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St. Germain via Mike Quinsey 03.01.05.

Through Mike Quinsey

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ther person, a feeling that someone else cares about them. It may sound mundane, but even a few words about the weather can open up a short conversation that breaks the ice.

Such actions allow for the opening up of each individual, and it is surprising how much good it can bring. Not every one is inhibited, but many people are actually scared of talking to a stranger. They fear being rebuked or told to mind their own business. As a result they avoid contact, even if it is onl! y eye to eye.

All of these responses are part of a culture that brings you up believing you have a particular place in it. I talk not of good manners or customs that can differ widely from one country to another. There is a place for respect of another's beliefs, the same as you would expect for yourself. In what you call your modern society, so much tradition is ignored and sometimes belittled. It is about having your own values and keeping to them, and not allowing them to be eroded.

In the western world in particular there are great changes taking place, not all for the good but generally releasing people from the restraints of many a year. Some of the biggest changes have allowed women to come out of the closet, and they have found their place along side men. Centuries of prejudice against them have been overcome, and they have shown that they can achieve success in whatever they tackle. For so long the laws have been laid down in so many different ways, and many have been restrictive or intentionally draconian to keep women in their place.

Dear Ones, for as long as you can remember you have been told what you can, or cannot do. Clearly, in a society you need to have guidelines of how to behave, and, hopefully, in ways that prevent unacceptable behaviour. The fabric of society would collapse and pass into anarchy without some model that would respect the rights of others. Unfortunately, your modern concept of freedom of the individual has now gone to extremes, and the caring element has largely disappeared.

The dark, of course, revel in the breakdown of society, as their aim is to cause so much upset and confusion that fear is uppermost in people's minds. They, also, wish to make you totally reliant on their authority, and at a government level can impose harsh laws. Every opportunity is taken to put you under greater control, even if the necessity has been manufactured, such as 9/11 and other incidents. The dark "force the issue", and this makes you reflect on how much better it could all be if people actually cared for each other. How much better still if everyone loved each other and put other people before themselves.

I tell you, that eventually this is how it will be, and already so many of you try hard to live your lives on this basis. The simple act of sending out loving thoughts to someone else is so easy to do. Just try it and see how much better you feel about life, and yourself. The test is whether you can do it regardless of who is in your mind or sight. Sometimes, it could be your presumed enemy, and they would, in fact, be the very person to benefit from it. You cannot break down prejudice or barriers in any other way.There has to be a transmutation of the negative energies. You might be surprised how quickly changes can occur, and how people turn to you in friendship.

Helping people to turn to the Light is something all Lightworkers should be doing as a service to others. It is the key to spiritual progress. There is no longer any place for selfishness, and only the vibrations of Love will carry you forward. I see so many of you that have understood and learned this lesson, and put it into practise each day. You carry a great power with you, and it will, yet, result in the dark being overcome.

There is now little time to wait before the massive changes start, and these will bring the people of the Light to the fore, and they shall be the new leaders. How nice it will be to be able to express yourself freely in a loving and giving way.

I am St.Germain, and I will soon be among you again. I shall lead you to a successful Ascension, and together we shall have the most wonderful experiences. You shall soon forget the present trauma and chaos of your world, as we build it anew. Keep your eye on the prize It will shortly be yours to claim. I love you all.

Thank you St. Germain

Mike Quinsey

May the Universe Shower Blessings, Peace and Abundance Upon You! From the silence of your soul comes the voice of freedom. NESARA NOW WON! WORLD PEACE NOW WON!
