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The Love of God

Omraam Mikhaël Aïvanhov

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ary, or for a grand passion, which is even worse, because this love is a devastating fire, a conflagration that leaves only ashes in its wake. Whereas the love of God. If only people would think of it a little more often, if only they would explore it in depth and savour it!

Of course, God seems so far away, whereas human beings are close at hand, and it seems so much easier to satisfy one's need for love with sweet words, caresses and kisses! Yes, it may seem so, but you know very well from experience what actually happens. So even if it seems difficult at the moment, at least try to turn your attention to these formulas; meditate on them, asking yourself: 'How can I draw closer to this divine love? How can I understand it and feel it?'"

Omraam Mikhaël Aïvanhov