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Message To Materialists

Omraam Mikhaël Aïvanhov

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hich succeed each other. Every period adds something new in the life of living beings. Astrological science of ancient times was capable of foreseeing the unrolling of events in the life of human beings, linked with the movement of the stars and planets. Without entering into the details of the periods through which the earth has already passed, and with it the whole of humanity (which would lead us very far), I shall say to you only that an old age, like a long, dark and painful night, is going away. It is disappearing into the past to give way to a new age, a culture of the sun! One already hears the children of the sun and of light singing hymns of joy and of gratitude to the never-ending goodness of the Creator. One sees the sun opening halfway and the angels, inexhaustible servants of God, coming down to put order and harmony into sensitive and affectionate souls. A new earth and a new heaven have been in preparation and formation for a long time in God's great workshops. The children of the new life know a magnificent way: the path which leads towards the sun! They have tasted delicious fruits, ripened by the rays of this sun, fruits of joy, of hope and of divine love. They now ask this question to their brothers, a little bit sleepy and dulled in matter, deprived of faith and of hope:

- "Do you believe that intelligent beings still exist on earth?"

- "Naturally!", answer these nice brothers, who have based everything on the material, having, moreover, never well known what it represents in reality. "Naturally, we believe it! And these intelligent beings, we are they!"

- "Oh, how magnificent it is!", respond the children of the new life, "to be classed among the intelligent and reasonable beings."

- "Do you believe that there are just and noble beings on the earth?"

- "By all means!", answer these brothers, made heavy and slowed down by the material life. "Of course, we believe that! It is we who are these just and noble beings! All the others are in error and in total ignorance!"

- "Oh how marvelous!", exclaim the children of the new life. "It is wonderful to be noble and just in this life that is so sad and dull for the majority of human beings."

"Do you believe in the existence of good, beautiful and powerful beings?" continue to ask the children of the new life.

- "Oh! Come on. Honestly, there is no doubt!", answer the brothers somewhat laggard and rebellious; some of them recognizing that they had been violated or beaten by certain in the struggle for life, and the others enchanted, enticed or seduced by the charms and beauty of creatures specialized for that."

"In such cases, how can one not believe in the existence of powerful and beautiful beings?"

After that, the children of hope and of the new life affirm solemnly this:

- "Oh, you have provided us with the means to prove to you and to convince you that beauty, intelligence, force, justice, gentleness, charity, love, patience and all other sublime virtues are qualities and attributes, or grains come from an unique Source, transmitted all the way to us by intermediate centers. This Holy Source nourrishes all the worlds and their creatures in infinite space. If all these qualities and virtues came from yourselves, who are matter and nothing else in your opinion, why then can you not become at will all powerful, omniscient or beautiful as you yourselves would like to be? These qualities which human beings possess come logically, therefore, from a Source which is outside of us, or of our present possibilities. Reunite now by your imagination all these qualities and virtues, amplify them to infinity in one single being. It is that being precisely whom we call the Divinity, from whom come to us all talents and all possibilities, unique Being, unquestionable, more real than reality itself. To doubt His existence, is to doubt your intelligence, your goodness, your force and the glorious future that you can have. It is the greatest error which has slipped into the intellect of our brothers, slaves of the material, who bear pretentious names of atheists, materialists, realists, of rationalists, anarchists and of "abracadabrists" (preposters: "experts in no matter what").

Can we increase our qualities and virtues?

Yes. in uniting ourselves: - by correct and luminous thoughts of true intelligence, - by the warm and vivifying feelings or sentiments of unselfish love, - by upright and noble deeds of an ordered and harmonized activity.

In uniting ourselves with this inexhaustible Source of goodness, joy and felicity which represents the spiritual Sun, we are walking towards perfection. All true thinkers, all non-nebulous true mystics of all the ages, the prophets, masters or initiates, acknowledged this great and sublime Truth, above all truths. They bowed down with love, humility and adoration before The Supreme Being, who is the true dispenser of all good, all exterior and interior riches. All drew there - from Him - the force for their inspiration, their revelations, and the actions which ensued.

