CREATOR SOURCE: I woke Anne at 4 a.m. today and gave her the following message that I wanted to be penned and put out to the world. My message is to all the Lightworkers upon Earth Shan. I shall speak about judgement in this message, as it is one of the most important lessons each one of you must learn, even at this most precious time when Mother Earth is ready to graduate. I want to make sure that all of you hear and read this message and take to your own heart what I am saying. I said OWN heart.
Too often, even the Lightworkers pronounce judgement upon another enlightened one if they perceive that one is not following the Lighted Pathway according to them. Yes, there are those who do such, as they want everyone to think and do as THEY say to do. When they do not then, judgement is pronounced upon the soul of that person bringing untold harm. This is called judging falsely!
How often have each one of you done this to another enlightened one? Have you pronounced that they are not enlightened or enlightened enough according to YOUR standards? Have you given negative advice of discouragement, hopelessness and an essence of negativity that has made that person feel unworthy, and to weep in agony for what you have pronounced unto them?
Yes, this has happened. It is most important to realize that all Lightworkers are ONE with each other and ONE with CREATION and ONE with me. Each is on his/her own pathway to the Light.
At no time must any of you proclaim judgement falsely upon another enlightened one, for you shall reap upon yourself that in karma,
Have you pronounced your judgement falsely without asking if there is anything you can do to help that person? You must listen and offer your advice with love and caring WHEN ASKED to do so.
This is how the Dark Energies work. They seek to find any opening in your aura so you can criticize each other and cast doubt on their pathway or discouragement according to YOU. Any negative, false judgement given to another Lighted when not asked, may cause discouragement and doubt upon him/her. That negativity. my dear ones, only comes right back to you, for that is the Great Law of Returns. These Dark Ones are extremely delighted when even ONE Lightworker causes harm to another Lightworker, for they hope to catch even ONE of you in their net of evil.
How can you remove a speck in your brother or sister's eye, when you have a log in your own? Look to yourself and learn YOUR lessons. I said YOUR lessons, for each enlightened one has their own lessons to learn, and you are NOT to judge whether another one has passed his/her lessons or not. You are NOT ABLE to do such.
Stop whining about each other! Cast out the net of forgiveness, love and helpfulness when needed, and carry on with your own soul growth.
Remember, you judge yourself against the Laws of God and Creation. Let not the DarkSide enter your spaces, for if evil sees any opening he subtly comes in and makes his play upon you. Again I say that judging falsely another enlightened one only comes back at you.
Remember to not force YOUR will upon another. My advice is to pray and give hope and love to each of you for by that you gain much soul growth and are able to climb the mountain easily, and even run with ease up the steep, rocky slopes.
I am here, Creator Source to help any of you if you but ask. I give you love, hope, advice at anytime of the Earth day or night. I have all of you in my arms of great LOVE.
One last request. Please do read AGAIN Patrick's article entitled PEOPLE OF THE LIE: JUDGE WISELY found at
He has said most beautifully what I have said today in this message. Take it to heart.