grace, Honor, Forgiveness, Humility, Gratitude, Prophecy, and Freedom…


“They are mine sons come to teach and bring home those who will come.”


Enlightenment, Infinity, Greatness, Soul, Eternity, Positivity, Immutability, Peace, Christedness, Immortality, Divinity, Cosmic-Consciousness, Omnipresence, Energy, Centeredness, and Balance…






As the age-old wisdom passes into bliss

It needs this

I’ve forgotten what it’s like…


The moon sets over the sea and remembers me

I’d forgotten what it’s like…


To be the way for me to see

To open my third eye


Seeing the fire inside

I remember who I am

And I ride the wind

That Guides the past

Into never-ending change


Stretching the elastic plane of time

Over before

As echoes synchronize

Into what I am to be…


I remember the fire that gave birth to me


As the age old wisdom sees green hills

I rest there without mind

Opening the sky

To polarize the thought of why…


And the smoking dreams pass swiftly

Over the hills



Know it is Done


          I am praying, with my mighty I AM presence and God-Spirit within, for the ways to be revealed to me which I would need for becoming more immersed in health, creativity, and peace, within my thoughts and within my surroundings.  I pray that this be done according to the Will of Creation so that my choices affect others and this planet positively.  I am praying also for my thoughts to be guided towards the Loving Light of the Infinite Spirit, with all the help Heaven allows, so that temptations and poor choices aren’t as hindersome to my Soul’s wonderful journey in the fullness of the Creation’s Qualified Potentials.  May my awareness please be lifted, great Spirit, to your Love and to your Will so that I may Live and Good Life of Virtue and Wholeness, and this I wish also that my Brothers and Sisters may share such benefits from this petition.


          I know it is done.  So it is.  Thank you! 

Great Spirit of All!  I sincerely hold you with me and know we’ll never part!!!





Use the Light


 I am using the First Ray of Pure Light.  I call upon El Morya the Statesman to help me do this.

 I imagine all those within this plane who are the orphans of the Spirit.

They are those whom remain selfish in their concept of separation from deity.

 Now, I open the cosmic doorway to the domain of those who have come to assist us.

 I recognize the plane of Spirit. I listen to the music of the stars and the spheres.

 I am imagining there is no such fracture of consciousness.

 I see the opportunity of the whole and sound way to strengthen the human Spirit.

 Through the First Ray, I enable the soul itself to expand its individual Life through me.

 I am liberated into the honor of clearly thinking that I am allowing the totality of energy to enter.

 Spiritual Knowledge is the Highest Knowledge.

 I visualize ALL men and women upon this planet embracing their God-given right to attain enough self-control to become the master of their own destiny, and the God of their own universe, through their patient and loving digestion of this information to be properly utilized as fuel for their systems.

 I am using the First Refraction of Pure Light.


 I am using the Second Ray of Pure Light.  I call upon Lanto the Sage to help me do this.

 I imagine all those within this plane who are struggling to become that Self of goal.  They are those whom give all that is not themselves the power to bind them.

 I, now, run like mad, away from the old habits, the "old" man, the old associations.

 I recognize the debt to Life I owe.  I stand in the core of my new being.

 I am imagining there is no circumstance that I am not the ruler of.

 I see the infinite mercy and kindness of the Great Law of my perceived "karma".

 Through the Second Ray, I am the word.  I am the Tree of Life. I Enter Samadhi.

 I am liberated into the death of the ego and bathe in the Holy Light of Mother/Father.

 Be-ness, stripped of all else—this is the path to reunion.

 I visualize ALL those struggling as taking the next step of going forth unto God and requesting to pass every erg of energy- that has passed through the nexus of their consciousness over thousands of years- through the flame of the God Source; and so I prepare to meet my God, for Earth is a schoolroom.

 I am using the Second Refraction of Pure Light.


 I am using the Third Ray of Pure Light.  I call upon Paul the Venetian to help me do this.

 I imagine all those within this plane who fear the discipline of the fulfillment of Love.

 They are those who do not choose to see the flow of Love and Law-- the forcefield grid.

 I, now, realize that flowing essence and hold it so tender, so gentle even as it is the "fire".

 I recognize the ultimate expression of the creative "fires".  I use the flame of Love.

 I am imagining there is no life which is undisciplined, so that love will not depart.

 I see the chalice that contains the liquid fire of Love and I am happy.

 Through the Third Ray, I continue receiving Love by giving of it through capacity to release.

 I am liberated into increasing that capacity through my energy, my supply, my expression.

 The more I am disciplined, the stronger are the grids of consciousness.

 I visualize ALL the difficulty on the part of lifestreams in their handling of the currents of "Love", many, who should be masters of the flame of the Third Ray, are now in states of disintegration—the degradation resulting from having perverted that wondrous flame, that energy placed upon the altar of cosmic honor.

 I am using the Third Refraction of Pure Light.


 I am using the Fourth Ray of Pure Light.  I call upon Serapis Bey, the Architect, to help me do this.

 I imagine all those within this plane who would embrace the "mush" of self-indulgence.

 They are those who stay on the merry-go-round and fear they will fall off.

 I, now, JUMP OFF AND INTO the invincibility of that COSMIC FLAME OF HONOR.

 I recognize the face of God in the mirror of eternal Life and finally come to the Presence.

 I am imagining there is no difficulty learning the lessons which will be brought to me.

 I see the end of this game and come home in the glory of the great sacred circle of infinity.

 Through the Fourth Ray, I seek the banner of divine humility which surrounds me.

 I am liberated into the added clarity and perception that we may move quickly about our task.

 I am learning alchemy from the masters at it.

 I visualize ALL the human will, intellect, and pride as being what is not real within me, and visualize the I AM THAT I AM; as being out-pictured within myself—nay, I claim the virtue as myself, and as reality; for I now clearly mark the truth and the falsehood of identity.

 I am using the Fourth Refraction of Pure Light.


 I am using the Fifth Ray of Pure Light.  I call upon Hilarion the Healer to help me do this.

 I imagine all those within this plane who are smug in their understanding of the mysteries.

 They are those who have never experienced the resolvement of the Lighted Red Road.

 I, now, judge not how far my brother has progressed; I look within at my own degree.

 I recognize and know perfection as the graces of that Great Spirit and I seek them.

 I am imagining there is no future nebulous time when I will be transformed into the Christ.

 I see that the healing comes as I apply myself day by day to the calling forth of the Ray.

 Through the Fifth Ray, each hour of the day, I can practice until Wholeness.

 I am liberated into the application of that Ray as in hour of crisis or need for another.

 Healing in my forcefield means the actual healing everywhere upon this plane.

 I visualize ALL the power of Truth, as it is released from the heart of the Great Central Sun Magnet, being heeded and taken as well as the only Way, the only Love, and the complete forgiveness of self, because the acceptance of such is the Victory of the momentum of God within the individual forcefield of all mankind.

 I am using the Fifth Refraction of Pure Light.


 I am using the Sixth Ray of Pure Light.  I call upon Lady Nada to help me do this.

 I imagine all those within this plane who go forth to serve and have moments of self-doubt.

 They are those whom think no one will want them, or believe them, or appreciate them.

 I, now, do not despair for the plan is yet in unfoldment.

 I recognize the end that is known from the beginning.  I hold the flame of watchfulness.

 I am imagining there is no attitude of "it's too bad for that individual—they had their chance."

 I see… the principles of the Law have an obvious need for continued administration.

 Through the Sixth Ray, I discover the Love that is content to bear the burden of others.

 I am liberated into the inner satisfaction and balance within the heart of that understanding.

 True arrival is when I have no needs or wants.

 I visualize ALL who have come, in the flow and the rhythm of God's Love that moves across eternity in undulations of sound, calling the souls of all evolutions in the stellar worlds home to the heart of God, and I go within, for the souls of mankind are tired of evolution in darkness and chaos.

 I am using the Sixth Refraction of Pure Light.

 I am using the Seventh Ray of Pure Light.  I call upon Germain the Alchemist to help me do this.

 I imagine all those within this plane who have chosen to keep at learning and working.

 They are those whom are building in the brilliance of all the Rays of the Mighty Presence.

 Now, what else can there be out of this than the crystal prism?

 I recognize the true perspective of wisdom, enfired with the will to be all that God is.

 I am imagining there is no adornment of the "human" self, which the mortal is.

 I see that the course of perfecting the human is not the way of overcoming.

 Through the Seventh Ray, I drop that pride; I drop it on the floor as an old garment.

 I am liberated into the throwing of it away.  It is but an old, oily, torn undershirt worn far too long.

 I wipe from the very screen of Life the loads of "mortality" itself.

 I visualize ALL ambition in itself as a hideous ego monster, tricking me all the way to trust the human consciousness instead of to get God first and, in getting Him, to find a cornucopia of treasure and wisdom, abundance, light, and divine love ever flowing from the one above, so that I can give to the one below.

 I am using the Seventh Refraction of Pure Light.


I am using the Pure Light.  I ask Creator God of Light Within for His White and Crystal Light of Life and Love to protect me.

I call upon all beings of God who so desire to do His will for their help.

They can't do anything for me, but they are standing by, ready to do things with me at but a thought's notice.

I am but a moment away from shining forth as the True Lightworker I am.

I am about to become a Rainbow Warrior of Light, working with honor and discipline, and a kind, humble heart.

I visualize the Pure White and Crystal Light – which is God's Mind within ALL "empty space" (and if all the "stuff" in the atoms of my body were compressed, scientists would have to find me with a microscope!) – responding to the sincere request of my heart and feelings (not just words) for the forgiveness, protection, guidance, power, integrity, and courage in order for me to accomplish this meditation.  

The authenticity of the invisible realm of Spirit is beyond my current comprehension.

I believe in it.

I believe as I did when I was a child – before all the dark and dense physical programming…

I have no doubt as to this: when and as I imagine these things to come to pass, thereof is Spirit made manifest, even if I cannot see it—for I cannot! But I can know it!!!  

And, therefore, I see this with my Mind's eye (which IS God's Mind, and the eye of wisdom, for there is only ONE IDEA in ALL OF EXISTENCE).


I let the Golden Light of Truth of Jmmanuel Sananda shine up through my seven main Chakras and up and out into this Plane and into all the Cosmos!!!  I feel the swirling Light of Sanat Kumara, with Its Silver glow of Refinement of Creator Will manifesting all around me, and through me, for further guidance and power.  With that power and awesome truth I will call upon Violinio Germain for the 100th dimension of unconditional Love of His Violet Flame and breathe it in just under my pituitary gland and out to consume the Evil left in this world and to transmute it away instantly!!!  I choose to put up Archangel Michael's Blue Flame around me and be the Tube of Light that I AM!  I am centered and devoted to this by calling upon Lady Nada to help me initiate my Solar-Plexus Chakra and let it fill me with the confidence of strength and communion.  I call upon Hilarion to initiate my Inner-Eye Vortex, with me, to know that his Light of Healing is spiraling outward from Within to heal me and fill my aura, to make me whole and cured forever more.  Then, I release it all, eternally flowing, unto this Earth and unto us blind people… O, I pray, great ONE, I beg you now – I PRAY THAT WE SEE AND HEAR AS WELL!!!  I am allowing the Third Ray to act as an outer brim of the Fifth, to reach the entities (especially me) with the Beauty of a Gentle Love.  I use the Second Ray of Education, rushing in through the Crown Chakra and out through my eyes.  I see this all as an Architectural act of manifesting all at once, the will of Creation/Creatrice, and so it would also be seen with the glasses of Purity…  All of this is the way and ONE LIGHTED PATH of the Red Road of Truth.  I breathe deeply, and relax.  My will is manifested with a quickness and the happier I am, the greater the results!  I remember that Violet Flame and demand Peace for this world now. Victory is achieved.  I Believe it.


