A well-hung merkaba in a tattered shekina
John Kaminiski
[Ed. note: 1. merkaba, n., the field of electromagnetic light particles which are often perceived as spirituality that surrounds all living things. 2. shekina, n., the divine presence felt by worshippers of all creeds.]
So this chick walked up to me and whispered in my ear: "Mighty man, I see you pack a well-hung merkaba!"
Actually, it was at a peace rally in a gritty New Hampshire mill town, at a disco, even, where guitar-playing peaceniks and righteous farmers wanted to listen to a clumsy crusader, me, still insisting that all these issues about the Gulf War could be sensibly sorted out that peace could prevail with only a little common sense.
Breathless, she walked up and said to me, "It's like you're surrounded by this golden aura."
This moment on a snowy spring night I remember as a charter for the wobbly direction of my life — that I, and so many people like me, actually had the power to change the direction of the world, simply by standing on principle, and saying "no" to all the perversions.
Of course my stumbling words about previous wars no one really remembers had little effect on the larger course of things. The Highway of Death followed, and its replicas have pockmarked our history ever since.
But it probably wasn't until then, when I had already reached late middle age, I learned that people are most truly measured by their merkabas, the body of knowledge they have and dispense to the world around them in beneficial ways.
These are the people who confused people seek out to assist in the solutions of their own personal puzzles.
It has been my great good fortune in following what I believe have been lucky choices of paths to have encountered some well-directed people who have amassed giant merkabas in service to the higher purpose, which is the truth. T. S. Eliot. Hermann Hesse. Ernest Becker. José Argüelles. Carlos Castaneda. Eustace Mullins. J. B. Campbell. Robert Faurisson. Comyns Beaumont.
So people over time have told me I have a pretty large merkaba, and because I do, I can genuinely see, if only sometimes in vague outlines, the people who have genuinely large merkabas, and who have integrated that capability into tangible action, all linked to breakthroughs universally believed to be beneficial to all life.
Listening to Vinnie Eastwood's recent interview of the polymath Richard Alan Miller reminded me of many geniuses http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Xf_ZtksDA-s&feature=youtu.be from whom I have enlarged my own merkaba.
And the ones with the biggest merkabas are all united by one principle — no matter how intricate the puzzle, the objective, in each and every one of us, is to work for the common benefit of all life. A constant quest for relevant truth in our daily lives.
Most critical aspect to developing one's merkaba are the effects of the existing shekina that has enveloped your own life since Day One.
As Rick Miller told Vinnie, the ability to see yourself, to observe your own behavior, is the key element to peace of mind, and from there, authentic solutions follow.
The belief systems that have been overlaid upon our minds prohibit us from finding solutions to the robotic claptrap that passes for public debate these days, because they are intimately intertwined with that very claptrap, enmeshing us in false solutions to deliberately designed problems.
As a result, we can never get to the nub of the problem, or even frame the question we need to ask to extricate ourselves from this unfolding recipe for extinction.
So don't feel alone. There are millions of people out of there all focused on the same course as yours: peace of mind at home and forthright sanity in the world.
The Internet helps us expand our merkabas by leaps and bounds, even as the shekinas weigh us down in the moribund rituals of dying creeds whose adherents are now terrified of the very future they have created.
John Kaminski is a writer who lives on the Gulf Coast of Florida, constantly trying to figure out why we are destroying ourselves, and pinpointing a corrupt belief system as the engine of our demise. Solely dependent on contributions from readers, please support his work by mail: 250 N. McCall Rd. #2, Englewood FL 34223 USA.