Don't you feel that there is something changed in life, in human nature and in the surrounding countryside? that even the sun and the most distant stars are sending us the most moving messages of great upheaval? Do you not feel that underground or subterranean forces, in the oceans, in the air and in cosmic ether, are all in febrile activity? Do you not feel that entities, in incalculable number, are descending from heavenly regions in the plan, the intention to awaken us to spiritual truths? And that these beings direct myriad other beings, who work on stones, on plants, on animals and on people? Are you waiting to put yourself to work with these workers of the new age for the biggest calamities and the greatest world-wide cataclysms to explode upon humanity? That underground forces begin to shake the earth's fragile crust? That the oceans pour out onto the continents? That hurricanes show their force and their power in sweeping out everything in their paths? And that the most devastating wars are launched between the diverse nations and raze the world to the ground? (*)

It is said in the Holy Scriptures, that "the sun will be obscured", that "the moon will no longer give light", that "the stars will fall from heaven", and that "the powers of heaven will be set in motion. And then the sign of the Son of man shall appear in heaven."

All this is purely symbolic. According to the ancient science of symbols, which revealed and summarized all esoteric science, "the sun will be obscured" signifies that the human intellect, their point of view, will not give any more clarity. The works of numerous scholars, writers and philosophers will present only aberrations, deviations and obscureness. Their point of view, based on an egocentric philosophy will crumble. Here is a striking example: the conclusion drawn by certain researchers sincere, honest, and nevertheless misled; that the law of life is battle, war, and merciless, pitiless fight among creatures for their existence. This conclusion has been drawn thanks to their observation of the inferior regions of life: in the oceans, where everything are eating and devouring each other; in forests, jungles, where animals and wild beasts are devouring each another, in swamps, in families and societies, where, everywhere they report egotism, ferocious fight, slaughter. They believed they were right to draw a conclusion which did not contain the whole truth, but only fifty percent.

All that is true if one sees only the lower regions.

All that is true if one sees the egoistical, selfish and personal child, who only asks to take without thinking of anybody else. It is selfishness, egotism which absorbs, cries, claims, subjects and enslaves the others.

But one forgets to see that beside the child exist the mother and the father, or the grandparents,... this mother who is all love and abnegation, who exerts herself to bring up the child. She is the incarnation of devotion and sacrifice.

Can we not conclude that another law exists in life, the law of Love and Sacrifice?

Let us take the example of the earth, which is still an egotistical child, and of the mother, the visible sun, because the Father, He, is hidden: it is the invisible Sun. Both of them bend over this child continually, warning him, enlightening him. The earth never stops taking forces and energies from the sun. And the sun gives itself continually with love and patience until the maturation of the earth. The earth will become a sun one day in its turn, contrary to that the astronomers and scholars expect according to their calculations and scientific forecasts, which are based on their point of view purely mechanical, that is, on the dead side of nature. If scholars pay attention only toward the earth and toward what happens in the inferior regions, seeing only purely selfish and destructive phenomenas, it is that they have not raised their eyes towards the regions of spirit and love, where reign other laws, those of kindness, love, charity, sacrifice, patience and impersonality. Due to maturing under the sun beams of goodness and love, a tough, bitter and acid fruit, becomes sweet, delicious and fragrant.

It is so with the earth, and with human beings. One day, all of humanity will evolve, will progress, and people will leave the planet, leaving the earth to their small brothers, the animals, those who have also become more evolved and intelligent in their turn. Nothing will be able to resist the all powerful influence of divine heat and divine light. It is a question of time.

Still, what is the most extraordinary and astonishing, incredible for the moment, is that unbelieving and atheistic scholars, like bitter, acid and tough fruits, will become sugar and honey, speaking only of love.