Violet Flame


I am the Violet Flame

In action in me now


I am the Violet Flame

To Light alone I bow


I am the Violet Flame

In mighty cosmic power


I am the Violet Flame

Shining every hour


I am the Violet Flame

Blazing like the sun


I am the Violet Flame

Healing everyone


I am a being of Violet Fire.  I am the Purity God desires.




Learn From Germain


          In the name of the great presence of all Life, I ask the angels and masters to escort me to the retreat where Violinio Germain is teaching tonight.  I request that I might be given an opportunity to meet with this great master to discuss what service I might render him that would be in keeping with my divine plan.  I also ask for the gift of being able to remember our meeting clearly upon arising in the morning.  I ask that this be done according to the Will of God. 

          Hear, Oh Universe – I am so grateful for this opportunity!






Some people fit together like pieces of a puzzle.


Some people help to fit the pieces together.


Some people help to paint the picture on top.




Where Can I Grow?


Oh, the seclusion of unwanted Truth

Cast away as the Light on horizon

Brought forth! Oh, the shimmering day-break!

To the last of the People of Truth: I call


Where are our Brethren?

Are they scattered and lost?

Are they blind and stupid?

Are they brethren at all?


Where is our Hope?

Is it gone from our Minds?

Does it run from our thoughts?

Do we dare to use it?


And how can we Live if we've lost all our dreams?

How keep us frugal? – Our Hearts see but Work!


Our Kin is, as well, from all of those stars!

Those People are HERE and DISCOVERED!

They help us to see, intelligently

That Hope so deep inside of me


We've found our dream to help them see!

The reason I write so genuinely


Don’t hide from the fools and the jokers and peeves --

When they scorn you for giving them info and Light!


I was once away from those people-insane --

"Just a game," I remember... with them in my sight!




Righteous Living


          I am praying with my mighty I Am Presence and my God-Spirit within for all insight which would be necessary, throughout each day, in order to attract into my reality the most uplifting and positive experiences possible.

          If at any moment I stray from the Path of Love, I wish and hope and pray that Love shows me, in ways undoubtable to me, how to quickly jump back onto that wonderful way.  Or, even further, with faith, I shall not stray from the Path of Love at all and I pray that others respect my choice to do so and pray for guidance, in my thoughts, to positions from which I can easily gain recognition of my choice.

          I am praying to you, Spirit of Creation, to please help me see how to choose the path of Love and Gratitude in every moment of now, and on into the eternity which you are.

          I am praying, with all belief and feeling, from within my Source and Life Soul, to the Cosmos, for a more appropriate change of workplace and for ways to gain wealth which would align more with my growing happiness and self-esteem gifted through the choices I make, every day, to abide by all Laws of Balance.

          I am praying also for a cleansing and healing of my physical vessel from the moments I spent in discord with Creation, so that I may easily and gracefully repent in wisdom, to shine forth through and into my body.

          I am praying for all the help Heaven will allow to see that these prayers are answered for me, through me, and by me, so that I may help others in the Cosmos with my testimony and support through good example of righteous living and wise actions.

          Thank you, and Amen!  So it is.



I give thanks this day for the Creation.

For the plants of our world, I am Grateful.

For the animals of our world, I am Grateful.


I give thanks today for other people.

For those with whom I have shared my life, I am Grateful.


I give thanks today for our homes.

For our homes, I am Grateful.


I give thanks today for our work.

For our places of employment I am Grateful.


I give thanks today for health and protection.

For our health and protection, I am most Grateful.


I give thanks today for our difficult times.

For all of our negative and positive experiences, I am Grateful.


I give thanks today for our enlightenment.

For our encounter with the Red Road of Truth, I am Grateful.


I give special thanks today for all our friends of Light.

For all our friends of Light, I am most Grateful.


I add a special thank you to Creator God Aton of Light.

For his “thought” which created each of us and for all of our past lifestreams of lessons in soul growth back to Source, I am Grateful.


Finally, I thank our brother, Esu Jmmanuel Sananda from my deepest heart strings.

For Admiral Esu Jmmanuel Sananda, I am deeply thankful.


For all the White Knights and the Forces of Light, who have helped to create the N.E.S.A.R.A. and bring it to fruition, I am most thankful.


For the opportunity that we may carry Truth and Light to the Four Winds of Shan to assist with Her transition into the Realms of Light, I am most grateful.


I am thanking you, Brothers and Sisters of the Light.







Reader Mend


With Light

In the middle of the night

I write

A message to you now


Synchronicity guide your mind


Before we go on stage we take a peek behind the scenes

Vision soft and clean

As witty as a pun what’s more

As stoic as machine

We stare until the moment comes

What lives are we to lift with care?

Arouse the Mind and strip it bare

Suspense – do tricks! – and leave it there


Grandfather Time Himself does rush us!

Drop all doubt – Perform


Drifted sea-birthed castaway

Knowledge full – now hidden

No one’s there to conversate

So within grows to Wisdom


Learning avails!


Forgotten methods reappear

Priorities becoming clear


Quite optimal once settled

More then does he learn

To see what eyes are most akin

With that which Earth provides


It opened up his heart

Out-weighing frugal yearn for misperception of what’s thought as home

A will to stay appears – remain – be still for you are not alone


His mind’s eye shows a picture

Representing running water

Reflecting something more than eyes

So tortured by his tears


The sound calms…

The warmth overflows…

The heart rate increases…

The Life vibrates flush to the skin…


Now, same life to you…

Scene’s end




No Worries


I pray that everyone on Earth-Shan stops worrying completely.  I am praying for all the people of this planet to recognize the Truth of Now.  It is my utmost wish, hope, and will for the rising of the Spirit in the people of this World.  The Love and Grace of Knowledge, lived, through Wisdom, is like unto a force-bar that I might be pushed to with acceleration.  Oh, and the click of when it’s finally done!  This is what I pray for.

An Eternally-One, conscious HU-man Being from each entity within our sphere is optimal.  Love, as the Stars do Love, I pray, reaches the very essence of everyone’s thought-formation-processes – to where, when the deciding-factors complete, they’ve formed moral and aware demonstrations of character such as the Lighted Angels of Heaven!  I am praying for energy waves of intense photon power to assist us and the Earth by increasing vibrations so much that we must raise our frequencies to withstand existing in any geographical location upon the globe.  I am petitioning for acknowledgement by Creator Source and Aton, and any Being of Fifth-Dimension or higher, who is willing to help us by using divine-intervention, that I hereby give one-hundred percent free-will choice to allow their help to the most extreme limits the law of non-interference validates.  I ask and pray for this intense photon wave (which I hope will be an unexpected phenomenal boost like a Solar flare would represent) to be one which enables divine-intervention to a point of helping the management of the N.E.S.A.R.A.’s announcement process and which thoroughly oversees that the deliveries be safely and quickly dispersed with no delay.

I AM PRAYING SO MUCH that we will see and be with beings of Fifth-Dimension or higher whom are willing to give us their attention and help us not worry about anything.  To decrease fear levels caused by more intense photon energy than there would’ve been without this prayer, I AM praying with my mighty I AM presence and my God Spirit within that Shan’s residence be guided by volunteers from higher dimensions willing to visually and verbally assist us with their presences.

I am praying for all of that intervention because it is optimal for the immediate cease of any and all suffering, pain, or hardship.  I believe that enough is enough, and maybe we failed to reach harmony and balance with our actions and our neighbors, but when I know we will make such excellent additions to our Star Family if we have direct walkthrough-assistance to show us more detailed plans of action for ascending, and I reach out to receive such assistance, well… I feel an energy of prayer spilling out from inside of me.

I know this prayer did something good.  Amen and Thank you to every dear soul who so bravely gives task to help such new-found people escape from the clutches of their own ignorance that they may see clearly the way, and know thine own self proud rightly.  It is with great joy that I pray for an end to this physical illusion, and dumbed-down genetic structure, with all my heart, soul, and being, for the good of every participating entity. 

Salu and peace be upon thee.  It is done.  So be it.




Crystalized Speech


          This is a poetically enchanted fully ranted, prophecy-Atlantis

         Meant to happen as is -- code hidden in some madness -- yes

        Passed, which, when, read between the lines -- the blind twitch!

They won't comprehend another letter, making-better, like a feather


To practice the science of telepathy I hope to project happiness affectionately to everybody.  Directing our consciousness towards others, in positive ways, must be known not only as a scientific process but also as an ongoing reality.  We are entering the last days of our current "modern" paradigm.  It's time we saw things clearly.  Some people seem to believe that our thoughts do not directly change much of anything, but, to the contrary, they do, and all of us are always doing it all the time, so we'd better start to know what we are doing and why we are doing it.  Of course, it will take much practice to have full faith in our abilities.  Then, we will achieve optimal results.


Life's uniqueness and the humor of inspiration have enhanced my charisma No boring life is a life lived with your heart.  The heart's warmth can never be "normal", bland, or dull, but is ever a shiny reflection of the outstanding, of the passionate, and of the wondrous.  To live with every thought actively projecting the heart's blessings would be a non-stop adventure.  It's funny that we often become most-genuinely inspired during the least-expectable moments and in the strangest of places.


To know, through the mercy of insight, an eternal awakening of self-discovery, on into infinity, enchants the art of friendship and transforms comradery into Brotherhood.  You see, insight is most merciful, because to self-develop, within the attitude, perception, and personality of thought ("Insight"), one must also share in understanding ("to know") with others whom are also undergoing this process.  What better mercy is it than to socialize? …To develop relationships? …To develop any relationship at all?  This is the power of knowing.  This is the magic kinship of being a child of God.  We go on awakening eternally together.


Immutably, it is the respect and allowance to refine one's character, which strengthens the awareness of God's righteousness.  The most eternal thing is the Spirit of Creation, which blesses us for God being like unto an eternal Creature.  The knowledge of Balance, which lasts forever, allows us to see, as a journey, being part of society and an important civilian.  With community comes responsibility – responsibility of showing respect to others and allowing them to develop more insight.  We absorb the omnipotence of God as we co-operate in the process of accomplishing a well-practiced character.


Throughout the interchange of Oneness, in the expanse of the Universe, the existence of divinity grows full, through acceptance and forgiveness, to honor all the Cosmos, with compassion and understanding.  All relationships are an interchange of Oneness.  It is precisely the potency of this oneness, both as a singularity and as each singularity, which allows the Spirit of God and Creation to further complete itself -- as would a breath -- within the balance and design of experience.  These are lessons learned, about one's own personal entirety, which help one drive towards kind actions and strive against evil.  It is an honor to become a hero as a champion design of God's fragment within Creation.


