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BIG NEWS: Inbound Meteors, New Pope and 'THRIVE'

Christos Lightweaver

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Feb. 17, 2013

BIG NEWS: Inbound Meteors, New Pope and 'THRIVE'


by Christos Lightweaver


If I was a stand-up comic, I'd have a field day with the BIG NEWS a few days ago about a big asteroid fly-by.  Over and over we were told by TV and radio news that this asteroid would be like a nuclear bomb if it hit the Earth, wiping out an area as big as New York City, but always emphasizing, "IT WILL NOT HIT THE EARTH!"


And then WHOOPS, video feeds from Russia showed a giant meteorite fireball shooting across the sky and exploding in the atmosphere, shattering windows in three nearby cities in the Urals region. 


NASA estimates the Chelyabinsk meteor was about the size of a bus, weighed 7,000 tons, was the largest meteor to hit Earth in 100 years, and detonated with the power of 20 atomic bombs. Thousands were injured from windows exploding inwards. See 2 1/2 min. video HERE.


The lesson here is that no media spin of "ALL IS WELL" can change the TRUTH we can all see for ourselves through the eyes of 'netizen journalists' worldwide. Thanks to utilization of video-recording smart phones, live reporting of global events are providing some fantastic real-time disclosure of our instant-everywhere and interactive global village in metamorphosis.


With collective vision, global issues are now brought to our collective consciousness for adjudication.


A new 'common sense' is emerging for


the 'Family of Man' in our global village,

and an all-connected unity-in-diversity is

  defining the United Sovereigns of Earth.


That brings us to the other BIG NEWS of the week.  Pope Benedict resigned to avoid arrest and seizure of Vatican wealth; a 'Diplomatic Note' was issued to the Vatican just prior to his resignation, as you can read HERE.  Obviously, there's a sharply divided power struggle in the Vatican analogous to the divisive gridlock on Capital Hill. In both cases, there is a severe public 'credibility crisis' with the same 'major players' involved.


Apparently the Vatican Bank (Rome) has been going through a 'money laundering' crisis with slush fund accounts of major US politicians identified and seized at Vatican Bank. To quote the Bob Chapman newsletter:

"Beneficiaries of the covert Vatican accounts include Barack Obama, Michelle Obama and each of the Obama children, Michelle Obama's mother, all the Bushes and the Clintons, including Chelsea Clinton, Joe Biden, Timothy Geithner, Janet Napolitano, several US Senators, including Mitch McConnell, several US Congressmen including John Boehner, several US Military Chiefs of Staff, the US Provost Marshal, the US Judge Advocate General, the US Supreme Court Chief Justice, John Roberts, several US Judges, the Pope, and several cardinals.   Big money was found in each of the accounts. The longer the beneficiaries have been in office, the greater the account balances were found to be. They range from a few million USD to more than a billion USD in the case of John Roberts. The total number of slush fund accounts so far identified at the Vatican Bank is said to be between 600 and 700. This number is likely to grow as international elite corruption investigations spread worldwide.  The disclosures have split the Roman Catholic Legatus organization down the middle. Elizabeth Windsor (Queen Elizabeth II of England) is in the know and is intimately involved in the swirling and fissiparous covert power plays."

The Internet has also been circulating authentic pictures of the outgoing Pope as a teenager in Hitler's Youth Core.  Ongoing media exposure of priest pedophilia hasn't helped his cause either.


Personally, I don't know if a new Pope will resolve their corrupt 'bankster issues' as we see in the U.S., but from a prophetic spiritual perspective, I find it very interesting that the ancient prophesies of Saint Malichi, Nostradamus and the leaked 'secret' Fatima prophecy correspond to this next Pope being the last pope with cryptic warnings of doomsday. 


Additionally, there's a prophecy from the ancient Book of Zohar that predicts a meteor shower hailing down on Rome in the Jewish year 5773, which corresponds to the 2012-2013 period.  Hmmmm.


The lesson here actually has much to do with another Vatican corruption issue -- cover-up of Planet X inbound -- which the Vatican has been tracking with their own deep-space telescope; see the short video interview with Father Malachi Martin HERE... or see the in-depth video intro's to Planet X HERE.  No one in the 'embedded media' will report that Earth is entering the 'debris field' around Nibiru as it approaches with its 3,660 year fly-by of Earth.  But expect more giant fireballs in the sky as appeared over California just yesterday.


As for the 'THRIVE movement', there's a lot of prescient truth in Foster Gamble's recent article and videos on the Sandy Hook incident HERE.  People worldwide are following the Thrive Movement, awakening to the 'power shift' FROM highly centralized, top-down, one-way corporate media PROGRAMMING -- to maintain the status quo -- and TO a highly decentralized, bottom-up "net roots" (grass-roots), interactive NETWORKING that involves and evolves our individual and collective consciousness.


This 'evolution revolution' is naturally culturing social consciousness in our ubiquitous social networks. It is overcoming health care tyranny with a compelling vision of, by and for 'Universal Self Care'.  And by the grace of the 'Great Spirit', it will provide a global turn-around with the same 'ultimatum' spoken by wise old Ben Franklin before ratification of the U.S. Constitution: "Either we all hang together, or most assuredly, we will all hang separately.".


Sovereignty is now a global issue. If global civilization is going to THRIVE, it's time to get a grip on the TRUTH that truly liberates our conscientious common sense.  And more important than the PROBLEM -- once we clearly comprehend the power elite power struggles dividing us -- is a clear vision of THE SOLUTION as A PROCESS that will unite "US" (United Sovereigns of Earth).




"It is no coincidence that the century of total war


coincided with the century of central banking."

~ Ron Paul


Or as Foster Gamble says, "How come if you or I make up money, it’s called counter-fitting, but if the banks do it it’s called increasing the money supply?  In 1910, representatives from the Rothschild, Rockefeller, Morgan and other private bankers gathered in partnership with the politicians to draft the legislation that created the Federal Reserve."


Those who look to the status quo for stability may find themselves driving into the future with eyes glued to the rear-view mirror, as if the road behind will be a linear continuum into the future.  But there's a big 'curve' in the road ahead. Yes, hindsight is important, knowing that Planet X has orbited near Earth with mild to severe Earth changes before.  But we also need foresight... to connect the dots and get the picture of what is REALLY coming upon Earth, for better or for worse.


Is it true that something BIG has to happen to change corrupt self-serving public institutions that have been 'privatized' by big money interests?  Are you aware that a global revolution in higher consciousness is our best hope for riding out the portents of increasing Earth changes? Would you agree that the best way to predict the future is with some congruent foresight?


Pray that THE SHIFT and our THRIVAL comes with public awakening to spiritual solutions for co-creating a better world.


Big LOVE is needed to mitigate the madness with mainstream metamorphosis.


~ Christos


PS:  Inspirational videos this week: 'The Woman Who Stopped the War' (Part Two is HERE), and ' Raising Consciousness' by Patricia Cota-Robles.  Inspirational article this week at: 'Heart Coherence and the Science of Source'.


PSS: Thanks to all for your support of 'Super-Immunity'