This example shows us that there exists another point of view, known by the Initiates, which makes us see things correctly.

It has been said that "the moon will no longer give any more light". That means that the human heart is filled with religious prejudices and with continually changing and unstable sentiments; and that these prejudices and sentiments will be reduced to nothing.

"Stars will fall from heaven", that means that many scientific, political, economic, as well as military authorities, because of a turnover of things in the life, will no longer be able to remedy by their old methods various conditions, circumstances and factors which shall start, so that they shall fall from their base.

"Then the sign of the Son of man will appear in the heavens." That means that a new light will appear, that new ideas will come to prepare the new culture which is coming. Scholars will no longer any more search for purely destructive means. Philosophers will no longer invent any more purely human philosophies and which are far from the truth, but they will accept the unique and only Philosophy which exists since the Creation of the world, which the greatest Masters of humanity knew and professed. Neither Hermes, nor Zoroastre, nor Ram, nor Buddha, nor Krishna, nor Orpheus, nor Moses, nor Plato, nor Pythagoras, nor Fo-Hi, nor Lao-Tseu have ever invented and fabricated anything by themselves as philosophy as such. But they all studied the one and only true Philosophy, which has been well guarded and passed on to our time. Writers will no longer write any more works which destroy faith, joy and hope, and so introducing in this way anarchy and chaos into human souls, without having the least idea of their moral responsibility toward their readers.

Poets will not write poetry where sadness, laziness and desolation, as well as a crepuscular and morbid sentimentality weaken human beings.

Painters will no longer paint any more paintings which are the reflection of their continual nightmares, lived in their swampy subconscious, or in subterranians, undergrounds or caves full of mildew.

Authors of theater pieces will not present plays where one sees exclusively unchained human passions, where human beings are in prey to conflicts with no way out, and walk on inextricable paths, with neither solution, nor salvation.

Musicians will no longer compose any songs or music which unchain hell slumbering in each human nature to manifest itself in madness, folies. New musicians will create a new music, which will correspond to the highest and most divine aspirations of the soul, its desire to live again the life which it lived before it left Paradise. This new music will nourish all that is pure and divine in the soul. This new music will save the world. It will possess the magic power to call the sacred Fire down from Heaven and with it a whole hierarchy of beings of order, of harmony and of beauty as well.

Dance, sculpture, architecture, everything will change and will improve thanks to the intelligent and luminous beings who know the structure and formation of human being, and of all his subtle bodies.

"This present generation", say the great Masters, "is darkened, materialized, chaotic, unruly, disorderly, and crystallized in inoperative and null forms. This generation cannot vibrate in harmony with the powerful and irresistible impulses of this spouting out Source, the visible sun, representative of the invisible Sun which is the Christ. A new generation is coming with new hearts and new minds, carriers of new seeds. New life approaches like the spiritual Spring, of which all the true poets dreamed, which the true clairvoyants contemplated, which the true prophets predicted."

The new Teaching of the Great Universal White Brotherhood contains all the methods, all the rules, and all the principles, as well as the discipline and the prescriptions necessary to prepare beings to receive the new impulses and the new streams which flow from the heart of our solar system. This heart already sends us its Heat and its Light to animate us and to resuscitate us. Everything must be renewed, needs to vibrate and shine new plentiful, intense life, which will cleanse everything, purify all, armed with Love, with Hope, with ardent, immovable and powerful Faith in the existence of the Being of all beings, the Ancient of ancients, the Mysterious of mysterious, gentle Father of the Heavens, clement, merciful and misericordious Father. May His name be louded and sanctified for eternity! Oh, may this blessed day come as soon as possible, Lord, in order that the whole world quivers with joy and with gratitude, to be in order to sense Your presence, inexpressible through human words, but who is the resurrection and the eternal life, in joy, in Love, and in Peace.

So be it!

Omraam Mikhaël Aïvanhov Le Bonfin, 23 august 1953