The glory of kindness shall enthrall the soul to contentment, and, in the discipline of giving service, generosity enlightens, but, still, I am careful to sympathize, focusing on the idea of solitude to evolve our psychic-ability.  What's important as a people is that we each grow well with others.  To do that, what first must be exercised is the definition of how we found ourselves, each as someone who knows more information.  To advance together as a group, building off of each other, we must all have found it within us to expand our capabilities.  This includes walking on water or calming a storm if opportunity should ring the bell.


It is the innate attainment, to excel in clarity, within the center of one's own thought, in truth, which works the humility of ethics into the freedoms of entanglement.  There is Life, and there is more Life, of which we co-create with individual free will.  Only when you remove the coverings will you extend into what's underneath.  There rest the feats of gift, of born talent and intuition, and then there are also lessons learned, triumphs, and testimony.  The Great Adventure is free, swift, and moving, just as the Spirit of God, in the heart of all, is balanced, reflective, and as still as a calm in the center of a lake.


The guidance, that meditation brings us, energizes a morality, which is produced by the empathic learning of equality.  It is not plausible that one would know they are an equal if that person does not have any company -- that is if they don't know anyone else exists.  It's empathy to learn about and pick-up on the feelings of oneself and others, so the empathic learning of equality is like a home for ethical situations to present themselves unfulfilled.  It is you who walk into that space for Light, it is you who must bring that energy, and it is a Voice Within you, which, from that whisper, comes to you the reason.


Ascension isn't a magic-trick, in all honesty.  It is, in fact, all very explainable… and is deliberately explained!  Ascension is the Glory! Ascension is the journey!  The destination of which resides in the Higher Kingdoms, in the worlds of the unveiled, and in the basking of all the Radiance of God, form our Source, and from the Source of All Creation.


The gentle illumination towards logic stabilizes the creative genius of an over-excited imagination.  Many of us have had that, I'm sure.  So, just what is it in people like me, whom speak of Inner-desire, which allows us to be gentle about our approach?  What is it, then, which illumines in the first place?  It is the thirst; it is the crave; it is when your mind is open.


Quiet ecstasy endures, alleviated, as a dignified concentration comprehends, patiently, the relief of a sound-mind.  Everyone in Fifth-dimension or higher must and will refrain from being “out of commission”.  Right now, there are still quite a large number of people whom would turn their noses up at, and scoff at, sound-logic.  One day, inevitably soon, they shall regain their dignity.  When that day comes, and the wait is over, it is like unto a sigh of ecstasy for those of us whom have now endured the spilling out of generosity to have withstood.


Being receptive to peace balances the prayer for a balanced society, even for all its greatness, because the will to engage in cooperation comes from an inside vision of peace.  I know of a man who once said, "I had a dream," and I will now and will forever remember him.  I will now hold him dear to my heart, and I will now know that he was a hero, and that it was his sight, his will... his mission, to make a better world, which gave us more freedom, more Life, and more greatness than I could ever describe here.


The musical harmony of the Beautiful Ceremony will give the grace of Christ, geometrically ordered, into our consciousness.  Sound creates shape and imagery to our Eye.  The Inner-coping, coping from having delved into a free realm, would be assisted marvelously by listening to melodies composed -- pertaining to what an awesome situation we are in.  We are all a part of an accomplishment of Christ and Christ-hood alike.  Let us be ever watchful for the way our consciousness thus shifts.


It is good to correct our perception of the virtues of romance, rest-assured to see that its integrity remains immortal by it being detached and frugal in physicality.  In the attachment to lust and libido "fix", the reaping of what one sows thereafter may be quite detrimental to the Spirit.  Sexual intercourse is for one man and one woman AFTER they've made a sincere and imperishable commitment, to the Spirit of God and Creation Within them, to raise and teach a new Life the Balanced ways, and AFTER they've made a sincere and imperishable commitment, to their God Spirits, and found it to be fitting within the Will of Creation, that, to proceed with a Divine Union, it is okay.  First, it's marriage and a green light for a kid.  Then, and ONLY then, may a couple mate.  This is a very sacred process and must be well kept likely.


Exalt in the Love to sow the seeds of gratitude, in wisdom, through the power of Unity.  Rejoice in the expression of Creation's Will!  Rejoice in that, to be like unto God, we become a parent to a child!  What greater gift exists than to raise and effort your character, into another's sojourn, to give them a "head start"?  That is most like our Eternal Father/Mother God: to Love another with all upbringing-concern. Nourishment?  Yes, for all the souls involved in the lovely exaltation!  Family first!!!


The victory of communion co-depends upon the rhythm of protecting its wholeness.  Each individual in ANY relationship has to give responsibility to put forth their effort when the moment comes.  If one decided to create an "off-beat", then there would be defeat, according to what was optimal, until, of course, healing and a new relationship brought that one back "in-tempo", or at least on some syncopation there-around.  On the other hand, what a splendor and joyous potential!  What an opportunity: to experience the giving and re-giving of Life and more Life, of Love and More Love... Skill is therefore required in the knowing of what is to be thy rhythm-protection-responsibilities, if any sort of community expects to enter Fifth-Dimensional Civilization.


Such devotion philosophically educates one to develop talents like levitation, telekinesis, and passive skills derived from the memories of cheer and beauty, designed for leadership qualities like being harmless while in command, for obedience.  No one is going to obey someone, and display moral honestly, if that someone has the look in his or her expression of having never acquired the skills necessary to remember neither happiness nor appreciation.  Happiness and appreciation moments are moments spent in wondrous communion!  Teaching, learning, sharing, growing, loving, laughing, sunshine, flowers... these are the moments, which are worth spending, to lead others into prosperity and rich spiritual wealth.  It is the devotion for the victory of every communion which drives talent to succeed to incredible feats.


We may humble ourselves to the omnipresent Spirit by enjoying tranquility, health, and the splendor of serenity-everlasting.  I am grateful for this opportunity.  I am humble and I enjoy that you have received this message and its meaning.  There are so many gifts to recall, and so numerous are the uplifting feelings, and with such quality, that if we really searched -- truly -- deeply -- searched, for every meaning fathomable, we would finally "make it".  We are still, and we know that what we really are is One with the Omniverse, always, and a living expressionary-fragment of Creator/Creatrice's Spirit Omniscient.  We are One with Reality.  God bless...  Thank you.





What be-soothes such lofty assessment of character as to which I have impressed upon another?


Is it that which soothes the Sun? Is it that with which the seas were soothed?


What? To Be in assessment to which we are assigned! To Be free of bonds and see another's realigned! A Sign!

That Will of Essence Spread, so thoroughly entwined, amongst the greatest dread, and still the humblest kind.


For Will be Great which Wills Itself to Greatness. And Source be known: Creation; Will be shown.


The All of Past, times a million, and Now, as it's always been, shall teach the hungry eye forever. Idol attention we breech. Put all the seconds not now away -- but bring still the untainted, undivided, rescue of ability; to withdraw from such a moment the faintest implication. To begin to view precise vision, of actions, to be then whole within the reading of the message.


Knowledge is the Light with which to see.


Truth is what you see in the Light.


Wisdom is turning on the Light.


God is You, and the Creation is the Reason, and the place in which you Are within the Truth.


Behold, for One is All, and the All is One inside of us.


Remold, for none is dull, and rust befalls what's done outside of must.


Trust does seldom yield to situation when we flip the switch. As seldom as the field be tended in our lives, an evil glitch.


Oh, unknown, please cease to surprise, because my care is great. Compassion helps us relocate a higher beauty through the gate. Relate!


What rubbish would this be if you did not sit back and contemplate... Or reread scriptures only made for you to refine? -- concentrate!


A later date doth ever come into a giant golden drum With Sound Serene percussion-run, a system building tallest fun of all that's done and sung and hung and all that caused the Bell be Rung, to seep inside a moment near, as close as Breath you Breathe. With ease...


With such soft symphony delighted to be reached With much loft indeed, with me, invited, you see, believed.


Retrieved and expected The stability of noble point. Dictation fluid, unrelenting. Mixed with knowledge that there's "nothing to it". Adds a little fun to Life And brings us closer to the Time that comes, the world in which we Love the Light.


Insight! That's Right!


A cause to move lips, Mass Lifts, Read this!


A pause to appease, the pen's purpose I please like unto a person on their knees, I beg to squeeze and tease, with these, a rhyme so fine and kind I shine...


A message of relief entwined amongst your will to hear what's mine.


What's mine is yours, which be the doors,

Led to a peaceful time...




End of Suffering


          I am praying, with my Mighty I Am Presence and God Spirit Within, so that the will of the One enters into this manifestation via divine intervention by coordinating certain neuronal net patterns for synapses firing to create same.  I pray for it to be so that the brain in my body pumps out plenty of correct neuro-peptides, given that I wish to be experiencing in the balanced cooperation of functionalization of body, to stabilize a Positive Mind interaction with Love Energy. I give my full and absolutely-clear permission to Lightworkers everywhere and the Hosts of Heaven to help make it so, and I hereby pray petitioning such indeed.

          The cells in my body can co-create a crystalline base through the power of appreciation, so I pray to God for the ability to align body, mind, and soul with my God Spirit and I Am presence in order to be able and willing to accomplish good missions; upgrade for my fellow Life forms everywhere in Creation.  I am praying to expand into a consciousness which remembers how to access a grid of Akashic records for proper stimulation to gift upon my enlightened being.  I pray to meet many higher dimensional creatures consciously while interpreting what it is that could best serve Evolution.

          Praying, right now for a metaphysical information-circuitry flow is what I am choosing to do.  Please, help restore the lifestreams we are living in currently to the health of wisdom, through gathering friendship memories, which generally focus on travelers from far distant places.  I am choosing to pray for enough concentration, with the help of the Hosts of Heaven, to help rid Evil from this plane so Mother Earth may sparkle in the unity of the federation.  I pray as one interested in the outcome and new beginnings of that refreshment, along with the relief to see Shan healed.

          I so pray for a quick “end” to suffering and malice upon our beloved sphere, that I will lend this power of mine toward the purpose which is transmutation.  Prayers for Violet, like fog rolling over Shan in quickness, and for Emerald Green Expanse, levitating up past the crust and out, are being done now.  A prayer justly extenuates out of existence here for good.  A prayer for all those whom I’ve met and all those whom I have yet to meet is what I give with this.  …A prayer for robotoids and minions to snap out of their stupor, to rise to awaken and meet their calling.  I pray for them to meet their calling of the voice of the radiant One Within.

          I pray for the prayer here to fix Entanglement factors in this dimension to “aligned effectively” for intentional justice realizations flowering forgiveness actions of kindness.  The persual of destiny leads me to the prayer for affection which this is.  With the power of Spiritual insight Flame consumes all conquerors here.  May it be that it is thus.  Thus it is.  May the duration of all of our prayers continue in satisfaction at the delight of a reasonable sincerity.




All This


Peace and justice I do upon thee.  The bode is for your hearts to swell.  Love is all there is.  Extrasensory perception is a state of Mind.  Over the mountains doth my music dwell.  The ups and downs and nooks and crannies do flow more auspicious. 

I understand the action which brings balance.  If you relinquish thy mastery to God thou shall be a True Master.


