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More Photos from Burma (Rangoon)

Jane Stillwater

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Here's the link to the URL with the photos.  I can't figure out how to post them directly on OpEd News. (View photos below.  Click on photo to enlarge)

Here's the main temple, a few street scenes, breakfast at my hotel, the Rangoon international airport baggage carousel and the downtown post office -- which still functions like the post office where I used to work my way through college, prior to Zip Codes.

I'll write more about Burma when I get home, have more time to think and have more access to the internet. I'll be home January 1, 2009.

Happy New Year!

Stillwater is a freelance writer who hates injustice and corruption in any form but especially injustice and corruption paid for by American taxpayers. She has recently published a book entitled, "Bring Your Own Flak Jacket: Helpful Tips For Touring Today's Middle East". According to Ms. Stillwater, "It's a fabulous and entertaining book. I loved writing it. And I hope that you will love reading it too." It's available at or you can special order it at any independent bookstore.

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