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Messages from Turtle Woman

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March 23, 2012

Turtle Woman\'s Autowriting


Tuesday 4:18 a.m.

February 21, 2012


Oh greetings Light Ones... your special time is now at hand.  There is much for you to do in preparation as the time draws nigh.  Your inner preparation is most what is required.  Help is on the way from within.  What is within is going to manifest itself without.  So many worlds are about to become into being.  Each will go their own way into the space of like kind.  Those that separate now are never to be rejoined.  Those who come together now will be forever bonded.  The Family gathers in love and union, reunion.  Who are your traveling companions?  Much is to be achieved. Some say the future is set, but that is not so.  It is only set if each link in the sacred circle remains intact.   Links that break their bonds and fall off out of the sacred circle jeopardize that which all of the Vanguard came here to do... close the circle in the end and join as the One that we are.  This is what brings power to ascension, individually and collectively.  If we could do it alone, we w

 ould not have come in together.


For awhile we had to individually retreat to heal ourselves from this long and arduous journey.  We have lost many along the way, as the dark ones are ever vigilant and ever ready to see the weakness in the links and break them where they can.  Many were nearly broken, but held fast.  Some have fallen by the wayside. 


We of the Vanguard stepped aside to allow those who came behind us to step up into their places of leadership and exercise their power of creation, and to present and carry on the wisdom of the Teachings.  They have established themselves and have blossomed in the beauty of revealing Creator\'s great Golden Light in positive right action in the world.  But the time has come for the final push, for the Vanguard whom has stood aside for these past few years to heal themselves and rest and gather strength again, to once again step forward and add our links in the great sacred circle around our young leaders, lending them the united strength and the depth of our wisdom to the freshness of their vision. 


Our journey is not one of separateness.  Our journey is one of ultimate reunion, how therefore can we go our separate ways Now?  The Call from within and above has gone out like our childhood game of hide and seek... come out, come out where ever you are, for our time is Now. 


Hold as One - Together - Again - Forever. 


Many Blessings.



Thursday 12:55 a.m.

March 22, 2012


Hard times are coming.  Join hands as a broken chain will destroy you all.  There is no rest once it begins.  Horror upon horror.  Oh no.  Hurt.  Pain.  Suffering.  Many masses.  Terrible events one right after another.  So many to die suddenly.  You have much coming quickly and it will finally be your answer needed. . .  just in time as always.  You will be gone from here soon.  Many will not be with you, but it will come to pass. 


There is one shock for the world that will bring many to their knees.  You will be above what is going on.  You will move at right time.  Those you love will be pulled with you. 


There\'s no time for dallying now.  You need to start Now with all that must be done.  Others will be with you sooner than you think.


Hard shakes.  Very hard shakes.  Shakes upon shakes.  Shakes that will shake over shakes.  Flip.  The flip.  Sun raging.  Whap.  Whap.  Hard hits.  Many die.  Too much for those left behind.  Those you are close to are dancing to a better tune and will ride the waves on high.  No harm, no harm to those who have your love.  Shocking,  oh, oh!  No!  No!  Many will not survive.  You are on the right track.


Dark side laying to find way to put wedge in.  Don\'t listen to them.  Keep this quiet now.  No more announcements drawing attention to yourselves.  Walk with little cat feet, not big tiger roar from now on.  There are those waiting to take you down.  Give them nothing to work with.  Quiet as a mouse.


You have six more years before final rising.  Others may not be ready to go with you.  Up to them to wake up.  Not your concern if they don\'t.  Choices abound.  Help the fallen Vanguard to remember.


No more now.  Another quake.  Water coming in.  Many drown.  Some safe although there will be a big scare.  Some are safe. 


You will leave all this behind soon.  Not death.  The wheel is turning.  Your good time has just cracked open the door.  It\'s about to be thrown wide open for you.  Be ready to enter when it does.  You will have everything you need and more.  The diamond is yours.  Reclaim it and kick out the thief that sits in your treasure room.


Big pop and all explodes.  Yellowstone will not go first, but will be part of the follow up.  All is about to change in a flash - literal.  Nuke.  The end of the year will find a different planet than the one you were born on.  Home is very close. Attend to daily meditation Now.  You are behind.  All else is falling away. 


Standing in the Golden Light,

All My Relations in Love and Light,

Turtle Woman, Oma


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----- Original Message -----

From: M

To: <>

Sent: Friday, March 23, 2012 10:13 AM

Subject: Messages from Turtle Women