Subadversion quantum-liquification synergy exchange this is.

…Pairs of I Am That I Am…

In fact, an infinite spectrum of “pairs” in that I AM.

Coordination, for optimum impact to relatively-intrapersonal entity personality-experiences this is.


Meld us together as One Consciousness, plenty in resources – abundant resources, with We Us I AM.

For I AM an I AM, and anyone else is an I AM, therefore I AM from the same Creator as that “other” I AM, hence I literally AM that I AM whom is in the Creation with Creator, and so are all of us together with each other.


…Forever enhancing our individuated I AM interactional thoughts and behaviors.


God is in all this.





Hold, that I not vain mineself to some extremity impure...

– Steadfast unto the hand which bindeth, into the downward spiral, lost all but forever!


To speak from beyond and into this further-faintly veil, where which has never been a tomorrow, be-cast aside any prejudice, for it is the NOW, and forever shall it be!


It is the veil which causes one to be lost all but forever.


It has been written that the pen is "mightier" than the sword... and, observing such, I can't help but to think that it is "insight" which is right -- not "might". Vanity befell unto some battle and test of "might". Of which, in this instance, I want NOTHING TO DO WITH.

Not to vain but to reach. To reach through the Deaf Ear of Mankind... to the Mind which may Listen.


Is that such a "mighty" thing, or is it much more like a thing which is "insightful"?

For the Mind is the True Vanity, when used improperly, and thus is simple to behold indeed amongst those whom would choose the Lie. Those very ones would scoff at Truth and make most vain such prints. Such words with which to Bless and Guide and Honor and to Learn!!!


O, blessed words, is your connection to our minds so imperative for the structure of goodness? Shall ye yet be like unto the hand of the builder?


Using words, could we ever depart from the downward spiral?

Let us be Lifted, Great Spirit of Words.

Let us not dwindle in fear, nor comfort in sight of idol message.


In the weary wilderness of our outspent youth's memory there is beheld a refining of words in our minds, and reconnection thereof, wherewith re-applying the namely-sourced actions corresponding.

 If pertaining to meaning serves well, then writing deep insights about how words are meaningful must serve ever so much better.


If, thereby, a system was found within Man's Mind -- he could be refined to his highest extent and more -- the words, and their meanings, would be as the tools necessary to refine.

Alas, to refine where?


Have I not yet escaped the sloth of vanity? Has my message still pervaded so, the slightest hint of which my destiny withholds?

Heavenly Father let it not be so, for refine we shall. Through words yet if need be, for some strange gravity of poetry, or some rattle of suspense to the sunrise of a tune... or let it be language of Kindness! Does this have to be some definition of purpose, or can it be instead itself the purpose?

For the builder doth practice both building and skill.

It is our minds which are refined by words.


I would destroy the unlearned-refuge of "scoffing" if it was not given us the free will to choose otherwise. To choose indeed the scoffing back! To scoff at those who lie and spout and spew up garbage dreary -- Words used for wicked sense of Might -- to turn thee from the cause, to pull intent from power of Words, and towards the gap of stuff, that lies between what’s written and you.


O, Goodness shows the Way and what it is!  It is the Light!

 Not akin to effort spent fruitless.


Words have grown here, and relieved is Creation of it.


The Way is the Truth


 Lent upon thy listening ear with every Word to read and keep.

Bent upon thy glistening year, patience is well met.

To hear relieves fear, hence the word not relent.

But alas, as the glass would be full, this was meant.


Praise Words! – Praise these Words!!! – Meaning’s descent.




Perfect Prayer


My Spirit Almighty

My Spirit who is all-knowing, almighty, and all loving in me


Your Presence be sanctified

Your Presence confirms to me your controlling power over all matters concerning myself


May your wisdom become conscious to me

May your power be extended in the consciousness of my thoughts in order to

enable me to apply all truths, wisdom and Love, peace and freedom, given to and acquired by me and all mankind


May your power be extended in me, on earth as well as in Heaven

May your power become effective in me, in all material as well as all spiritual aspects


Please allow and give unto me all that I need for living this day and each day

Please grant me all I need for my material as well as my spiritual life and development, for You are almighty


So that I acknowledge my errors

So that I may recognize my faults and eliminate them since they hinder me on my way of evolution


Please do not allow me to be led into temptation, nor allow me fall unto temptation’s clutches, but rather to right decision and choices through discernment and just judgments

Please do not let me make error by material and wrong thinking, or become dependent on beliefs alone


For You are within and without me as power and wisdom, truth and knowledge for


          May I become conscious of Your almighty forces inside me at all times


Thy will be done in and through me as the Creation which I am

All of this I ask in truth, and ask not for self except for understanding and truth, and ask all else in behalf of brother so that the cycle of wholeness may become manifest even unto the tiny-most portion of manifestation of my relations




One That Knows


I desire God to prevail!


I pray as one that knows, and pray thusly.


I believe with knowing, I will be given whatever I request, truly desiring.




Let Us Drink


Toast with water tonight and

Celebrate the Life therein

Blessed with all the thought of Love!

Love flowing from Within

Receptive to a grin






N.E.S.A.R.A. on T.V.


I am praying, with my mighty I Am Presence and God Spirit Within for the release of the funding packets to be delivered to the people.  I pray for us to see the N.E.S.A.R.A. being announced and enforced right before our very eyes, on the T.V. screens.  I pray to be well-capable to help and support others after the N.E.S.A.R.A. goes public and hits Mainstream Media.

I am praying for the sake of my neighbor and I am choosing to believe that this prayer shall indeed make a difference to the World and Her people.  Thank you, God.





Spiritual Consciousness


Spiritual Consciousness…  Dedicated to you.


For the human body, one could look toward the pineal gland, or the “Third-Eye”, to see Spiritual Consciousness in action for “proof” of Its existence.


For the human mind, one could seek Truth and recognize the Law to be virtuous in the Now Moment of Spiritual Consciousness.


For the human soul, one could search into the synergy-relationships among energy exchanges, with which Spiritual Consciousness furthermore is.


Spiritual Consciousness is Regiving Pure Light.


It Is Caring at Its finest.

It Is Harmony in an all-inclusive Cleanse.

It Is Purpose directed.

It Is Energy Exchanged.

It Is Tranquility of Knowing.

It Is Oneness with Awareful-Talent.

It Is Might Power.


It Is the only Source of recognizable anything which even slightly resembles Divinity to an Individual and resembles being civilized from a social Perspective.


Spirit is Love and Consciousness, so when you say, “Spiritual Consciousness” what you’re really saying is “Consciousness Consciousness”.

As funny as that may sound…


It is very important to us that we discover the properties of the Mirror-like Gate in order to proceed.

– And proceed we must! – Strictly by the definition of Spiritual Consciousness Itself!

To be, and to be understanding of one’s entire self, including all of the effects one is causing unto all other beings doing the same process, is to be happy in knowing opportunity for free-will Life Choice.  Opening up to fields of charged power, realizations, flowing through and slowing down into moments of time between people, is the key to act upon the purpose of Spiritual Consciousness.  The Generosity of Creative Potential is Outstanding, and when making a choice, perpetuating Goodness, it’s a matter of being Like Spirit.


The understanding of Consciousness propels Spirit, for it is the understanding of One-Life’s Awareness, and learning Spiritual Consciousness places all the recognition of Creation snug within our grasp.  This is because when understanding any One-Life’s Awareness, we are learning about Life’s Awareness for any One-Life’s Awareness.  Remember the Mirror-like Gate.  Remember “Consciousness Consciousness”.


Learning about Spiritual Consciousness isn’t just some thing we learn about, then dismiss, no…  it is far more than that…  it is not only the next step in our Evolution as a human species, it is also the way we find out who we are individually.  In other words – Spiritual Consciousness isn’t just a way of Life; It Is the meaning of Life.


It is the Giver of Everything Good.




(Sun Spot) Off (Ocean Breeze)


We see what there is

Inside of this

Through softening mist

The prize is bliss


Be quickening – Dire

To run the highwire

The castle and spire

Inspired with Fire


Off tiresome racket

Be still

Be hung

Our destiny sound and sung!


A wish-washy way with whatever what may

We pray not as often as Him…

For the right kind of Day

When our souls scream away

“Truth’s Okay!!!”

They will say

In a hymn


Together at last!!!

No more shall we crash!!!

Our family firm as roots in the grass


All done with a laugh!!!

The orb in the staff!!!

Good pride in our hearts we can wear like a sash


An action’s attraction

A feather’s reaction

Mass-Transit will happen

We’ll climb the tall wall

Yes, over and at ‘em!

Passed feeling an atom

Let faith be released unto ALL as our call!!!


Wise beyond time

Shown lies, then refined

We stacked back attackers

To reach, grab, let shine!


Moment be frozen

Forever – cold ocean

Bottomless, Crafty, and Free


Every note hoping

Rich harmony opened

Tune the rest sharp matching key!!!


Let it be!

Rhyme’s decree!

Silently – try with me!

The cold ocean has lots of warm sand on the beach!


Wind creates waves

Pushing water to squeeze

With an ease and revealing

Lost creatures in caves


A boulder of rock

Over time shall be not

That’s a lot to be peeling

Off layers in shaves


Behold!  Be brave!

Remolded we change

Our Spirits like friction

Shall pull off the strange


Graze the field – run!

Amazingly stunning

Remarkably cunning

Intelligent rage


All of our hopes and our dreams will take dips in the streams

In a place of remarkably clean

Comfortable growing peace-loving and knowing

Decidedly happy, a part of the scene


The smartest line climbs

Up the mountainside winding

Around on some switchbacks

To set a nice pace


Further we sigh

About how to reside

On the ground – we all miss

That enchanting new face


No weather to hide from

As conquerors flee

No evil inside

Some wandering feet


Rest at ease to not tease

Won’t recall them our fleet

Of elite in the True Meaning

Equal as neat


Repeat extra coursework

Roll up shirt sleeves

In between ‘cause it’s warm

When we finally breathe


Retract “let a chore lurk”

Talent is pleasing

Releasing our charm – Glad

With purpose we teethe


New born thought

Taught to chew up plot-rot

Transmission pure, no distraction

To keep us lost lots


Now we connect dots

Dew drop’s frost psi-ops

Floss shops selling what we purchase in flip-flops

Remember the top and stop


Ever does the broken branch

Behave unuseful here

‘Tis without leaf’s shade

Nor received-Sun clear


Photosynthetic array

Life’s sign – please,

Provide ethical ways

To unwind the Mind

Words are now changing

To fade-in to blend

Tender sweet kiss from the Sun to us send

Compassion revolving around people’s mend


Thus we tend:


Poetry, read ‘till the end




Law Man


Even though I have struggled to abide within God’s Laws – God forgive me – To yet pray that this world be under Galactic Law is a blessing.


To know the Truth – to feel the roots – to soothe your Soul – to win Light-Booth.


The Master Plan is to understand – not only to be bullet-proof.




Yin-Yang of Peace


Valiant Truth.  Virtuous Action.


