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Potential - A New Perspective

Writer & Narrator Shaune A. Feuz

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Oct. 2, 2012

If I were to say to you, see the planet earth at it's full potential, Could you see it for me?

See a bright red sunset.

See a giant waterfall... cascading down over the rocks to a beautiful clear pool of water.

See shining cities, healthy oceans and lush forests...

Green, glowing.

See earth from outer space, as a bright vision of perfection.

Right here, right now,

See YOUR version of the planet earth at it's full potential....

Now I want you to imagine what human beings would look like at THEIR full potential.

How would they behave?

Super human beings, living on the planet earth

Right here, right now.

Most likely they would live in harmony with each other and with nature.

Conscious human beings, making conscious choices,

Tthey are connected to everything in the Universe.

Everything in the universe is connected.

As you can see the humans, animals & the planet life,

are all very happy because a new kind of "free & clean energy"

Has been created to take care of THEIR basic needs.

Gone are the gas nozzles and toxic fumes.

Gone is the need to make money in order to serve the very few occupying the earth's resources.

Gone are the meters that made slaves of humanity in the old parasitic system.

As for the meters...

They were turned off permanently by the super humans.

You see, they became empowered.

Taking responsibility for their thoughts and actions, they realized they were much more than what they were told by their occupiers.

Isn't it funny that the illusion of limitation was created by the few who held the many captive.

Captive in an ILLUSION of limitation.

They learned that they were all connected souls that chose to be in this reality to 'experience physical life' in order to achieve unconditional love & forgiveness...

As a state of being...

These super humans came together and embraced their differences and learned this from each other.

Understanding of being connected to everything has resulted in their being continuously connected to the source.

Continuously connected to the source.

Once this was real-ized by the humans they could no longer do harm to one another or anything else for that matter.

Tell me, doesn't it feel good to see this beautiful picture of our planet earth.

To see that humanity is now driven by their desire to reach their greatest potential.

No longer living as victims to an unfair & corrupt system.

They have accepted responsibility for themselves and have now shifted into

A new perspective.

Writer & Narrator Shaune A. Feuz