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Don Hynes -

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jUNE 21, 2015

Now I awaken,

grief and fear

drained from my body,

words of prayer

green as summer

rising with the faith

of sunlight.

Like a black winged crow

brooding on the roof top

I pick at scavenger bits,

cawing to the world

my dissatisfaction,

but today I am stripped,

open like a river,

the voice of the eternal

written on a leaf,

on the sound of a bird.

We come as four nations

in the colors of our skin,

the circle we form

ancient and undying.

I bow as I enter

and take my place

among the stones,

the sea creatures,

the insects,

the humans.

We repent

and sing with joy,

forgive and are forgiven.

This day we dance

and the dance is for life.

Now I awaken.