                    This is the yin-yang of






Another Day


And so another day gone by

Until the time of end

Hello, great year two-thousand twelve,

I hope you are my friend


That day I spent with all my thought

Seen as the moon – with sunlight brought

The carry-over tide and swell

The ground aside a wishing-well


Complete right now such moments passed

Inventive, real, until the last

And fleeting lost illusionment

Knows not what its choice has bent


Two-thousand eight, two-thousand nine,

Two-thousand ten… NO MORE!!!

Awakening, Enlightenment, the calm before the storm…

Those years are so with such a woe

For blessings to you, you should know:


I hope you are my friend, you see…

Ascension comes, you are the key

Honor me – be thee:

A setting for the free




Thank You N.E.S.A.R.A.


I am praying with my mighty I AM Presence and God Spirit within for all the angels of Light to respond to this prayer, please.

I am praying for divine-intervention to such a degree that we know what we must do to get the funding packets, for the N.E.S.A.R.A., delivered to their proper recipients.

I am very grateful for whatever help is duly applied unto getting the N.E.S.A.R.A. announced publicly in the U.S. of A., right now.


Thank you…




N.E.S.A.R.A. Forgiveness


I actively send the energy of Love, Peace, Light and completion to ALL people who are blocking the announcement of the N.E.S.A.R.A.!

I Love you and I forgive you!


Every day, and in every way harmless to all, I live in a world where the N.E.S.A.R.A. is a reality and ALL live in abundance, Love, and Light.






I find the Love within All

I reconstruct it to be All

I find the group of Souls

I reconstruct it to include me


You lost the fear without none

You uprooted it to not be

You lost the contesting ego

You destroyed the illusion of separateness


We give and receive… every one

We vanish and rise… every one

We have the society all-ready

We are that you will be






I am praying that we all achieve communion with the Spirit of Life within us.  I am praying that we wisely understand and follow the Laws of Balance, and that we wisely know where our responsibility begins and ends within the Creation upon this wonderful Planet Earth.  I pray for us all to have the pure desire to know Truth. 


I am asking God for the loving Light of protection, guidance, power, wisdom, knowledge, truth, integrity, and courage in order to best serve His Will and not my ego.  I pray that we all meditate and listen so that our will and His Will becomes one again. 






So Happy



I AM SO HAPPY that I am choosing to abide with the Law of Creation!


I love the increased self-esteem which comes from living in Harmony and Balance with my Body, Mind, Soul, other people, and the precious earth Shan and Her Nature and many creatures.

The Power to Live appropriately under Galactic Law gives me great pleasure, as well as an awesome sense of Honor and Service to my Brothers and Sisters of the Universe.  For that I am SO Grateful!


Water, you are my friend, and I am made in my Body mostly of you, so thank you.


God, you are my Creator, and I am made in my Mind to be like you, so thank you.


Spirit of Creation, you are the Source, and I am made in my Soul to learn more of how I am you, so thank you.


Angels, you are my help, and I am asking you all for assistance in sincerity, so thank you.


I Love You All!!!  I Love myself for you!!!  I Love and care for myself so that I may please and serve all of you!!!


Oh, Creation, I am ever so grateful for this opportunity to shine in the Light of these honest ways, and I humble myself before you as Ruler and Master of my awesome and Beautiful Fate, Destiny, and Choice!


Yay!!!  Yay, to Love!

Forever and always I will serve God, from now and into eternity, infinitely.  It is so.




Pure Release


Skewed are the abstract skies of my mind

As they now pretend to act normal

Afraid to poke their little heads into existence

Like scraping off layers of warm, soft flesh

There came cold, hard feelings of reality


Steady is the climb towards reality as I notice:

I’ve done this before – now is happening while all other moments in the future are set into movement

Flowing beautifully through the only pure form of reason


My thoughts are all derived from one existing Truth


Thoughts wilt away their purity as they question themselves


My sense allows all matter to flow through me

First, as truth and material understanding; Then, as it is remembered, all matter becomes knowledge; Finally, an interpretation of a memory is all that remains


Fragments of thoughts so divided by time

That they spring forth messages and new thoughts

Hence, they create the need for another kind of reason

My own little world begins


To deny the existence of non-existence is to prove that I exist

To interpret the purest thought of interpretation is to know what knowledge is

To feel content within the desires of our thoughts

We create a desire worth thinking about


My very first thought was a desire to come into existence

My very last thought will be

Pure Release




N.E.S.A.R.A. Age


I am choosing to believe that I am, through the power of my God-Spirit within and mighty I Am Presence, sending the Violet Light of the Seventh Ray of Violinio Germain of the hundredth-dimension of pure Love to all the darkside remaining on Earth-Shan at this time, right now.  I hope and pray, with the most sincere wishing I am able to conjure into this plane, that the Love I am sending to these darkside entities will be hereby sent to them even while I sleep.  To elaborate, I request to be sending out this Love and Light until those darkside entities either come to the Light, self-destruct, or are removed from this planet.  I am praying that the N.E.S.A.R.A.’s public announcement and the mass ship-landings do indeed happen, right now.  I am thanking, with my most gratitude, Earth-Shan, Star-Visitors of Light, the Hosts of Heaven, Sananda, Aton, and especially anyone else these entities think I should thank if I desire to show this gratitude for all contributions toward our new Golden Age.  So be it!  It is done!


I absolutely Love that the time for big change is now!  I will be awaiting any beings that choose to answer my request for them to land their ships.  With an open heart, I know this writing of mine will be energized and put into action Truth-fully.  With the help of all friends who understand my sincerest desires for this prayer to work well, I leave my trust.  Together let us be one with endless joy!  May we endure no more un-wanted hardships and ascend into our rightful places of the Cosmos.






God’s Love


Giving clothes to the naked

Food to the hungry

Water to the thirsty

Comfort to the dying

Healing to the sick

Mercy to the wayward

Compassion to those who suffer

Truth to the seeker

Love to the unloved

Is what God’s Love is all about.


          (Thanks again, Patrick!)




Hues of my Mind


The sun sets on my aching non-existence

I become born from the rising sun

Giving gravity to all matter

I choose not to matter


Love me and be free

Despise me and despise yourself

I am you


Choose your thoughts wisely, you create them

Just the same as they create you

You are your thoughts

I am everything you need


So the sun rises and sets again

Be free-my Love-child

And feel the sand between your toes

Just be brave, that’s the way it goes




Thoth Prayer


Fill thou my body with Spirit of Light.  Come from the Flower that shines through the darkness.  Come from the Halls where the Seven Lords rule.  Name them by name, I, the Seven:  Three, Four, Five, and Six, Seven, Eight – Nine.  By their names I call them to aid me, free me, and save me from the darkness of night:  Untanas, Quertas, Chietal, and Goyana, Huertal, Semveta – Ardal.  By their names I implore thee, free me from darkness and fill me with Light.




Anti-Christ Thought


These are the ways of anti-Christ thought:


-Inferiority/Superiority thoughts and feelings

-The anti-Christ robs you of the “now” or Present Moment

-The anti-Christ tells you, “It’s not your fault”

-The anti-Christ encourages self-punishment

-The anti-Christ encourages one to break the Laws of God and The Creation given forth for Balance

-The anti-Christ rules you by your desires

-Anti-Christ thought is also like, “What difference does it make to the rest of the world if I cast out the anti-Christ within me and the rest of humanity refuses to do so?”







Not happiness or sadness, but tranquility

Not love or hatred, but passiveness

Not anticipation or boredom, but potential

Not talent or mistakes, but perseverance

Not life or death, but existence

Not beauty or ugliness, but difference

Not elegance or foolishness, but integrity

Not influence or admiration, but expression

Not mental or physical, but spiritual

Not all these separate things, but one poem






N.E.S.A.R.A. Peace


I am writing to document my continuing prayer for the end of war on this beautiful planet earth-Shan. I am utilizing the most power from Creator Source I am able. With that power I decree the transmutation of all negative energies left on Urantia. PEACE, NOW AND FOREVER!!! I will have no more fighting in the Middle-East!!! All those who choose to continue fighting have no more choice to (on this planet anyway). All of us Lightworkers and Masters think it to be so. This is a mighty petition for the announcement of the N.E.S.A.R.A. to take place this instant!!! (Or, rather, all instances from Now until it occurs!) I fill this plane with the Love and Light of the One True Source. So it is! Inside and out- all Beings shall receive my grandest thought: LOVE!!! I wish to take this time to give thanks and appreciation, honor and gratitude, joy and tranquility to Mother-Earth.






N.E.S.A.R.A. Bloom


The N.E.S.A.R.A. shall bloom!




The Beginning


Spiraling fragments of thought

Complacently stemming themselves out of dreams

Only remembrance of now links them to the past


Time force conjoins us as we spiral into fragments

Complacently reacting to reality

We realize it is what we create

Only interpretation of now links us to each other


Communication turns to gelatin at the thought of misinterpretation

Misinterpretation melts at the thought of reality

Reality dissolves into us at the thought of ourselves

We subliminalize into our own existence


We are thought

We will become fragments

And we shall all spiral together in

The end




All to be in Love


          I pray for all to be in Love, in the feeling of goodness and Light-hearted forgiveness.  I will this for the usherance of Heaven on Earth-Shan!  Amen.




I Ask You, God


I am hereby documenting that I have successfully learned that, just because I have done evil, it doesn’t mean that I am doomed to another third-dimensional planet.  Although there shall be grave consequences for all of my actions which blatantly defiled the sanctity of the Spirit of Life Within me, and All Things, whereafter I knew they were against God’s Laws and the Laws of the Creation, I am now willing to face those consequences with an open mind, and I am now asking for forgiveness.  I apologize for my inappropriate actions, and I wish to commit, as best as I am able, to the Loving, Joyous, Caring, Service of God.  May this documentation remind me to resist temptation, as it may surely come my way in the last remaining days of testing and service.  I am that I am.  I am praying for the ability and constant knowledge that I am surrendering my will to that which is God’s Will, for I now notice that my “altered” ego is limited in its perception of Truth and that God knows the best way and path for me in His service.


I am asking you, God, for the Loving Light of protection, guidance, power, wisdom, knowledge, Truth, integrity, and courage.


I am giving Thanks, Honor, and Appreciation to every Animal, every Plant, every Mineral, Mother Earth, and to God, for Everything.




My Soul Lives On!


Lost, green, tiny, deep

Blue above, sky beneath

Hanging, swinging, stretching, yearning

For what was lost up above

Lucky indeed, it’s now gone forever

Deep in the sea above


Hey!  Don’t cut that string! Snap!

Below me gets further away

But the sky seems to stay


One eye open at the bottom of the sea

The other is swelled shut

Time passes by… another is gone

Covered in moss, shriveled and lost


Cast into the depths of

Ever-moving stillness

Swamped by the marshes of

Never-ending thought


Eternity closes its eyes and takes a nap

Spiraling into a dreamy, slumberous haze

Creations by millions intertwining amongst billions

Creating soft pillow rattles

And snakeskin couches


They killed me,

But my soul lives on!


N.E.S.A.R.A. Fast


So it seems that Lightworkers are being tested to hold-fast to the Truth of the Lighted Brotherhood and the N.E.S.A.R.A.  Many of the ones in my life, closest to me, think that I have somehow been brainwashed into a disturbing cult-following.  They hope I don’t drink “coolaide” to “transcend” or something.


