St.Germain - 01.31.05
Through Mike Quinsey
Dear Ones, go about your work without fear, and you will not attract to yourselves the very things that are likely to threaten you. This applies all round and comes about because of the Law of Attraction. You must by now know that “like attracts like”, and although in instances where you fear a particular thing such as illness and wish to avoid it, by your thoughts you attract it to yourself. If you are working for the Light, you will be protected, but allowance does have to be made for any karmic situations that may be necessary. Even so, the circumstances would be used to your eventual advantage. For example, an attack against your person could lead to publicity that would help your cause, and you could have agreed to it in the interests of achieving your aims. Nothing ever happens by accident, so if you find yourselves caught up in situations that are not of your choosing, sooner or later the reason will become apparent. The Light is always dominant, but unlike the dark, works within the Universal Law and does not use force. If it did, it would end up being no better than the dark, which it opposes.
The Light also has a far reaching plan, and all of its actions at this time look ahead to the Ascension period. At the moment it has reached a critical point, where the dark have to be contained, so as to prevent an escalation of the Middle East war. The countries in this area are on edge, and they know that they have been the focus of the dark's ambitions to control all of the oil deposits. It would not take much to spark off a major war, and when those concerned have a nuclear capabilit, it is serious.
However, I wish to make it clear that by divine decree, it was given that a nuclear war would no longer be allowed to occur upon Earth. So, I hope that I have allayed your fears, which I may have been raised by bringing this matter to your attention.
The vast rings of spacecraft stationed around your Earth monitor everything that is happening at your military bases. Even if they are miles below the surface, it makes no difference, as there is no hiding place that cannot be reached. They have already shown that they are not only prepared, but also capable of disarming your nuclear devices, also, that they can go further and disable the more sophisticated weaponry, if necessary. So, I hope you can rest assured that in spite of the perceived threat to world peace, everything is under the control of the Galactic Federation. Allowance must, however, be made for your freewill, and karma must be allowed to work out, but I affirm that in no circumstances will the use of nuclear devices be permitted.
Now, more than ever you need to assert yourselves and hold the center ground. Let events come into your view, but if of the negative kind, let them pass by as quickly. Try not to get emotionally involved in them, and certainly do not give way to fear.
All is proceeding in accordance with the plan, and very soon the final pieces will fall into place. A great and glorious victory shall be ours, and a wonderful time of celebration is approaching. A great Love is already descending upon Earth. Draw it to yourselves now and spread it all around you. As always, also draw upon my Love and lift yourselves above the distractions of the dark.
I am St.Germain, and in my Love for you, ever lead you on to greater things than you can possibly envisage.
Thank you St.Germain.
Mike Quinsey