Our Children Are Dying Now At Home
I was speaking to a grandmother in our post office Wednesday the 3rd, who was talking about her grandchild being rushed from Trinidad to Pueblo for the Trinidad hospital did not have any more flu tests. This is very serious for the dark agenda is wishing to target this Four Corners area because it is a power house of Lightworkers and ancient truth and a lot of Crystal kids here now and incoming, and the Hopis are in their ceremonies in serious prayer as they are asking us to open our hearts and wake up and start being world servers now and to quit serving our little puny egos of self and I. It is We Now or nothing at all. The line has been drawn as I speak, for if we do not make some changes now and act, we may not like some of the outcomes by standing by and being full of fear and saying there is nothing we can do. This was the reply from these two grandmothers about their own children that were so sick. We must do and we must act and act now with what we have and collectively be the solutions.
The waiting game is no longer a luxury we can afford. It's up to us to shake the bushes in a big way. It takes more than banners and emails etc. It will take personal action from your spirit without anymore hesitation and being the voice, arms and legs of the Creator. We can change this into truth and light, but we cannot have fear, nor can we wait. The time is now to do what we all came here to do, and if you don't know what that is then please in this time sacred time frame till December 7th really ask from you heart and commit to follow what your are led to do. My question is do we as a collective have the courage to STAND? This my prayer, that we do. We must ask from our spirits within and for all the help we have to awaken fully to do our service work in healing this earth and all living things. It is our responsibility to end the suffering and we have lots of help if we will ask and mean it from our hearts. Peace Kara
Kara Kincannon
Comments by Dariel:
Friends, we stand at a major crossroad in human history. If we, the Lightworkers, continue to stand by waiting, wishing, and hoping that someone else is going to bring us NESARA while humanity continues to suffer the death and destruction of the dark ones, then we are the fools who shall suffer the worst. LET’S ALL GET OFF OUR COLLECTIVE REARS AND DO SOMETHING --- RIGHT NOW!!!
St. Germain has repeatedly told us that NESARA is here now. What are we all waiting for now - an official announcement on public TV? Yes, that may come in time, but what about all the babies who are dying right now? Are you hearing me? What about the indigenous people, like the Hopi, who are holding this planet together for all of us. Do any of you have the slightest inclination of the tremendous sacrifice these powerful prayer warriors are making for you, me, and the whole planet? Did you know that they are being systematically attacked, poisoned, subjected to brainwashing, having their land, water, and precious resources stolen from them. I know – I have witnessed it all first hand. I tell you this – the whole world is going to know what is going on! Michael Moore, move over!
Now it’s not so distant, is it? It’s in our own backyards. How many more of our own babies here in the good old US are going to die as they are systematically poisoned by genetically engineered viruses while we sullenly watch and wait for White Knights to rescue us? While we wait for funding, we are neglecting the sacred missions that we each solemnly swore to perform for the planet. Is this getting through yet?
Every day we get our egos massaged by the soothing voices, promising us an official announcement is all so imminent or that this wonderful miracle is going to take place. We get all pumped up, do nothing, go back to sleep, and then we watch the 10 o’clock news and see that nothing has changed, except 11 young children have died of the flu epidemic. We watch as the unmarked airplanes fly over our pristine blue skies and dump tons of toxins and we choke on the stinking shit they spew out. We observe them painting crisscrosses over our towns until the sun is totally blocked out. And we watch and do nothing! We are allowing them to slowly and systematically poison us. We are giving them permission to kill us. It’s just a matter of time until they bring out the really toxic stuff – do we wait until Ebola virus is dumped on our towns? Where are the White Knights? Why isn’t the World Court investigating this massive problem?
This is just the tip of the iceberg, friends. It has been well documented by John Coleman and other researchers that the dark agenda has targeted the official population of planet Earth to be less than a billion, more like 550,000. They plan on exterminating billions of “useless eaters”, which is what they call us, the sheeple. AIDS was just their first experiment and it has not killed nearly enough people, so now they are poisoning our air and water with their chemtrails, while they flatly lie to us and tell us they are just normal jet contrails.
These are horribly sobering facts that are well documented by Dr. Len Horowitz. He has written excellent books on this subject and I would suggest you go to his website for practical remedies for what is being thrown at all of us right now. His website is: http://www.tetrahedron.org
We also have another powerful tool in our medicine bags. It is a powerful new energetic healing procedure, similar to Reiki, only much more effective. It was given at this critical time to help save many lives until the Great Shift occurs. It has already saved the lives of several people, including a women who had contracted the deadly West Nile Fever. You can read about it at http://shamballa1024.netfirms.com/welcome.html. You may contact Kara Kincannon at 719-941-4129 about receiving a healing treatment, or even becoming a practitioner yourself.
In my humble opinion, chemtrails are the worst cover-up the dark agenda has ever pulled off. What can we do about it? Could we not organize a massive letter writing campaign to our Senators and Congressmen? How about the World Court? I’m sure this is an international problem. All those who wrote postcards to the World Court could write another one asking for a full scale investigation into these deadly chemtrails. Perhaps we could set up a web user group and take suggestions on possible actions to take.
I know you all did not want to hear this during this festive holiday season, but we did not start this war – they did – and now our babies are dying at home along with our young men in Iraq. Can we collectively change all these dark agenda plans? ABSOLUTELY! We can and we shall change them! We are the light warriors sent to do battle against the machine. Yes, we should continue to pray, focus, meditate, and hold the light for we have an unlimited number of helpers assisting us. Yes, we should continue to work on our own ascension as well as the planetary ascension. The consciousness of the planet is definitely rising and the evidence is all around us. All these activities should continue and even increase; however, we also have to be the eyes, ears, mouth, arms, and legs of Creator too. Dust off those camcorders that are sitting in your closet collecting dust and put them to good use. Let’s expose all the dirty tricks of these dark ones, for truth is our mightiest weapon!
Believe what St. Germain tells you regarding NESARA being here, but be extremely cautious of those who tell you “all is well in Zion” and to simply wait. Humans are dying on the altars of complacency while the dark killing machine rages on. It is time to say – NO MORE! Remember also that there no problems – only solutions. May each of us find our own solutions during these next few days in our heart of hearts! NESARA is written in our hearts – it is more than just an acronym – it is the key to the salvation of all humanity. BE NESARA every waking moment. We are the ones we have been waiting for!
In Humble Service,