I hope they come to forgive their dogmatic ways and false assumptions about the Phoenix Journals and the Four Winds Ten website.  I hope they will not be too hard on themselves after the N.E.S.A.R.A.’s public announcement.  I forgive them, and I won’t be too hard on them, but I will say, proudly, “I told you so!”


Behold, my work is stronger than ever before!  I am praying for the completion of delivering the funding packets.  I am fully prepared to set up a center in my town to explain people’s questions and therefor relieve much of the tension by people who have chosen the ignorance of Truth.  I write this to show my thoughts on the issue, that I might be known in the near future as someone who knew the Truth “all along”…  I pray for enough Love and Light to reach all the dark people involved in this, so that they no longer choose to interfere with the funding and announcement of the National Security And Reformation Act.  Amen!!! 






I am hereby asking Creator Source for the protection of the White and Golden Light of Aton and Sananda.  I am asking Creator Source for the forces of Light to protect this planet and fill its entire Life Force Field with a plasma energy bubble.  I truly, without a single thought of doubt, believe that it is so, as long as it is in accordance with the will of Creator Source.  I am now giving thanks to Creator Source of/and to all life for honor and love.




Where Do My Taxes Go?


I would really like to know

Just where my taxes go

I do the work

And make the money

I’m not a jerk

But it’s real funny

The way I get robbed

Complain and get snobbed


Working’s for people that don’t have a life

Wages for people?  What causes such strife?


So many hungry it’s really not fair

So many people who can’t wash their hair


‘Cause my taxes go toward

Politician’s decisions

And not toward much-needed

Life-saving provisions


I think that I’ll quit my nice little job

Don’t get me wrong, I’m not joining the mob


I just don’t feel right doing all of this work

So I can get paid, and so can some jerk


I’m righteous, I’m true, you’ll see that it’s so

If only I knew just where my taxes go




Sincere Request


          As a most sincere request of the Creator Source energy within all, I am asking for the experience of talking with my spirit guides and teachers about what they believe will help me the most, in order that I then help others.  I am asking to know my origins in this Universe and for a look at important “past-life” lessons.  So, help me God.  Amen.




One Being


To take wondrous fulfillment in one’s journey of Life one must pervade with Life and be quiescent in the natural beauty of Life and in the circuit of Truth.  One must be as the audacious Creator with understanding, feel the respirations of space-time, allow retrospect to view what is, and prospect as one being.






I never thought that I would write

A poem about yesterday

But know that I have

I feel better

I Pray Tonight


Dear Guardian Angels, Seven Cohan Master Spirits, God Aton of Light, and all friends and family,

          I pray tonight, using the power of these written words, to preserve always their effect emanating from the cause of my God-Spirit Within, sending love and light of Truth to everything, especially those ones who have lost the way toward learning their next lessons in soul growth.  That I pray using my mighty I am presence for you all to help me send out more and more Love, up to the hundredth-dimension of pure Love, to those so-called “ones in the dark”, is to be done now, constantly, by the power of these words, and forever even while I sleep.  I hereby give one-hundred percent freewill-choice for you all to help how you see best fits, and intervene as much as is allowed by the law of non-interference, please.


          Thank you for any help and all help.

          Bless you eternally!  Amen.




N.E.S.A.R.A. Light


I can see the spirit, flowing through all Life.  You may catch a mystical glimpse…  Energy Light! – Swirling, spiraling, colors of Creation!


I am going to work with the beautiful oneness of its field.


Even now, as the Golden Light, from Sananda, and the White Light, of Aton works with mine, I am utilizing my Loving Right to pray to get the N.E.S.A.R.A. to be announced now, for God’s sake, and for this earth.






A slave to no one but loyal to all

I shall not let my people fall

Philosophical truth be the only key

To unlock your cage and set you free!






          Hallowed be thy name.  Thy Kingdom come.  Thy will be done, on this earth as it is in Heaven.

Forgive us all for our trespasses as we forgive those who’ve trespassed against us.


I am calling on the holy and mighty God-Spirit for the transmutation of all negativity left in our beautiful plane of earth-Shan.  Thank you.




How Far We Go


Do not feel off-ended… ever.


Alone I am nothing.

I am never alone…

And there is no nothing.


The Life that is within is within all Life that is within.


Everyone is done.


With knowledge comes the freedom of Truth and the joy of wisdom.


A single smile may make its way across the earth, even growing, but my Love for you is already there!


I place my trust in you God.


This goodness, just to be seeming delay by some, leads into just how far we go by ourselves.






Think not of me but of yourself

Look inward and you’ll see


Read not these words but feel them there

Within you you can hear


Blessed be the Truth


Uncovering the mysteries of consciousness just like this

We do it as an art form, straight from the storm

Of influence

No separation

Quantum physics proves this

Ignorance is not bliss

And you don’t need a lesson just to dismiss


Your ego

All Truth shall flow

Like a river of Light

And even though some people think it’s too bright

I think it’s just right




Send your love and light to the dark ones my kin.




N.E.S.A.R.A. Oneness


          God Aton of Light of the One True Source, I will achieve a consciousness such as the First and Always.  I am noticing what I will express, as the One Intention or Choice, as being distributive of itself in that I exist.  “My” being learns achievement.  Not “my” will, oh, Great God of Love, but in all things let thy will manifest itself in and through “me”.




I focus all intention on “my” prayers for the N.E.S.A.R.A.  I focus all intention on meeting with “my” Star Brothers and Sisters.  I focus all intention on giving “my” gratitude to Life, especially Earth-Shan.  So, it is done.  Amen.






I could tell you I had a crappy life, but it wouldn’t be true.  I could tell you about losing my mind into virtual world simulators.


The places called homes are all connected and patched over the earth… like living in boxes – sitting cramped in every room… I could tell you how we used brainwashing screens in the “time-off” from brainwashing… nobody – nothing different from the way it seemed to have to be…


I could tell you about poor health in the youth and unexposed imagination, trapped in its chair, untaunted and unteased by the way to not be so crappy… I could tell you about starting to think in a place rejecting such thoughts that could help it… accepting temptation, ridicule, and listening to the poison full-blast…


Walls all around, very uncomfortable, packed in with the other workers… I could tell you of frustration and being forced to help quicken the sickness.  I could tell you of talent, repressed and injured, exploding violently… but I won’t.


I’ll just let you know of how happy I am when I am free!  I’ll just let you know of the Truth of the Spirit and the joy of the blessing… the One I Am message of All…


Petty is evil’s worthless coin.  Life experienced in its ruthless effects is crappy, sure, but the real Life within you is absolutely pure.


Life is awesome!  Yay!!!


Ceaseless expansion is.

Pressed against no boundary am I.


One is Whole again.






We make our pupas

To crawl into

To fly out of


We make our pupas

For unseen growth

For our own good


We make our pupas

Some ask why

Some understand


We make our pupas

We all come out

But not all come out


With wings to fly




N.E.S.A.R.A., Please


          In order to accomplish what will be done to stop the evil on this planet from reigning supreme, any longer, in the minds and actions of “man”, and thus, causing much breaking of the Laws of God and the Creation, I pray to thee, oh, God of Love:

          N.E.S.A.R.A. NOW!

          N.E.S.A.R.A. YES!!!




21 Words


All truly good understandings, within equal love, harmonize rhythmically-balanced interchanging creational cycles, ordering always Life’s united thought, forever circling Infinity.






No matter how loud I shout

I can never touch my voice on man’s ears

For they are guarded by machines of today

And will only break for deafness


Voices can’t compare with machines

But if they could

Man’s ears would only interpret sounds

Not meanings


Man’s ears are used not wanted

Man’s lives are just the same


Unless, by my eye, I will see

Myself without a mirror




N.E.S.A.R.A. Help


Utilizing the authentic power of my mighty I am presence and God-Spirit within, I choose to pray to Creator Source and ALL HIS HELPERS for divine assistance in the announcement process of the N.E.S.A.R.A., if, or when necessary, to complete it.  I am sending Love, Light, and positive energy to all of those involved in making decisions about the process.  Now, I believe it is so.  Thank you!!!


So Be It!  It Is Done!  So It Is!



N.E.S.A.R.A. YES!!!

I am praying, requesting as much help as is possible, from ANY forces of Light, to help us better ourselves, in our journey of Ascension.  Thank you!




I Am Choosing


I am choosing to be enlightened with righteousness.


I am choosing to Love God.


I am choosing that Love is for me.


I am choosing to be the dwelling place for Love.


I am choosing to believe in the truth of Love.


I am choosing to replace religion with Love.


I am choosing to know God as Love.


I am choosing to Love God, myself, my neighbor.


I am choosing to become one with God.


I would be willing to sacrifice “myself” for a divine cause.


I am choosing that Love permeates the world.


I am choosing to understand Love correctly.


I am choosing to think.


I am choosing a life lived in accordance with the Laws of Balance.


I am choosing freedom.


I am choosing to go fearlessly down to the roots of Love.


I am choosing to expand myself among its branches.


I am choosing to bloom as a flower of Love.


I am choosing to enter into the world where Love’s fruits ripen.


I am choosing to complete the great circle of Love and I will hear the response of        the Loving souls to that song!

Food for Thought



Like the placenta surrounding a newborn child

Rips as you struggle for freedom


Showers of milk cover us both

As the cream hardens on top


An immaculate stew of violence

Consumes all that we were

As I throw in a side dish

Just for nutrition


Your blood screams for cleansing




As I dirty your face

One last time






          I am interacting with my God Spirit within to pray, using my mighty I Am Presence, to Creator Source of Love and Light, in order for the N.E.S.A.R.A. to be publicly announced in the U.S. tonight, and for the immediate removal of any darkside entities bothering any of the humans on this great planet Earth-Shan.  I am praying now, in that same wonderful way, for the highest level of vibration possible, to experience the desire to allow me to feel it well with all of my heart, soul, and being so that it is very easy for me to recognize my spirit guides and angels, that I might be more in awe and be fully appreciative on all of the levels of reality which I exist in.  I pray that people are guided easily and swiftly towards ascension.  I am praying now for many more people on Earth-Shan to recognize the Laws of God and Creation.  I am truly believing that all of this prayer will work the best it can, now.




How to Ascend


“Take the time” to participate in Truth.


Surrender, or make dead, your ego – stop resisting God flow.


Become as a child, then focus on your Mighty I Am Presence.


Remain disciplined to stay within the Plane of the “Christ Mind”.


Invoke the ray of Healing and apply as needed.


Demand Peace’s presence with the flame of violet transmutation.


Put up thy wall of the blue flame of Michael around you, like a tube.


Cancel out the Astral Plane (consume and replace debris with the victory of the Christ Circle of Consciousness).






Waves, waves of sky

Knock me back

Down I lie

Thinking of you


You are everything to me


Waves, waves from you

You are the sky

I look at you

Deep inside my mind


On the surface I need you


I need you to make me feel fine

I need you to help me stand strong

I need to need you


You are everything to me


Hills, curvy smooth hills

They remind me of the sky

Complimenting my love for you

Contouring to all those pretty spaces


Down I lie

Thinking of you


I would only rise if I saw you

You’re the only thing that matters to me

Down I lie


Waves, waves of sky

You give me a reason to live

And at the same time

I would die for you






Short Perfect Prayer


          My Spirit, you are omnipotent.  Your name is holy.  May your realm be incarnate in me.  May your power reveal itself within me, on earth and in Heaven.  Give me today my daily bread, and thus, let me recognize my transgressions and errors, and I shall recognize the Truth.  And do not lead me into temptation and confusion, but deliver me from error.  For yours is the realm within me and the power and the knowledge forever, amen.






