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From the Secular to the Sacred

Christos Lightweaver

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Sept. 16, 2012

The secular world of economics behind politics -- lacking sacred principles -- is pretty much bankrupt of any redeeming sacred value.  We can worth-ship that 'gold calf' all we want, but that will only bring our destruction... sure and fast.

The great lesson of Moses, once he was given the 'prime directive' of his day, was that there are severe consequences for worshipping idols like the golden calf, or money and power, or any dark-side "BS" (Belief System).  In the larger scheme of things, selective JUDGMENT happens:)

We've come a long ways since Moses, but even advanced souls grapple with the imminent portents for global transformation.

That was also the 'cosmic lesson' of Jonah at Nineveh.  He was compelled by several near-death experiences to get the message out to 'get with the program'... or die!  And believe it or not, that's the same divine destiny for Earth now. 

For LOVE's sake, pay attention!  We're facing a 'do-or-die' situation.  A Damocles sword is hanging over global civilization, and a great global transformation requires a great global cleansing -- 'The Great Purification' as prophesied by the Hopi -- one way or the other.

If you have made your move from the secular to the sacred, you will appreciate how important are your prayers of pure intention and actions with love's retention... especially in the calm before the whatever.

Hopefully you will forward this to your prayer network, ritual circle or other enlightened sphere of community.  It's time to create a powerful "Prayer Field" (force field) for LOVE on Earth.  The MOVEMENT is from the spiritual to the mental to our heart, head and hands in action.

Spirituality is the solution to the mental dis-ease that manifests as hate creation for war perpetuation.  Either we get with the program -- worldwide civility -- or we die... sooner than later.


Time to 'Get With The Program'... and 'Pay it Forward':)

All Ways LOVE... Christos

PS: For those who have read this far, your free 'gift' is some deep insight into, "The Sun of the Creator Comes" at:


"Christians may say it’s time for the ‘Second Coming’. Jews may say it’s time for their ‘Messiah’ to come. Muslims may it’s time for their ‘Mahdi’ to come.  Common sense just tells us that THIS IS THE TIME."

PSS:  On a breakthrough conscious evolution topic, see, 'Why We Struggle Now', a short video at:


“History will show, I believe, that the greatest psychological and spiritual realization

– revelation, of our time –

is the understanding that human beings have instincts, like all other animals do,

and if we don't understand, appreciate and respectfully manage

-- that is honor and harness our inherited drive –

we are bound to be enslaved to them.

 “Sending our teenagers out into the world without telling them about

supernormal allurements and mismatched instincts is like sending

them out 20,000 years ago without telling them about

 saber-tooth cats.  It’s crazy.

“It’s like, what you resist persists. Well what you can be grateful for,

what you can honor, can transform. It can empower you.”

Enjoy:) ~C.