Fully Alive


There will be a never ending enchantment of soothing music… a rich, cool, methodic sound… stretching, and oozing over the hills of Love, and over the softness of a timeless horizon.


We will take rhythmical, moving steps into rose quartz pyramids and emerald temples, to harmonize our tones of mind – the fields of our Spirits fully alive, and vibrant in the note of aura.


We will retrace the freedoms and the sanity.  We will feel the ever-repeating serenity.  We know of the forgotten dance and slowly humble the sky.  Mellow are the waters.


Everything smiles… a twirling lightness fills the soul of the air.  A sparkling twinkle of winking crystal cloud expands through that place… that compression of enjoyment permeating the great expanse of tranquility.


There will be forever music…

         sensitively accepted within the calming center of your heart.




The Door


Walking through green grassy hills

Pleasure becomes an illusion,

Pointlessness becomes existence

And I become an expression


Frustrated desires lose their color

And fall to the ground like leaves

All just new soil in the end

All just everything that it’s not


And is to grow

Back into this




Yet it’s never ending

Ever bending

Sense of pleasure


From Life Itself









          Father, let me always allow Your will to manifest through me that I stand in judgment of no man and yet wisely judge that which is given in action against Your Holy Presence.


Father, I am choosing to surrender my altered ego to the loving Divine God within me that You are.


Father, I am choosing to forgive and release all perceived transgressions upon myself and others and ask that you forgive us, too.


Father, I am choosing to commit my will to the knowledge and wisdom of Truth in Your Kingdom.


Father, I am asking You to show me that which I need to fulfill your will in honor, balance, harmony, joy, integrity, and Truth.


My Work


Thinking of the all-inclusive One Being, I am realizing eternity.  Obvious is the choice to humble myself before the True Heavenly Father.  I am realizing unlimited freedom.  I request in my kindest words that to be one being I am.  I am recognizing the choice to be placed within this Physical Plane as to be the choice in order to Heal and bring Rest unto it.


Now is all-encompassing.  I realize full potential exists from my own freedom to choose oneness with the Holy Forces of Light.  There is influence to all, by request, that they be shown the Love and healing frequencies of God.  I request understanding from all my Brothers and Sisters.  I request to give my heart, soul, and being all possible Love Light frequencies, as I will to be in the great sharing of them with our Creator Source.


I am choosing to give my ultimate freedom to the holy will of the Divine Father.  May it be done, is, so this plane be at peace immediately with all Love.  The power, all have been granted now, is the same.  There is no negativity allowed here.  Thinking of smiling with God will show Him my Love for all.







Hypocrites of their minds

They avoid their concerns

Fearing conflict

They selfishly care for nothing


Being what they aren’t

They demand servants

Blindly affecting the world

They are traitors of their own kind






Emerald Prayer


          O Light, all pervading, One with All and All with One, flow thou to me through the channel.  Enter thou so that I may be free.  Make me One with the All-Soul, shining from the blackness of night.  Free let me be of all space-time, free from the veil of the night.  I, a child of the Light command: Free from the darkness to be.

Opposites of Anti-Christ Thought


- Equality of all things!

- The “now” or Present Moment

- Responsibility for everything in your reality

- Encouraging Self-Healing, Healing others, and asking for help to Heal

- Encouragement to follow the Laws of God and the Creation

- Freedom by your free-will Choice

- The littlest amount of Christ thought goes A LONG WAY!!!


- Humbleness/Humility                         - Service/Work

- Generosity/Frugality                           - Love/Acceptance

- Detachment/Contentment                  - Learning/Understanding

- Romance/True Compassion                - Integrity/Honesty

- Kindness/Forgiveness                         - Wisdom/Productivity

- Sharing/Gratitude                     - Equality/Unity




Life is a Journey


Down I fall, my life on the line


I know I have to, but will I?

Do I?




My trip into darkness begins and ends at that moment

No more moments will I endure, but, instead

All moments at once shall endure me


Beyond time I become

Beyond influence or secrets of mine

I exist

As one sensation of all thoughts

And all things I were before me


Before me I was living life

Beyond me there is nothing but what I was before

Before I didn’t, before I had to…


I now realize that my life wasn’t on the line

The line was on my life –

The great line of time itself


Now, I am free

Mighty Spirit


          Mighty Spirit of Light that shines through the Cosmos, draw my flame closer in harmony to thee.  Lift up my fire from out of the darkness, magnet of fire that is One with the ALL.  Lift up my soul, though might and potent.  As a Child of the Light, I shall not turn away.  Draw me in power to melt in thy furnace; One with all things and all things in One, fire of the lifestrain and One with the Brain.






Man will change when their will changes into compassionate unconditional Love and the unique understanding of true purpose.


The Path unto the Light is of Nature’s volition.


The observation of potentially-unifying intent is the reality of reason and the objective is itself.




A Poem


What more can I do than write you a poem?

You have all of my will and all of my faith


I wish I could find you to give you my Love

Directly, with a tear in my eye

A handshake would due


I don’t mean to cry

But with all of the times I want to be with you

What more can I do?


What more can I do?




I. Dear Creator God


Dear Creator God,


          Through my God Spirit within I ask you now for an end to all war on Earth Shan forever.  I plead with you for an end to all the violence, the killing and destruction.  I desire no more injury and suffering, no more disease and no more death.


          My planet and her people have endured the forces of darkness long enough.  Through the power of my God Spirit within I now order all the dark forces to immediately leave Earth Shan forever.


          I ask that all the Angelic Forces waiting to be our prayer warriors, come now and help us to bring peace to our planet, and I ask that all the help that Heaven allows to be sent to our aid.  May all the sincere souls on Earth Shan be caused to connect their heart energy and their prayer power together in this common prayer for peace.


          I desire to live on a peaceful planet.  I request, Creator God, that You would grant us peace, now!  I make this request through my Mighty I AM Presence, and I promise to do all in my power to assist to create this peaceful world.  So be it.  It is done.







I affirm to allow the Mahatma to flow through me and ground into Mother Earth, in accordance with the will of my I Am Presence.




All Right


Tingly aura sensation

To all beings of Light

I write this now

To show my Love


Severance of way has left me dim

If only there was more

Inside my journey

Of Him


Ever I have promised

To go this way I know

Many of them broken

Progression very slow


At least learned mind has come

Hope not lost and patience won

For in the sky are angels

Perfect timing done


Without your help I only see

A little of reality

Whisked away experience

Come back to me


Interesting to think of

All you there and what you do

All the evil you subdue

We’re face to face with not a clue


Because we are thick-headed

We’re heavy-vibrate mode

Even me who knows you’re here

I still don’t see you


And the will to see you’s mine

But it slows me down further

Egocentric patienceless

Land your ships now!


I don’t know how this shows my Love

If not only the purpose of writing this tonight

Beautiful understanding

Infinite might, paradox demanding


In the will for you

Wish for intervention

Come force me to be right

Tired of the game, finish line in sight


Maybe I lost

But thanks to you guys

Some will still change

Tears in my eyes




II. Dear Creator God


Dear Creator God,


          Through my God Spirit within and my Mighty I AM Presence I ask for peace to be brought immediately to our entire planet, Earth Shan, and to all her people.  I ask that all war on our planet be now permanently stopped, that all violence and destruction cease, and that compassion and love reign supreme in the hearts of all the people on Earth Shan.  I give permission for the Angels of Light to assist to make this so.  So be it!




To The Readers


Thank you for being glad.  Being glad is good.  Right acting and good works are very important to a balanced society.  I appreciate your efforts to recognize them when you see them.




Don't STILL commit to evil even when the sources of evil have been defeated with the POWER OF LOVE.


We ARE allowed to do things of Universal nature; it's just that we must first STOP THINKING THAT WE'VE DROPPED ALL OF OUR EGO... because we haven't.  We are going to!  We ARE!!!  We are dropping our ego... but we must do this TOGETHER OR NOT AT ALL!  We may very well WAIT on and on until infinity -- WAITING FOR STARSHIP PEOPLE TO COME DOWN AND DO THINGS FOR US, but that wouldn't be God's plan for us, now would it?  No, He has something planned which is more interesting than that... more interesting than SO much divine intervention... sure it happens here and there, all the time, but on a MASS SCALE it is US THAT ARE GOING TO GET THINGS DONE TO CLEAN UP OUR EGO SPILLAGE and NOT ANYONE ELSE!  If you don't have a plasma shield around you... if you don't fly around in starships... if you won't settle your mind enough and clear your space in order to HEAR GOD WITHIN yet, then SO WHAT!!!?   STOP WORRYING ABOUT IT!!!  We'll get there!!!  We'll get there!!! -- TOGETHER!!!


Being nice ALWAYS WORKS!  It may not have seemed like it up until now, but it always has and it always will "work".  We just haven't been able to see its effects around us very well due to the negative illusion-perceptions of society as a whole.  ALL KINDS of good has come from you being nice and researching the truth of love and spirit!  SO MUCH, in fact, that YOU WILL SEE that world of peace you've envisioned.  You will see that world of peace ONLY IF YOU CHOOSE TO WAKE-UP OUT OF YOUR STUPOR, SPLASH SOME WATER ON YOUR FACE, SHAKE IT OFF, and GET THIS DONE!!!


You ARE smart.  You are VERY smart.  It's rare to find someone as intelligent or reasonable.  Your logic has been refined now into something with honesty and disillusionment.  Integrity and clarity to carry out God's will instead of Man's...


What you have not yet recognized consciously is that we very well may graduate from Earth-Shan school and pass with flying colors!!!


I'm glad I could help.  You are welcome to show interest at any time and ask me LOTS of questions!  In fact, I highly suggest it.


View your frustration and remove it -- turn it into fuel.  "Throw down" and succeed!  Make it to Five-D. and say hello!


You didn’t “try", YOU “DID"!   IT WORKED!!!  You are changed.  You will never forget Aton because you asked and received!  You knocked and the door is OPEN WIDE, NOW!!!  Everyone cried and spoke to God in their thoughts and, if you listen with just a LITTLE MORE EFFORT, you REALLY WILL hear Him from inside of You!  Everything has changed.  You've not been turned-away-from.  It has been YOU whom has done quite a bit of turning!  Well, now it is time to be accepted within the Heavenly Realms by choosing peace within the Natural Balance.


By practicing the Truth of the Power of Spirit-Omnipotent we can fly, walk on water, and heal the sick.  It'll work.


God isn't stupid.  GOD IS AMAZING! 


Doing His will, WE CAN act right and CLEAN ALL THIS UP.  Let's just keep working at it!







The end of abuse

Making the right choices

No pain, no suffering

Escaping free


Kindness inflicted

A healthy lifestyle

Experience remembered peace

Being with the ones you Love


To know the reason why for sure

All diseases I endure

When the world changes

We find ourselves together


Understand and move on

Tempered weakness proves as strength

Joining help there wholeness length

Newly set the wondrous dawn


Until that day, I’m pushed around

I let these things all bring me down

Waiting for a turn-a-bout

Knowledge strong but full of doubt




III. Dear Creator God


Dear Creator God,


          I ask that all mind control and all power manipulation over my freewill by the darkside be immediately stopped, and be removed from me totally and permanently.  I ask for clear thinking, and for discernment to understand all Truth.  I take back my thought power, and I ask you for guidance to use my thought power to direct my life for good.  Thank you.  It is done.




To The People


Listen to yourselves... Listen inside and remember who you ALL ARE.  Look around us.  Do you see the world as it is, or do you see the world as we have seen it for far too long?!!


I say NOW that if there are ANY concerns WHATSOEVER then let them be known.  We can do that in an orderly fashion and address all concerns together.  There are still many of us who were unprepared for what has already happened, and there are many more of us, NOW, who ARE PREPARED to address this issue.


I say to you all:


It's time to look into some real issues we can work with to achieve results that everyone will more likely enjoy.  Our health has much to do with our well-being as a whole.  I've looked into a few things we, as a mass, did not know about before.


It feels to me like there is some resistance to the thought of having been lied to most of our lives.  Let this go.  Do not feel guilty that you could not see!  Oh... Wise Masters!  We are all blessed now beyond our wildest dreams!!!


It's time to take notes people: ...  We have been in ignorance – if we feel negatively about that, then we're missing the whole point!  We would choose ignorance again!  Let's NOT DO THAT!!!  Instead, we must now Love ourselves again.  We are going to discover our souls, OUR REAL ONES!  Not something we have to imagine exists!  We are GOD.  WE ARE ALL GOD and we will abide by His Laws for He is the King of Wisdom.  Let's all take a look at and discuss our concerns for The Laws of God and the Creation, given to us by our friends... given to us by ourselves.  We may all find them at under "Phoenix Journals" and pick #27 and read it.  Then write down any questions or concerns you have so we can communicate about them, if you have any, of course.


Let's open our eyes to technology and the wonderful resources now available to us all!!!  Anyone have poor health from toxins and diseases?  It seems most do.  Research Colloidal Silver!  Research the "Body Charger" to discover the cure for cancer or diabetes!  Research "Essiac", get the recipe for free and put an end to chemotherapy (which does more harm than good)!  Look into the Rife Technology for audio experiments to relieve disease!  Let's all use "Power Plates" and utilize the Tesla Energy Invention!  We will now be able to transport anything to anywhere instantly, transmute one element of matter into another, and create free unlimited energy.  This will solve poverty and cure disease.  Anybody is more than welcome to ask questions so we can work together and do this!  WE CAN ACTUALLY DO THIS IF WE COOPERATE.  And by "THIS" I mean be rid of all of our ailments and achieve ASCENSION!  There are dimensions to our Universe of Light.  Let's get to know them.


What's more?  We have definitely had some thoughts, in the past, about "ALIENS" being "EVIL".  We've watched movies...  What you all should realize is that many have been created to produce FEAR.  Hollywood produces fear and projects it toward the thought of Extraterrestrials.  Think about it!  What about all the movies with "Good ALIENS" in them?  There are a few, perhaps…  Our Brothers and Sisters are here now and we all know this, with physical evidence, with no doubt.  These are Truly GOOD PEOPLE LIKE US; NO, WE MAY ASPIRE TO BE MORE LIKE THEM IF WE DESIRE TO BE MORE LIKE OUR-TRUE-SELVES.  I feel it's US that scare us, not them.  They are so peaceful and loving...  Realize they're HERE to HELP!  Do Not Be Afraid At ALL, but instead we will remove our shackles of slavery of our minds, being warped so by the Once-Evil which reined here, IN GOD'S LAND! IN OUR LAND!  …IN THIS BEAUTIFUL LIFE, PLANET EARTH-SHAN – the planet of tears.


No more will we weep while there remains so much to be done.  No more shall we bicker amongst each other like ruthless politicians!  We ARE CITIZENS OF REPUBLIC OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, AND WE HAVE ALL Gone through this Massive Transition Together! THIS IS ONLY THE BEGINNING.  I hope you're ready now.  Research Ascension and the Photon Belt or read about Body and Spirit Oneness.  Meditate and think about what YOU or WE intend!  LET'S HAVE ALL DOUBT BE CLEARED BY ENTERING Questions and Comments into FORUMS, or by finding out how to answer our own questions through our GOD-SPIRITS-WITHIN.


Thank you Very Much; and I look forward to meeting MANY OF YOU PERSONALY.






Stay positive:

No doubt!

All here shall come true!


All faith:

Of the Source!

N.E.S.A.R.A. for you!




It Is Done


Being my true godly self, I am choosing to believe I am returning to full consciousness now.  I pray for heaven's decree of freedom and sovereignty.  I will use this:


          A call for Aton/Sananda to give the order for divine intervention... As such, I pray for the "oust" of our present illegal American regime from power and also for the distribution of the abundance programs so that we may have peace, prosperity, and education to further shed light upon mother-earth and all the rest of us human beings.


          I rejoice that I am blessed in heavenly love and joy!  Thank you!!!


                    N.E.S.A.R.A. NOW!

                    N.E.S.A.R.A. YES!!!


                              It is done.








I am excellent.

I am excelling in all facets of my reality.






The End

Table of Contents


                          POEMS                                            PAGE #’s


v  The Moon……………………………………………………………………………………….1

v  True Heart’s Embrace……………………………………………………………………3

v  To the Starship’s House………………………………………………………………..5

v  Dawn of Balance……………………………………………………………………………9

v  Heaven Zone…………………………………………………………………………………14

v  Open………………………………………………………………………………………………17

v  Violet Flame………………………………………………………………………………….22

v  Where Can I Grow? …………………………………………………………………….23

v  Reader Mend………………………………………………………………………………..25

v  Time………………………………………………………………………………………………31

v  Meaning…………………………………………………………………………………………34

v  Let us Drink………………………………………………………………………………….37

v  (Sun Spot) Off (Ocean Breeze)……………………………………………………39

v  Another Day………………………………………………………………………………….42

v  Reconstructure………………………………………………………………………………43

v  Pure Release………………………………………………………………………………….45

v  Hues of My Mind……………………………………………………………………………47

v  Poetry…………………………………………………………………………………………….48

v  The Beginning………………………………………………………………………………..49

v  My Soul Lives On! …………………………………………………………………………50

v  Where Do My Taxes Go? ………………………………………………………………51

v  Yesterday……………………………………………………………………………………….52

v  Leadership………………………………………………………………………………………53

v  Truth……………………………………………………………………………………………….54

v  Death………………………………………………………………………………………………56

v  Lost…………………………………………………………………………………………………57

v  Food for Thought……………………………………………………………………………59

v  Sky…………………………………………………………………………………………………60

v  The Door………………………………………………………………………………………..62

v  Man…………………………………………………………………………………………………63

v  Life is a Journey…………………………………………………………………………….64

v  A Poem……………………………………………………………………………………………65

v  All Right………………………………………………………………………………………….66

v  Despair……………………………………………………………………………………………69

v  Positive……………………………………………………………………………………………72




v  Hold the Light………………………………………………………………………………….2

v  Let it Be Known……………………………………………………………………………….5

v  Prayer So Dear………………………………………………………………………………..8

v  Imagine…………………………………………………………………………………………..10

v  Believe…………………………………………………………………………………………….15

v  Know it is Done……………………………………………………………………………….18

v  Learn From Germain……………………………………………………………………….23

v  Righteous Living……………………………………………………………………………..24

v  No Worries……………………………………………………………………………………….27

v  End of Suffering……………………………………………………………………………….33

v  Perfect Prayer………………………………………………………………………………….36

v  N.E.S.A.R.A. on T.V…………………………………………………………………………37

v  Law Man……………………………………………………………………………………………42

v  Thank You N.E.S.A.R.A……………………………………………………………………43

v  Wisdom…………………………………………………………………………………………….44

v  N.E.S.A.R.A. Age……………………………………………………………………………..46

v  Thoth Prayer…………………………………………………………………………………….47

v  N.E.S.A.R.A. Peace……………………………………………………………………………48

v  All to be in Love……………………………………………………………………………….49

v  N.E.S.A.R.A. Fast………………………………………………………………………………51

v  Sincere Request…………………………………………………………………………………52

v  I Pray Tonight…………………………………………………………………………………….53

v  Hallowed…………………………………………………………………………………………….53

v  N.E.S.A.R.A. Oneness……………………………………………………………………….55

v  N.E.S.A.R.A., Please………………………………………………………………………….56

v  N.E.S.A.R.A. Help………………………………………………………………………………57

v  Interaction………………………………………………………………………………………….59

v  Short Perfect Prayer………………………………………………………………………….61

v  Father…………………………………………………………………………………………………62

v  Emerald Prayer………………………………………………………………………………….63

v  Mighty Spirit……………………………………………………………………………………….65

v  I. Dear Creator God……………………………………………………………………………65

v  II. Dear Creator God………………………………………………………………………….67

v  III. Dear Creator God…………………………………………………………………………70

v  It is Done……………………………………………………………………………………………72




v  Perfect Affirmation……………………………………………………………………………….2

v  Illusion Be Gone……………………………………………………………………………………5

v  Affirmation to Abide by the Laws of Balance………………………………………8

v  N.E.S.A.R.A. Announced………………………………………………………………………13

v  Unity……………………………………………………………………………………………………..16

v  Use the Light…………………………………………………………………………………………18

v  Metaphor……………………………………………………………………………………………….23

v  Thanksgiving…………………………………………………………………………………………25

v  Crystalized Speech……………………………………………………………………………….28

v  All This…………………………………………………………………………………………………..34

v  One That Knows……………………………………………………………………………………37

v  Spiritual Consciousness…………………………………………………………………………38

v  Yin-Yang of Peace…………………………………………………………………………………42

v  N.E.S.A.R.A. Forgiveness………………………………………………………………………43

v  So Happy……………………………………………………………………………………………….44

v  God’s Love………………………………………………………………………………………………46

v  Anti-Christ Thought…………………………………………………………………………………47

v  N.E.S.A.R.A. Bloom…………………………………………………………………………………49

v  I Ask You, God………………………………………………………………………………………..49

v  Protection…………………………………………………………………………………………………51

v  One Being………………………………………………………………………………………………..52

v  N.E.S.A.R.A. Light…………………………………………………………………………………..53

v  How Far We Go……………………………………………………………………………………….54

v  Yay!!! ………………………………………………………………………………………………………55

v  21 Words…………………………………………………………………………………………………57

v  I Am Choosing…………………………………………………………………………………………58

v  How to Ascend…………………………………………………………………………………………59

v  Fully Alive…………………………………………………………………………………………………61

v  My Work……………………………………………………………………………………………………63

v  Opposites of Anti-Christ Thought…………………………………………………………….64

v  Change……………………………………………………………………………………………………..65

v  Mahatma…………………………………………………………………………………………………..66

v  To The Readers…………………………………………………………………………………………68

v  To The People……………………………………………………………………………………………70

v  Excellence…………………………………………………………………………………………………72